🤎 Yeonho- VERIVERY 🤎

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This imagine was requested by yanagirenjiidealtype

This imagine is kinda based on Gorilla by Pentagon

Ju Yeonho and I train at the same boxing gym run by former idol and Singles Inferno contestant Kang Soyeon. She is almost like a sister to me. She's known me since I was 15. Yeonho and I sometimes train together. Lately I have found myself developing feelings for him. I sometimes don't know what to say around him as I can be shy sometimes. Yeonho is a very good looking and handsome guy. I think that's what attracts me to him but he does get the attention from other women who go there. I'm sure he could have any woman he wants as long as she right for him. Maybe I should try and get myself noticed by him when I go to the gym to train. I don't want to make myself too obvious though. I do love going to the gym to box and train and to keep fit. I don't go everyday but when I can. I'm going today and maybe Yeonho will be there. I'll have to wait and see. Boxing can be a rough game for a woman but I love it. It's part of my life and I'm willing to take risks for it. I am on my way to the gym now. Soyeon should be there like every morning as it's her gym so she is there most of the time. I arrived and go in and start training with the punchbag. I see Soyeon walk in and she waves at me. I wave back. "You alright, Y/ N" she said. "Yeah I'm fine" I giggle. Soyeon smiles back. I carry on punching the punchbag. Just as I was about to finish, Yeonho walks into the gym with his boxing gloves on and starts boxing with one of his friends who was there. Yeonho turns around and he looks at me and gives me a smile. I smile back at him and go to the locker room to get my stuff and then go home. Bad timing. I kinda missed him. I was leaving and he just arrived. Maybe next I'll be lucky

A few days later and I am back at the boxing gym again. Hopefully I'll see Yeonho today. Hope so. I kinda missed him last time I was in the other day. I arrive at the gym about the usual time. I go into the changing room to put my things in the locker before going until the gym. I pass Yeonho on my way into the gym. "Hey" he said. "Hey" I say. "I'll be in a few minutes if you wanna wait and we can have a match" Yeonho said. "Sure that's cool with me" I reply. "Cool I'll see you in a few minutes" he said. I smile and go and wait in the gym for Yeonho. This is going to be good. We are having a boxing match against each other. We haven't had one in a while. Yeonho comes in a few minutes later and smiles at me. "Are you ready, Y/ N?" Yeonho said. "Yes I am" I smile. We get on our boxing gloves and start boxing against each other. "I'll go easy on you" Yeonho said. "Just because I'm a girl" I reply. "No not just because you're a girl" he said. We both laugh. He does go easy on me and doesn't punch me too hard. I've been punched hard before and I don't like it. That's what happens when you take up boxing though. We box each other for about half an or so before stopping and having a big drink of water. "That was fun, Y/ N. I wanna do it again" Yeonho said. "I'm sure we will at some point soon" I reply. "Okay it was nice seeing you, Y/ N. We should do that more often" he said. "Yes me too" I reply. "Definitely. Oh I realise that I don't have your number" Yeonho said. "Ah yeah same. We should correct that" I reply. We put each other's numbers into our phones and then go back to the changing rooms and get ready and leave to go home for the rest of the day

