❤️ Hongjoong- ATEEZ ❤️

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This is my own original idea

This imagine is based on Sector 1

I am in love with this guy, Kim Hongjoong is his name but we are from different sides. Different worlds. We are not meant to be together. Like we are from rival families that hate each other. Hongjoong is in love with me too but we just can't be together. If we could we would be together but it's not meant to be. We want to escape into the sector 1. A safe place to go but we are trapped in these different worlds that make it hard for us to see each other and be in love. I have never been in love before but I just fell for Hongjoong first ever time I saw him but I found out we were from different sides. I still wanted him the same and even more even though I knew we couldn't have each other. It hurts that we are being kept apart being on separate sides. We don't even have phones to call each other and keep in contact. We write to each other and try to sneak off to see each other when possible. I do often worry about Hongjoong and wonder if he's okay because he is from the violent crime side of the town. He's not bad. Not at all. He's just surrounded by bad people. Hongjoong is far from bad. He is lovely, sweet and kind. Everything that I dreamed of in a guy to fall in love with. He is a dream. My dream. Hongjoong and I last saw each other a few days ago but it was only for a few minutes. We never have long enough with each other these days. I lay on my bed and close my eyes and Hongjoong pops into my mind of course. I just miss him and we can't be together. Wish we could just run away together somewhere far far away. Like seriously and then we can be together safe in sector 1. Or alternatively we can just escape to another world or country and be together. I don't think Hongjoong can escape his world forever as they will find out where he is and they'll track him down and kill him. Hopefully we can find a way to be together somehow

The next evening and I'm laid on my bed thinking deeply about Hongjoong and wonder how he is doing and if he's thinking about me too. I bet he is. He always says he is. I was about to doze off to sleep when I heard a knock or a tap on my bedroom window. Like it came out of nowhere. I get up and go over to my window and there was Hongjoong stood before me like I was dreaming of. My boy, my love was right in front of me. "Joong"
I exclaim quietly. "Cupcake, I just wanted to see you as I'm missing you so much" he said. He always calls me cute names like cupcake which is adorable. He is irresistible and mine. Anyway I say "So glad you decided to come to see me?" I say. "Well I was missing you too much. Come outside, Y/ N" he said. "But people will see us, Joong" I reply. "Not if we are quiet and go to the back" Hongjoong said. "Okay" i say. I sneak out my window and climb out to join Hongjoong. I almost fell out but he caught me his arms. "Here you are. Safe with me, my beautiful love" Hongjoong said. I smile. We climb off the roof of my house and go round the side of my house. Hopefully my family won't hear any noise. "You're just so beautiful and perfect, Y/ N. I wish we could be together. I will find a way that's not risky" he said. "Hongjoong, I love you. It won't be safe for us to be together as we are from different worlds but you are my world" I say. "You are my world too and if I could have you I would marry you and spend the rest of my life with you" Hongjoong said. "Me too. Maybe one day. Maybe one day" I reply. "If I could get anyway from my side I would and choose to be with you. You know that, Y/ N" he says. "Yes I do, baby. I do" I say. "Well I love you. I should go before my people notice I'm gone" Hongjoong said. "Okay stop by again soon, Joongie" I say. "I certainly will. Next time when it's safe" he said. Hongjoong kisses me gently and sees me back up to my bedroom window. I smiled at him as I climbed back in my bedroom window and waved to him. Ah how he makes my heart skip a beat. We are destined to be together, if only we could be together

A couple of months later and Hongjoong and I have been planning to run away together to that place sector 1. It's meant to be a safe place. A place where we won't get seen and we will be together in peace and harmony hopefully. We plan on running away together during the night and meeting somewhere halfway and then leaving to sector 1 together. I spent this afternoon secretly packing my bag when no one was around. My parents don't know where I'm going. They don't even know I'm in love with Hongjoong or that he's from the opposite side. They would kill me if they found out because they think all people from the other side are bad but not Hongjoong though. I can reassure them that he isn't bad if they were to guess anything but they won't as I ain't telling them. It is late now and it's dark outside so I'm sneaking out to meet Hongjoong halfway. I'll have to walk for more than an hour to meet him as buses don't operate during the night. I made sure my parents were fast asleep before sneaking out my bedroom window. I got out of my window without falling or hurting myself which was good. I walked down the street and the street lights were on so I could see to find my way. Hongjoong was in my mind. I couldn't call him and tell him I was on my way as we don't have cellphones. No cellphones at all. I walk as fast as I can and try to keep safe from the darkness and whatever danger lies ahead. No dangers so far. It's safe enough. I kept on stopping for a drink of water. After walking for over an hour I finally reach the destination where I am meeting Hongjoong. There was a guy in a black hoodie walking towards me. He takes his hoodie and it was indeed Hongjoong. "Here you are" he said. "Yes I'm here. Finally. It's going to be safe and we are going to be together" I say. "Yes we are. We will be safe in sector 1 together forever" Hongjoong said. "We will stay forever?" I reply. "If forever let's us" he smiles. "Forever should let us. Hopefully" I reply. Hongjoong holds into my hand and we walk. Since it was during the night and we were tired. We had to find somewhere to sleep as we were tired so we found an alleyway. It wasn't too safe. I was scared. Hongjoong had to hold me tight and then I was okay. We are finally on our way to sector 1 to be together forever in a safe place

Hongjoong and I have been safe in sector 1 for a while. We have just been able to be ourselves and be together there which has been amazing. It's been heaven actually. My parents know I've gone and obviously I haven't heard anything from them as I don't have contact with anyone as we don't have cellphones here or anyhow. Don't need a phone when I've got my love with me. By my side. We are close and there is no separating us at the moment. I hope we never leave even though a time will come probably sooner rather than later. Hopefully not for ages. We found a safe place to hide in sector 1. It's a barn that doesn't seem to be in use so we bunked up there. May not be the safest place but it is for now. We can still get food and feed ourselves. My back is starting to hurt from sleeping on hay on the ground. The day has just started to dawn and I always get woken up by the sunlight in. I usually wake up when it's light outside. I open my eyes and sit up and yawn. I stand up as I needed to stretch my legs. "Baby, you're awake" Hongjoong yawns. "Yes I am because it is light and bright and beautiful" I reply. "Just like you. Good morning, my beautiful girl" he smiles. "I can't believe we get to wake up next to each other even though it's not in a bed" I say. "That doesn't matter as long as I get to see your face in the morning. We'll wake up in a bed one day" Hongjoong said. "Maybe maybe one day" I say. "For sure one day" he said. "As long as we got each other, Joong the rest don't matter" I say. "Yes I agree, baby" he said. He stands up and pulls me in for a kiss. "This is our home now. Our safe place" Hongjoong said. "Yes it seems like it is. Ours, Joongie. Ours" I say. "Yes I agree" he says pulling me in for another kiss. Hongjoong and I will be safe in sector 1 for now until we find another place to go. At least we can be together for now. We are safe, together and in love

A/ N: I think this imagine kinda sucked. Wanted to do one based on Sector 1 as it's a great song. Made it set in a bit of an alternate world. Hongjoong is the only member of ATEEZ I haven't done yet so I wanted to do him of course. Been listening to a lot of ATEEZ recently and deffo one of my fave groups. Loved them almost since debut. Seonghwa is my man

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