🤎 Donghyuk- ENOi/ BLANK2Y 🤎

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This imagine was requested by yanagirenjiidealtype

This imagine is based on Touch

BLANK2Y's Park Donghyuk and I just started dating. We have been friends for as long as I can remember. He is the nicest guy I know and I've always had feelings for him and he's always had feelings for me so we are dating and boyfriend and girlfriend now. I never thought we would end up falling for each other and dating. Never in a million years. It surprised me when he said he liked me back. Donghyuk is always one of those people who you can trust to tell anything to and he's always by my side throughout everything. That's the kind of people I need in my life. It's only been a few weeks since we started going out and it feels relatively new to us after being friends for so long but we are enjoying being a couple though. Donghyuk likes to hold my hand as we walk together which I find really cute and adorable. We like hanging out and doing things together. It passes the days when not much is happening. I do like seeing Donghyuk in the studio and seeing what he and the guys are up to. I know they have only just debuted and they are busy with things. I am seeing Donghyuk tonight after practice and we are eating out but we are eating out after 9pm as he doesn't finish till then. That's okay with me though. I don't mind eating late sometimes. I am getting ready now to meet Donghyuk soon. We'll eat together then we will probably go home after. He will be finishing soon so I get a move on with getting ready. Don't want to keep the man waiting too long. I get in a cab and arrive at the restaurant soon. Luckily Donghyuk wasn't there yet so I didn't keep him waiting. He told me to go inside and get a table if I was there before him so I did that. Donghyuk arrived a few minutes later. "Hi, sorry I'm late, busy day" he said. "Hello, Hyukie it's fine don't worry" I reply. "Sorry i didn't have time to get showered or changed. It was a quick turn around and I really wanted to eat with you, Y/ N. I know it's a bit late" he said. "Donghyuk, it's no big deal and I like you just the way you are" I smile. He smiles back. So we picked up a menu each and got looking to see what we wanted to eat and order quickly. We didn't have to wait long for our food

So Donghyuk and I enjoy our meal at the restaurant tonight and it was very delicious. We enjoyed the meal so much. Donghyuk and left the restaurant together when we finished eating and paid the cheque of course. We didn't leave without paying and we split it between us of course. "I know it's late, Y/ N and you're probably tired like I am but I don't want to leave your side yet. Let's go for a walk somewhere" Donghyuk suggests. "Yes of course. Anything that involves spending time with you" I reply. "Awwww, babe. You're the sweetest" he smiles. "No you're the sweetest, Hyukie" I smile. "No you're lying. It's definitely you" he said taking both of my hands as we go on a walk somewhere. Don't know where. Probably not through the park at this hour as you don't know who is around. Maybe dodgy people. We just walk and see where it takes us. I felt safe with Donghyuk of course. I wouldn't feel safe if I wasn't with him. Donghyuk makes me feel safe very much and I love being with him of course best in all the world. We carry on walking for a bit longer before stopping somewhere. We sit on a wall and look at each other. Donghyuk touches my hand and says "Y/ N, when I touch you I do feel something. Something I've never felt before in my life". "Yes me too, Donghyuk, you make me feel like that too" I say. "You make me feel special so special and I can't believe we were friends for so long before we caught feels for each other and now we are lovers" Donghyuk said. "Yes we were but I always knew I liked you. And we are lovers. I guess" i reply. "I liked you right from the get go" he said. As he touch my hand, I felt something and my heart skipped a beat and fluttered. It fluttered so much. "We should head home now. It's getting late" Donghyuk said. I agree. We made our way home by a cab. Dropped me too first and then Donghyuk went home as well. He walked me into my house and then kissed me goodbye and left. My heart fluttered again. Donghyuk and I are just at the start of this new thing. More than friends

