Caring for Eda

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This one shot is set sometime after Serkan's memory comes back. They have healed from the trauma, Eda has forgiven Serkan, but sometimes he still feels guilty for the things he did and said to Eda. They are living happily together but not yet married. This was a random idea that came to my mind and I thought it would be cute to see how Serkan would care for Eda in anything and everything. So it's about Eda's periods! 😂
PS:- I am already warning you for its length. It's almost 4k words of fluff and cute Edser.
It was a bright winter morning. Serkan woke up in his room in his apartment. He was happy that his relationship with Eda was going so smoothly, they were in so much love and best part was that Eda had forgiven him. They had closed that amnesia chapter completely from their lives and were happy now, working together in office on projects. Serkan had refused to take back Eda's share even though she tried to convince Serkan a lot that she never wanted them in the first place. So, now they both were partners and running the business successfully. It was their routine now- Serkan would pick up Eda from her house daily, go for walks or breakfast and then spend whole day in office and then either have dinner at Serkan's place or outside exploring different cafes. Sometimes Eda would stay at Serkan's house and they would end up making love, chatting, kissing or watching movie and somedays she would head back to her home because she didn't want Melo and her aunt to feel as if they were losing Eda. She made sure to give them attention, hence she was not completely willing to move in with Serkan when he had offered Eda about it. She had told that Melo and Ayfer aunt were the two people who supported her when Serkan went missing, hence she owed them that.
So today was one of the days when Eda was at her home. They had dinner together at Serkan's home last night and Eda wanted to go home as Ayfer hala was upset about some business related to flower shop, and Serkan understanding that she should be there for her aunt had dropped her at her home post dinner but only after giving her a tight hug and a passionate kiss outside her house.
So as soon as he woke up, he was already missing Eda. He showered, worked out for an hour to pass time before he could call her or go to pick her up as he had come to realisation during their relationship that she was a late riser. He got ready for office and then before leaving his house, he called Eda to inform her that he was on his way to pick her up. He did that always when he was supposed to pick her up so that she would wake up and be ready by the time he reaches her home. He chuckled at the thought that how happy he got everytime he saw Eda walk down the stairs of her house leaving him mesmerised.

But to his surprise Eda didn't pick up his call today. He tried again 2 times but the number went on no reply and then to voicemail. His brain had already started thinking different situations and he had to calm himself down because he almost panicked when she didn't even pick up on the 5th attempt.
He rushed to his car and drove to her house in record time jumping almost all red lights. He didn't care about the fines, he wanted to make sure his Eda was okay. He rushed up the stairs of her house and quickly knocked on the door. A minute later Melo opened the door and she looked worried judging by the expressions on her face.
"Melo, what happened? Where is Eda? She is not picking up my calls?" He asked in an anxious tone.
Melo invited him in "Good morning Eniste, come in please"
"Melo will you please tell me where is Eda? Is she okay? Why isn't she picking up my calls?" His worry and anxiety was rising by every minute.

"Actually Eda isn't feeling well since almost midnight. She couldn't catch some sleep and was so tired by the morning that she just dozed off early morning. I put her phone on silent so that she wouldn't be disturbed. I am sorry eniste, I forgot to inform you that and I am seeing now that you were so worried for her." Melo said in one breath feeling guilty that he didn't inform Serkan and he looked so worried.

"it's okay Melo, but what happened? Why is she not feeling well? Did you call the doctor? Should I call Dilek Hanim? Or I can take her to the hospital? Did she eat anything? She might be hungry.—" He said all this in one breath hell worried, but Melo chuckled and interrupted him.
He put her hand on his shoulder and said
"Calm down Eniste. It's nothing to worry about, we didn't call a doctor and there is no need to call Dilek Hanim because it's just her periods. She got them last night and she has been having cramps and pain because of that. Hence, she couldn't sleep. Ayfer hala had to rush out at night due to some urgent business at flower shop. She might be coming back any minute now. Meanwhile when I heard Eda was crying due to pain, I comforted her at night and stayed with her all night. I think she fell asleep around 5 in the morning."
As she was talking Ayfer hala entered the house and was a little surprised seeing Serkan there. Melo narrated the same to her. Meanwhile Serkan was a little relieved that it was nothing too serious and that his Eda was completely okay, just these periods messing up with his girl but he wanted to ask Melo and Ayfer Hanim something.

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