Don't you mess up with our daughter Pt. 2

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Serkan stepped out of the car and Selin was getting nervous. This time her plan had to work perfectly and she couldn't afford any glitches. She couldn't come face to face with Serkan atleast now.
So she literally ran to hide behind the nearest tree. Serkan reached Kiraz and again she was crying. Now his anger knew no bounds. Again under their noses, somebody had managed to talk to his daughter.
He looked all around but couldn't see anyone suspicious. Selin sighed in relief that Serkan didn't see her.
He quickly picked up Kiraz and hugged her tightly.
"Kiraz, shhh, stop crying. Shh. I am here baby."
He sighed when Kiraz calmed down slightly. He asked her softly,
"Bebegim, was that lady again here today? Did she talk to you?"
Kiraz just nodded against his neck.
"Kiraz, can you tell me which way she went? Please baby, see from here once if you can see her somewhere. I promise once you show me where she is, she will never come to talk to you again."
Kiraz looked up from his shoulder and saw all around. Then she finally pointed towards the gate.
"Baba, there she is. Look. Near that black car."
Serkan turned around quickly within a second and could only catch a glimpse of the woman hastily sitting in a car and driving away.
But only a glimpse was enough for him to understand that she was back to cause trouble in paradise.
He grew red with anger. Of all the possibilities, he hadn't even expected Selin to be coming back and doing this. He felt sick in the stomach and hugged Kiraz more tightly and stood there for a few minutes.
He didn't even need to see the security footages to confirm his doubt. Because he wasn't even doubtful in the first place, he was sure Selin was back to her manipulative self. Tears in his daughter's eyes were enough proof for that and he swore to himself in that moment that he would go to any length to protect his daughter and his wife from this twisted version of his childhood friend.
He was sure she was planning something and was already achieving it. Apart from anger, there was another emotion overpowering everything in his mind. He was scared, Serkan Bolat was scared for his daughter. He knew that this Selin would go to any lengths to harm his family and he had to be careful. Also he didn't even know where she was living or who she was with. So had to be extra cautious.
He rushed to his car and settled down Kiraz and straightaway went home. Atleast Bolat Estate was the safest option for now for Kiraz because ever since his father, Kemal bey had shifted to his mother's house, he had brought along a huge number of security personnel. Even though they were still pages apart on the father son bonding, he knew Kemal bey was a nice hearted man and definitely would stand for him in any situation. He could always rely on him as opposed to what he felt with Alptekin who he considered his father for 35 years of his life.
On the other hand, Selin was relieved that she didn't get caught unaware of the fact that Serkan had seen her. She was formulating her next plan.

Serkan reached home and quickly asked his mother to look after her for a while clearly instructing her and Seyfi to not let Kiraz out from their view at any cost. He asked his mother where Kemal bey was and he went to him.
Open entering Kemal bey's office-cum-study room, he lightly knocked.
"Kemal bey, can I talk to you for 5 minutes?"
"Of course Serkan, you don't have to ask. Come in."
"I know that we are nowhere close to father-son relationship Kemal bey, but I hope I can ask you for help."
"Serkan, yes, we weren't given a chance by life to be father and son for 35 years, but now, I would do anything to make that bond between us. I know it's a long road, but trust me, whenever you need me son, I am there for you. Whatever you want me to do, you just have to say once."
Serkan was grateful to hear this. He felt he finally had a father figure in his life just like her daughter had him now after 5 years of her life.
He smiled lightly at Kemal bey, and said
"I think I need your help. Eda isn't here and I can't stress her with what's happening until she comes back. Actually I am sure you would know about Selin. You also met her once when I didn't have my memories and she was my fiance. And I am sure my mother would have filled you about her."
"Evet Serkan, I think I am aware about her and her deeds. But why are you telling me this?"
"Kemal bey, she's back. She has been trying to manipulate Kiraz. I saw her myself rushing out of Kiraz's school. She is trying to break my family."