Donghyuk and I have been dating for almost 3 months now and it's going really well. We've been planning a trip to the beach for the day for what feels like some time now. We are finally going to the beach today as it's a beautiful and warm day. Just the right day to go and we both have a day off too so can't wait to go to the beach for the first time together. I'm too excited. I have been out to buy a new bathing suit for our beach trip. Donghyuk has never seen me in a bathing suit before so I'm a little nervous about him seeing this much of me. I guess I won't be when we are on the beach together. I am getting ready now and I'll be on my way to see Donghyuk soon. Cannot wait to see him for our fun day. I put my bikini on underneath my clothes just to make it easier for later when we are there. I then pack my bag and then leave when I was ready. Meeting Donghyuk down there. Not long till we see each other now. I get dropped off at the beach and meet Donghyuk on the pier. He arrives a few minutes later in a summery shirt and his beach shorts. "Hey, beautiful" he smiles. "Hi, handsome" I smile. "You're as beach ready as me" he said. "Yes I am. Let's go. Been waiting for this day for forever" I say. He takes my hand and we walk onto the beach together. We laid down beach towels when we found somewhere to sit. Donghyuk takes off his top and we lay back and sunbathe. "Have you put sun screen on?" he asks, "No not yet. I actually forgot" I reply. "I don't want you to burn. I'll give you a hand" he said. I hesitantly took off my top and got the sun screen out of my bag and put some on. "I can't reach my back" I say. "Let me help you. Don't struggle" Donghyuk smiles grabbing the bottle of sun screen from me and he starts lathering it on my back. I felt chills when he touched my back like that. I felt something there but I didn't show it. "Thank you, Hyukie. Much appreciated" I smile. "No problem, babe. You don't have to thank me. I'm your boyfriend" Donghyuk smiles. "And you're the best one and cutest" i say squishing his face. "Oh, babe" he laughs. So Donghyuk and I sunbathe for a while and enjoy the warmth and being together of course. Donghyuk smiles at me and reaches my hand as we are sunbathing. I brought us some food and we ate it before taking a stroll on the beach to the water. Just the part of the beach I love. Donghyuk and I walk in close embrace. He gives me a piggyback as we go to the sea. "Hey, don't drop me" I say. "Haha I'll throw you in" he laughs. "You better be joking" I say. "Of course" Donghyuk laughs. We have a nice swim and paddle at the beach and I just wanted to stay there all day. If I had the choice I would of course indeed I would. Donghyuk and I got ice creams to finish off with. You can't go to the beach and not have ice cream. It's wrong. Perfect end to the perfect day at the beach. Such a perfect day it was

After our day at the beach, Donghyuk and I decided to go back to my place. He lives in a dorm with his BLANK2Y band mates but I don't really go there that often as it's not as private. Not that we always need privacy. We just wanted to spend more time together after our fun and amazing day on the beach. We arrived at my place and my parents and sister were home but they have known Donghyuk for as long as I have so they are fine with him being in our house. They say he is a sweet and respectful guy, good for me. So we arrived at my place and quietly walk in the door. My parents see us and they say hello to Donghyuk. They didn't want to be rude and ignore him of course. We go upstairs to my room and lay on my bed. "We will have to go back to the beach again soon. Cannot wait" Donghyuk said. "Yep definitely me too. I think we definitely should. I cannot wait to go again with you, Hyukie" I reply. "Oh me too, baby girl" he smiles. Donghyuk sits up and I sit up too. We look into each other's eyes and he touches my hand and we start kissing slowly like we do. He plays BLANK2Y's song Touch quietly on his phone as we kiss. I listen to the lyrics to the song as they are very appropriate to this moment lol. "With your touch that will make me born again" I say. "I feel like new, want you, love you" Donghyuk said. He wanted to take off my top but I stopped him. "Y/ N" he said. "I don't want you to see me with no clothes on" I say. "Well I've just seen you in a bikini and it was perfect" he replied. "Okay then go ahead" I say. He takes off my top and his too and we carry on making out and it felt so good. Yes we were just making out. Didn't take it to the next level yet. "Just the two of us, baby" Donghyuk said. "Yes absolutely forever" I reply. Donghyuk leaves soon after we had the best beach day ever

A/ N: I hope you liked it yanagirenjiidealtype. Enjoyed writing it again of course. Sorry I kept you waiting a while. Always look forward to writing imagines for you. BLANK2Y made their debut. Not my fave debut song I must admit but it was good. My favs are still Tempest, NINE.i and YOUNITE. I am in love with Siwoo from BLANK2Y. He is so attractive and cute. I fell off him before their debut. Donghyuk is of course cute. I know I say that about all new groups. Forgot he was in ENOi. Didn't follow them though

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