🧡 Dohwan- Ciipher 🧡

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This is my own original idea

This imagine is kinda based on A by GOT7

I have known and been friends with Ciipher's Gil Dohwan for a couple of years. He's always been the shy kinda guy. We share the same group of friends and got to know each other via them. Dohwan is really cute and sweet and I do have a crush on him. He is my type. I want to get closer to him as it would be nice. Dohwan is sweet to me. Well he is sweet to everyone. He's the kinda guy who is sweet to everyone. We do hangout with our friends but we should hangout just the two of us sometimes. I should suggest that to him sometime whenever he has time. I am seeing Dohwan today with our friends. We are going to the park to hangout as it's a nice day so we might as well make the most of it while we can. It's good to be outside and doing things with friends. We are all taking our own food to eat and probably getting ice cream later. I am almost ready to go now. The park is one of my favourite places to go when the weather is nice so we are going today and making the most of it. I get a cab down to the park as it's a little too far to walk. I arrived soon and see some of our friends waiting by the play area. Not Dohwan yet. He said he's running a bit late. He arrives a few minutes later. "Hi, everyone" Dohwan said. "Hi, Dohwan" I say. "Hey, Y/ N" he smiles. He greeted the others as well and we found somewhere to sit and start eating our food we brought. We talked about all sorts. Mainly what we had to eat. I have made myself a chicken salad sandwich. It was good. Actually my mom made it for me. Dohwan looked at me as I was eating my sandwich. I looked at him too. He doesn't say much. Just carries on eating. It was really cute though the way he looked at me. We enjoyed the nice and beautiful day in the park

We all continue to talk together in the park. I can see Dohwan looking at me again. I look at him. He still doesn't say a word but it was okay. I know he was being friendly by the way he looks at me. "Who wants ice cream?" one of our guy friends says. "Me I do" Dohwan replies. "Yep same I'll go and get everyone ice cream" I say. "I'll go too" Dohwan said. Dohwan and I go to the ice cream place to get some ice cream. "Y/ N, sorry I haven't talked to you much today. I swear I wasn't ignoring you" he said. "No it's fine. Don't worry. We will talk while we wait for ice cream" I reply. He smiles. We order everyone's ice cream but it's gonna take more than two of us to bring them back so we call one of our other friends over. Dohwan and I did talk for a few minutes while we waited for the ice creams to be made. We then took them back to the group. They all thanked us for our kindness. We said they didn't need to. We hung out with everyone in the park for a couple more hours. I waited for my taxi to arrive. Everyone else had gone. Dohwan walks up behind me and stands next to me. "Waiting for your ride home, Y/ N" He asks. "Yes I am" I reply. "I'll wait with you, keep you company" Dohwan said. "That would be nice" I reply. He waited with me till my ride camel which was lovely of him. "Dohwan, I was thinking. We should go out sometime just the two of us without everyone else. It would be nice. I always feel like we have to fit in with what everyone else is doing" I say. "Yes, Y/ N. I was thinking the same. That would be nice" he smiles. My taxi pulls up. "Anyway I have to go now but I will be in touch soon" I say. "Take care, Y/ N. Safe journey" Dohwan says. He smiles and waves as I get in the car. We had a great day in the park with our friends and Dohwan and I are looking forward to spending time just the two of us

Dohwan's POV

Y/ N have been seeing each other a couple of times since we went to the park with our friends. We are spending more time together without our friends which is nice. I already know Y/ N better and we haven't been doing this long. I am starting to fall for her more too. She is a great girl is Y/ N. Maybe I should ask her out soon if I feel like it that is. I've always been shy around girls though. Especially ones like Y/ N. There is something special about her in my mind. There isn't many girls like her. I want to tell her how I feel but I don't think I'm ready yet. Y/ N has invited me to her place today. She said her family is around but they won't think anything of it. She said we can have fun and play games for a while which is always good with me. I like playing games. I leave and arrive at Y/ N's place soon. I haven't been to her house before. Her parents are wealthy so she said they live in a big house but that's cool. I've always wanted a big house. I ring on the doorbell and wait for her to answer. She answers a moment later. "Hi, Dohwan. Come in please" she says. "Hi, Y/ N. How are you?" I say. "I'm very well. Thank you" she replies. Y/ N greets me with a smile and a hug. She shows me around her house and we stay in the lounge. "You have a lovely house, Y/ N" I say. "Thank you, Dohwan. It's always been home to me. Oh can I get you anything to eat or drink" she smiles. "Sure" I say. I asked for coffee so she went in the kitchen and made it for be very kindly. She puts on the TV and we see what's on. "Shall we play a game?" Y/ N suggests. "Sure" I reply. First we play Go-Stop, a Korean card game. It's a fun and addictive game for two people only. We played that for a while and then went onto Uno. My favourite game ever. I always win too. Y/ N's mom walks in as we are playing that. "Hi, Dohwan. Nice to finally meet you" she said. "Nice to finally meet you too, Mrs Y/ L/ N" I smile. "Looks like you two are having" she said. Y/ N's mom goes and leaves us in peace. All Y/ N and I did was play games but that was great with me. We had fun. "Can I get you anything, Dohwan?" Y/ N's mom asks. "No thank you, I'm good" I reply. Y/ N and I carried on playing games for a bit longer. I left after that. "Dohwanie, I don't want you to go" she said. "I don't want to go either but we had fun" I say. "Yes we did. I would ask my parents if you could crash on the couch for the night" Y/ N said. "It's okay don't worry" I say. "Okay take care. See you soon" she said. "You too" I reply. "Let me know when you're home" she said. "I will do. Don't worry" I reply. I get in my ride and go home. If only I could tell Y/ N how I feel about her but I'm not ready yet

A few weeks later and I've only seen Y/ N once since I went to her place. I am worried that she's not okay as I've not heard from her either. Maybe it's about time I told her how I feel. I think I'm ready to let her know how I feel but I just hope she's okay. I call her but she doesn't answer. I know where she lives so I'm gonna go down. I have bought Y/ N a dozen Roses to show her how much I like her. I hope she will accept them with grace. I get a lift to Y/ N's house. I have no idea if she's in but I hope she is. I take a deep breath and ring the doorbell. Y/ N's mom answers. "Hi, Dohwan" she said. "Hello, Mrs Y/ L/ N. I was wondering if Y/ N is around" I say. "Yes she's upstairs. I'll go and get her for you" she said. "Thank you" I smile. I wait outside with the flowers behind my back. Y/ N comes to the door a couple of minutes later. "Dohwan, hi" she said. "Hi, Y/ N. Just wondering if you're okay. I haven't heard from you. I was worried" I say. "I'm fine, Dohwan but thank you for your concern" Y/ N replies. I went silent for a moment while I thought what to say. "Y/ N, there is something I want to say to you. Something I've been wanting to say for a while" I say. "Okay" she replies. "I like you, Y/ N, I really like you. I've liked you since the moment I met you. You are a great girl as I want you to be mine. These are for you" I say handing her the flowers. "Thank you, Dohwan. That's really sweet of you. I like you too. I really do" Y/ N says. I take her hand and she steps outside and I look at her. "Will you be my girlfriend, Y/ N?" I say. He looks at me and gives me a smile. I know that's a yes. I pull her in and kiss her. I finally admitted my feelings to Y/ N and asked her to be my girlfriend

A/ N: I really like Ciipher's comeback. Think they are my fave new group of the year. My bias has changed from Keita to Tag. Well Tag just owns the stage doesn't he. How can you not love him. I also love Dohwan too. He's my second bias wrecker

Guys i don't think I'm being as original with my ideas. Tell me if I'm being boring

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