Yeonho and I have been hanging out and seeing each other more over the last couple of months. We have become close friends now. Now just acquaintances like we were before. I am really falling for him and I want to tell him one day just how I feel. I am a bit nervous about doing so. I am going to the boxing gym today. Hopefully Yeonho will be there as I want to see him big he wasn't let me know yet. He might be there or he might not be. I am on my way and I arrive there soon. Soyeon was by the front desk as I walk in. "Morning" I say. "Y/ N" Soyeon said. "What's going on?" I reply. She sounded like something bad had happened. "Have you heard about Yeonho this morning?" Soyeon asks. "No what's happened? Is he okay?" I reply. "We'll be was taken to hospital. He was boxing another guy and got hit in the head by accident and knocked unconscious. He wasn't responding so I had to call an ambulance to take him to hospital. He should be okay later" Soyeon tells me. "Oh my gosh. That's awful. Hope he's okay. I should go to him. I'm very worried" I reply. Soyeon tells me which hospital he was taken to. I try to call him but I know he won't answer. I hope he's not unconscious forever. I arrived at the hospital to the ER. I go and ask at the front desk. "Has a Ju Yeonho been brought here? I've been told he has" I say. "Yes he has about an hour ago, ma'am. Are you a relative?" the woman on reception said. "No I'm a friend" I reply. She doesn't say anything after. I wonder the hospital corridors to see if I could find Yeonho. Where the hell is he? I keep on thinking. The door was open to a room and a nurse walks in and I see Yeonho out the corner of my eye. "Yeonho, are you okay?" I say. "Are you a visitor, Miss?" the nurse said. "Yes" I reply. "Come in" she said. I go in and see Yeonho lying there still unconscious. Soyeon didn't make this up. I knew she wouldn't make it up. "Yeonho, it's me. Y/ N. I've come to see you" I say. I sit next to him and hold his hand. "Wake up please. I can't lose you. There is something I need to tell you" I say. I take a deep breath and say what I want to say. "I like you more than a friend, Yeonho. I am falling for you. I can't lose you. You're the only guy I like or love" I say. I see him opening one eye and he squeezes my hand. My gasp with excitement. "Y/ N" Yeonho said. "Yes I'm here" I smile. "Thank you. I think I love you" he said in a sleepy voice. I smile and cry a tear of happiness. Yeonho just woke up and said he loved me back. I was elated and so happy. He feels the same way

Yeonho came out of hospital a few days after he was knocked unconscious. He came round and is doing well and that's the main thing. I have seen him a few times since he got out of the hospital. He is making a good recovery so that's great and we are getting closer to each other. I feel like we are progressing somewhere. We definitely are. I glad Yeonho came out of it alive and is still here. Today we are hanging out and going out for dinner. We usually see each other most of the time in the boxing gym so it'll be nice to go somewhere else for a change. I saw him this morning at the boxing gym but I'm going to see him again. I am home getting ready now. I've had some studying to do when I got home so I've been doing that most of the day. When I was ready I leave to go to the restaurant to meet Yeonho. He said he got there not so long ago as he wanted to be early. I arrived at walk in the restaurant and see Yeonho and he waves to me. "Hi. I'm here" I say. "Hey, Y/ N. Wow! You look so nice" he said. "Thank you" I smile. "I got your favourite drink whips I was waiting" Yeonho said. "Thank you. That's so sweet of you" I smile. So Yeonho and I start talking as we look at the menus and order what we want when we decided. I knew what I wanted pretty much straight away when I started looking. Yeonho and I talked as we waited for our food to arrive. "Y/ N, it's just nice to spend some time with you away from the gym. Don't get me wrong. I love seeing you there but here is different" Yeonho said. "Yeah it is. Most definitely. I have to agree on that one" I reply. The food comes soon and Yeonho and I tuck in and enjoy our delicious meals. After the meal we got another drink each and then go outside. "Y/ N, there is something I want to ask and say to you" Yeonho said. "Go ahead" I reply. "Well I've been feeling this way for a while. Maybe I told you I loved you when I was in the hospital that time. Y/ N, you are like no other. Yes I do like you, Y/ N" he said. "I like you too. I was so worried about you when you had that accident. That shows I care about you a lot" I say. "You do and I care about you too so I'm asking you to be my girlfriend" Yeonho said. I smile and he stands closer to me and pulls me in for a kiss. That means we are an item. A match made in heaven

A/ N: hope you liked it. Thought I could do something different with this and a boxing themed imagine. Soyeon who was a contestant in Singles Inferno which I loved. Yeah she is cool. Thought the song sounded a bit boxing themed

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