Kemal was surprised at what length this lady could go to get Serkan. He advised Serkan to be prepared with lawyers and offered his help to make sure Kiraz was safe. He was going to add some of his security discreetly around Kiraz so that no one knew and he was hell bent on doing anything to make sure his grand daughter remained safe. They discussed a few things and Serkan left to take Kiraz with him to his house across the estate. He was happy that he had this conversation with Kemal bey because it was going to help him a lot.
He played with Kiraz, helped her complete her homework and never let her out of his sight. Eda was supposed to come back anytime now. He was preparing himself to brace for impact when he would reveal Eda about Selin. He already knew she would get mad and angry.
It was almost sunset when Eda came back. Kiraz was beyond excited and happy to see her and rushed to hug her mother. Eda bent down and hugged her tightly. She took her up in her arms and moved towards Serkan who had been standing just behind Kiraz enjoying the view infront of him. It was this calm before the chaos.
Eda side hugged Serkan with Kiraz in her arms and Serkan gave a quick peck on her lips.
"Welcome back askim, we didn't even miss you a single bit, right Kiraz?" He happily joked with her and Kiraz nodded smiling from ear to ear.
"Ohh, I see, my babies didn't miss me. Hmmm, this means that Kiraz had a lot of ice cream. Am I right Kiraz? Did baba give you ice creams and chocolates and fries?" She fake pouted with anger.
"Baba, I told you not to tell anne. Uff you can't keep any secrets." She face palmed herself and Eda and Serkan laughed loudly seeing their daughter's antics.
"Kiraz, bebegim, I got you soooo many gifts. Come on. Go to your grandmother's house. I left the gifts with her. Go, go. Seyfi bey is waiting for you outside."
Kiraz ran outside happily leaving Eda and Serkan.
Eda ran into Serkan's arms and they hugged each other tightly. Eda spoke in the mid of hug.
"Serkan, what's the update on the matter? Did we get a hold of that person's name? Or atleast any other thing to start with?"
"Eda. We know who that lady is." Serkan spoke hesitantly.
"Eda, it's Selin. She's back. I saw her today leaving from Kiraz's school."
Eda pulled back from the hug with a shocked face. She had thought they had ended that chapter long ago but seems that Selin would never get over her obsession for Serkan.
"Serkan, noooo. No! She has destroyed us enough. I can't let her mess with my daughter now. No. Serkan we need to do something. We need to stop her. Nothing can happen to Kiraz. Serkan what does she want?"
"Eda calm down. Baby listen, I am trying to manage the situation. I have talked to Kemal bey, he will help us as much as possible. Currently Kiraz is going to stay with him and my mother here for a few days while we manage Selin. Kemal bey has also added more security people here. So she is completely safe here. And Eda, I talked to our lawyers. They assured me that we can press charges on behalf of Kiraz that she tried to manipulate her and they are sure she will suffer the consequences. Baby I have also talked to Ceren who was our lawyer 6 years ago and she pulled out the file that had all of Selin's mis deeds filed in that but we had not used those evidences earlier. We sympathised with her and let her go giving her a second chance. But I think that was our biggest mistake. I have also informed my contacts in police and they will be ready with back up incase anything happens. So calm down, don't worry. This time I won't let her even wander around my family. She is going to pay hard for what she tried doing to our daughter. Eda, I promise you that I am not going to sit down until Selin is behind the bars. Trust me."
"I trust you Serkan, but how are we going to get a hold on her? We don't even know about her whereabouts."
"Eda, I am going to ask you for something. You have to trust me."
"Serkan I trust you with my life. Come on tell me what are we planning to do?"
"Eda, we will have to step into her game. We will play around her and turn the ball in our court. We will have to play along."
"Serkan, we can't let our daughter get involved in this. It's too risky."
"No Eda, Kiraz will not be involved at all. It's just you and me. See if I am not wrong and as far as I know Selin, she wants to separate you and me and she was trying to use Kiraz as the medium. What if we show her she succeeded? She will automatically come out."
"What do you plan to do Serkan?"
"Eda, I talked to our PR head, she thinks if we even spread one fake news about us fighting or breaking apart, it will be enough. She will come out of her den and talk to me, and try to get back with me. With just some sweet words, I am sure I can manage to confess her true intentions. But Eda, we are only going to do this if you are comfortable with it. Otherwise we can find some other solution, but it would take some time."
"Evet Serkan, I am ready to do this. We do not have time. We need to get rid of Selin before it's too late. Let's do it."
They discussed their plan and they were determined to end this thing once for all. They had always been forgiving towards Selin when it came to their lives who she interfered with but now they were not going to spare her because she had meddled in their daughter's life. They were no more on submissive mode. They were ready to attack now. Poor Selin, she didn't know the power of love of parents for their children.
Next morning, they went to office together and met their PR head. This time the PR head they had appointed was a nice lady. No more PR obsessions with Serkan. She was smart and she asked them to fight outside the office maybe in the balcony so that the reporters that were reporting Selin would see this and go tell her. Once that was done, their PR head will spread fake news about their custody case only to a few reporters that she knew would be in contact with Selin. She assured that she will make sure this news doesn't come public and they end this Selin chapter before it and Kiraz would never know about this or get affected.
Serkan and Eda seemed convinced so they started with their plan. They called and informed his mother and Kemal bey to keep Kiraz with them and to make sure if there's any news about them in media, Kiraz shouldn't be shown that.
So after a little while they went to the conference room balcony and started fake fighting about Kiraz making sure it would be a little audible to any reporter who would know what he is looking for. Serkan through the corner of his eyes, saw across the road and somebody was actually filming them. Damn Selin was really predictable after all, he thought to himself.
He signalled Eda with his eyes that their plan was working and leaving Eda he went in. Eda acted to cry and went in a few minutes later.
When she came in and closed the door behind her, she quickly went to hug Serkan.
"Eda, it's okay babe. You know we were fake fighting. Why are you sad?"
"I don't like fighting with my husband even if it's fake." She winked at him and he smiled and hugged her tighter.
"Now what Serkan?"
"We have to wait now Eda, I am sure Selin is planning her next step now that she already has got the news that we had a fight. Let's wait for Melisa (their PR Head, I just invented this character) to do her work."
Almost a few hours later, Melisa informed them that she had tipped a few reporters about the fake custody news and their plan was going well.
Eda and Serkan went home separately so that Selin wouldn't doubt it because they were sure she was keeping tabs on them.
As expected, Selin made her move happily unaware of the fact that she was being played.
Around evening, she called Serkan. It was an unknown number but Serkan and Eda were sure it was Selin. They moved out of Kiraz's room and settled in their room and out the phone on speaker. It was time to play along.
Serkan spoke while Eda quietly listened to their conversation.
"Hello, who's this?"
"Mehraba Serkan. I am Selin. It's been a long time. I was just calling to know about you. Are you okay Serkan? I saw in news what Eda did to you. I am so sorry Serkan but know that I am here for you always. I would never lie to you like she did."
As much as their blood boiled to hear her honey coated poisoning words, they knew they had to play along. Serkan was outrageous and Eda lightly patted him on his thigh to let him know that he had to continue this facade.
"Hii Selin. I myself can't believe Eda did this. I am so disturbed with her actions. I just hope I get my daughter's custody." Serkan spoke the lies with so much difficulty but Eda kept holding his hand to give him strength and peace.
"Serkan, I know Eda did wrong. But believe me I will always want your good. I have an idea that can help you. Can we meet Serkan?"
"Selin even after I pushed you out of my life, you still think about my well being. I am grateful for that. I want you to meet her as well. She is smart, cute and beautiful. I am sure you are going to like her. She's my peri kizi."
Selin got so happy that Serkan was even ready to let her meet his daughter. Just a few sweet words from Serkan's mouth and she was already over the moon that this time her plan was working. She didn't even notice that Serkan had not taken Kiraz's name while saying the praises.
"Okay Serkan. I will come to your office tomorrow. I hope Eda will not be there to interfere while we talk. And I am so excited to meet your daughter. Take care."
As soon as the call was cut, Eda looked at Serkan with anger.
"Serkan, I am not allowing my daughter to meet that snake. No. This is not going to happen. Why did you say her this?"
"Eda, baby. Do you think I will let Selin meet Kiraz myself? No. What you forgot to notice as well is that I didn't mention that I am coming with Kiraz. You are my peri kizi that she is meeting tomorrow."
He laughed out and Eda understood his plan.
"Ohh poor Selin, she won't even know how and when she got hit and from where" Eda smirked.
They slept anticipating the new day that would hopefully be end of one of their most stubborn problems.
Next morning, they dropped Kiraz to his mother's house and assured her that they would be here to pick her up in a few hours and then they would give her a sweet surprise. Kiraz had been extra grumpy for a few days now because even that small conversations with Selin had been bothering her. Serkan and Eda knew this but that too handle Selin alone and hence Kiraz had to be left here with her grandparents.
They went to the office in separate cars and Eda went into their cafeteria while Serkan impatiently waited for Selin to show up. It was a Saturday so not many employees had come but still some were there and Serkan and Eda were satisfied that they would have eye witnesses to this issue.
An hour later, Selin entered Artlife, head held high and with a smirk. She thought, now she was back to her home. She was sure once she separates Eda and Serkan, she would get her place back in both Artlife and Serkan's life.
She straightaway went to Serkan's office and smiled widely seeing him.
She hugged him and Serkan had to control his anger of pushing her away.
She sat down and started speaking.
"Serkan, it's so good to see you after all these years. I know things ended on a bad note for us. But I will never leave you alone in bad times. So when I heard about your daughter, I decided to come back and help you. I can't believe Eda did this but it's good that you saw her true face better late than never. She she actually was here to take revenge from you."
Serkan was seeing red from anger but he had to be in control.
He spoke sugar coating his words.
"Selin, thank you for standing by my side. I don't know what to do. It's been a really bad year for me. But I have to make sure my daughter stays with me from now on."
"Evet Serkan, I am here for that. I will help you in that. See, I talked to a few lawyers and I have a plan if you want to hear."
Serkan just nodded and Selin continued.
"Serkan, 2 lawyers are on their way here. They will help you with the same. I will now walk you through our plan. See, we will tell court that Eda hid your daughter from you for 5 years. So definitely the ball's in your court because she will look like a bad woman. And now we only have to prove that she is a bad mother as well, negligent of your child. Serkan we can show that she went to Italy leaving her daughter here. And then you can also testify against her and say that she hits your daughter. And we can ask Kiraz to say the same for Eda. Serkan, with all your money and influence, it will be very easy to get her custody and then finally Eda will be out of your life. We will make Kiraz hate Eda."
She said the this with so much excitement and smile that Serkan felt like puking. How fucking sadist she was. She was ready to badmouth a mother to her kid. But he knew this was the time to attack. They already had a confession, thanks to the security cameras that they fixed in his office room last minute and the audio recording being done in his phone and also his IPad that was hidden between files just to be on safe side.
"Selin, Eda is not a bad mother. I believe my child couldn't have a better mother. But let's see. I will have to talk to my peri kizi first. If she is not comfortable, we will not do this. I will call her now. You can also meet her. The most beautiful, smart and cute fairy in the world."
Selin grinned ear to ear thinking that Serkan was so comfortable making her meet his daughter. She thought maybe things were really bad between him and Eda.
"Tamam Serkan, I can't wait to meet her. After all we are going to spend a lot of time together, we must get to know each other well."
She was already imagining herself living with Serkan.
Ohh poor Selin, Serkan thought to himself.
Selin's back was against the conference room door hence she didn't see Eda entering. She was also so elated that she was oblivious to any doubt.
Eda entered the room and signalled Serkan. Serkan spoke on cue.
"Ahh, Selin. Here she is. Here I want you to meet my peri kizi."
Selin turned around elated to finally meet Kiraz properly only to stop dead in her tracks. Eda stood in front of her with a smirk.
"Hii Selin. It's been a long time, but I see you still have not changed." Eda spoke smilingly.
She turned back towards Serkan and spoke.
"Serkan, what is this joke? I was supposed to meet Kiraz."
Before Serkan could speak, Eda spoke up.
"Selincim, you really think we would let you anywhere near our daughter, forget about talking or meeting. