💛 Mingyu- DKZ 💛

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This imagine was requested by yanagirenjiidealtype

Me and my good friend Gerlyn both have a crush on the same guy, Jeon Mingyu. We fight over him sometimes but I think Gerlyn should date him as she is prettier than me so I can see her with Mingyu. I think they would be better suited than me and him would be. He is in my class at university. My law class as we are both studying law so I knew him first before Gerlyn got to know him. I wouldn't say that to her as I don't want to sound jealous. Mingyu's friend Kim Sehyeon really likes Gerlyn though and asked her out a few times but she doesn't like him in that way. Only as a friend. Like she doesn't really have feelings towards him. She only likes him as a friend. Nothing more. Both me and Gerlyn do have a crush on Mingyu that we can't help. I want him to notice that. I think he does like me as a friend. Gerlyn and I are roommates so we see each other like all the time so we can't get rid of each other. Haha. We take different classes so sometimes we don't see each other. I am on my way back to our dorm now. On the corridor, I bump into Mingyu. I try to swerve past him but he notices me. "Hi, Y/ N. Finished for the day" he said. "Yes I am. Heading to see Gerlyn" I say. "Oh tell her I said hi. You girls doing anything" Mingyu said. "No not particularly" i reply. "We'll me and Sehyeon are thinking of having a pizza and game night with a few friends later tonight. Join if you want" he said. "Sure. Mingyu. Thanks. I'll see what Gerlyn wants to do" I reply. "Okay text me if you're coming" Mingyu smiles. So I go back to our dorm and Gerlyn agrees to go so we join Mingyu, Sehyeon and friends and take up their offer

Gerlyn and I arrive at Mingyu and Sehyeon's dorm for their pizza and game party. Can't wait to join in and have some fun with them. So excited. I knock on the door and Sehyeon answers. "Hello, girls. Come in please. The more the merrier" he said. "Hey" Gerlyn said. "Hi" I say. "Pizza is on our way" Sehyeon said. "Ohhhhh good" Gerlyn replies. Both of us sit beside Mingyu. "Hey" he said. "Hey" we both say at the same time. I turned my head and looked at him but didn't say anything. Sehyeon sat next to Gerlyn at the other side and smiled at her. We all talked but a few minutes later the doorbell goes and it was the pizza delivery guy. Sehyeon pays him and we sit down and tuck in. A couple other of their friends were there but didn't really interact with us as we didn't really know them. They ordered enough pizza and sides to go with it. It was so good. After pizza we played games. Mingyu had been planning all the games for this evening. First we played charades. A fun game that all people love. I haven't played anything like that in a while. I was okay at it but I was even better at guessing. We did books, movies and songs in charades and it was fun. Next we played truth and dare. We sat in a circle on the floor and took it in turns. It was my go and Sehyeon spins the dial. "It's a truth, Y/ N" he said. "Okay" I reply. He picks up a card from the deck and reads. "Is your crush in this room?". I hesitated for a second as I didn't want to say my crush is Mingyu in front of everyone. Gerlyn looked over at me because she knew what I was going to say but I didn't. I get up and run out of the door. "Sorry I need some air for a minute" I say. I hear someone following me and it was Mingyu. "Y/ N, what's the matter where are you going?" he asks. "For some air I said" I reply. "You seem upset about something. What it is? Is it the game?"
Mingyu asked. "Yes. I couldn't answer that question" I reply. "You don't have tell me"
he asks. "My crush was in that room and it's you, Mingyu but Gerlyn has a crush on you too. I don't want to fall out with you over it or her. I have to live with her" I say. "Y/ N, I understand that you didn't want to say anything in there. Come back and have fun" Mingyu smiles. "Alright I guess. As long as there's no more awkward questions like that" I reply. "I'll make sure there isn't" he laughs. I chuckle back a bit. We were only gone a few minutes but everyone wondered where we were. Mingyu didn't say if he liked me back but maybe he does as he came running after me and was concerned. I guess only time will tell

Mingyu and I have been growing a bit closer over the last few weeks and it's been going good. I still have a crush on him even though I haven't said anything to him yet and I wouldn't just yet anyway. I am shy in front of guys especially cute ones and ones that my friend likes too. I know that Sehyeon still really likes Gerlyn though but she still doesn't feel the same back. She told me that that she only likes Mingyu but I like him too. We can't both have him unfortunately. Unless he wants to date us both but I don't think he's like that. I want to get to know Mingyu better though before I admit my feelings to him. I want to become better friends with him. Gerlyn doesn't know that Mingyu and I have been hanging out more. Don't want her to get jealous as I've seen her get jealous over things before. Silly little things before. Anyway she doesn't have to know everything I do. Mingyu wants to get ice cream tonight so I'm going with him to be best ice cream parlour in town. I am on my way to meet him in a few minutes. Looking forward to seeing Mingyu tonight and getting. I walk outside and meet him by the entrance. "Hey, you" I say. "Hi" he said. "What's up?" I say. "Haha can't wait to get ice cream with you, Y/ N. Let's roll" he said. So Mingyu and I walked to the ice cream to the ice cream place and joined the line and decided what we wanted. My favourite is always strawberry. Don't think I would ever go for anything different. We get our ice creams and find somewhere to sit. Mingyu got chocolate. We sit opposite each other and eat our ice creams together enjoying our time together. "You know we should get ice cream together more often" Mingyu said. "Yes we should. It's fun" I reply. We spend a while at the ice cream place and go for a little stroll after and then back to uni. "Let me walk you to your dorm" Mingyu said. "Sure. I'd like that" I smile. Mingyu walks me to my dorm. I open the door and walk in but Gerlyn sees us. "Y/ N, Mingyu" she said. "Hi, Gerlyn" he says. "Hey" I say. "So that's who you've been with?" Gerlyn said. "Sorry I didn't tell you. Didn't want you to be jealous of us spending time together" I reply. "I knew you two were spending time together. Would be nice to invite me" she said. "Sorry, Gerlyn" I say. "Yeah we will invite you next time" Mingyu said. "Well you know, Mingyu. I like you too. Y/ N likes but she's only using you because you're good looking. I truly like you" Gerlyn said. "No that's not true. I like Mingyu for the person he is" I say. "Okay, girls. I believe Y/ N, Gerlyn" Mingyu said. "Why do you have to go and be a jealous little bitch and ruin things for me?" I say. "Well it's not my fault you like the same guy as me. Mingyu, I don't get why you don't know me back" she said. Mingyu looks at her and walks away. I can't believe Gerlyn would be such a drama queen and ruin things for me. I like Mingyu and he likes me

Gerlyn didn't want anything to do with me as she was jealous over me and Mingyu spending time. I asked to move dorm and I've got my own one now which is better as I've got freedom. Not friends with Gerlyn anymore. She wasn't even a true friend anyway. Mingyu said I am better off without her and she was just jealous of me all along. Gerlyn always thinks she's got what it takes to be an idol. She thinks she looks like an idol. She reckons she looks like Dahyun from Twice but I don't think she's as pretty. I don't care if I never see her again. Don't know why a nice guy like Sehyeon liked her. Not friends anymore. Me and Mingyu are growing closer everyday and I think we are definitely getting somewhere. I like to invite Mingyu in my dorm most evenings we don't have study classes to talk and hangout. It's nice I've got my own freedom now. I am waiting for Mingyu to come by tonight to hangout with me. I've bought us some food tonight. Just some snacks. There is a knock on my door and I open it. "Hey" I say. "Hey, Y/ N. Can I come in?" Mingyu asks. "Sure of course" I laugh. He hugs me and comes in and sits on the chair at my desk. I sit on my bed. "Ohhhhh food. You shouldn't have, Y/ N" Mingyu said. "Yes I should've because you came round" I reply. "Awwww you're so kind, Y/ N. Thanks for feeding me again" Mingyu smiles. "You don't have to thank me" I reply. So we tuck into the snacks that I set out and just sat and talked between us. All the snacks had gone between us as we both were hungry. Definitely was worth getting those. "Y/ N, I am glad to see you smile after what Gerlyn did to you. Fuck her. She is pretentious anyway" Mingyu said. "Yeah I guess. Unfortunately some people are just like that. She wasn't my true friend. Not like you, Mingyu" I reply. "No she wasn't. You have much better friends than her" he said. "But, Mingyu you know I do like you more than a friend. A lot more than a friend" I say. "Me too but you already know that too, Y/ N. I do like you more. I've never liked anyone like I like you" Mingyu said. "Me too" I say. "Now can I kiss you and just forget the world" he asked. "Yes" I smiled. Mingyu hesitated for a second and then kissed me. Think that says that Mingyu and I have fallen for each other

A/ N: hope you like it yanagirenjiidealtype, enjoyed writing it once again. Mingyu is a little cutie I think

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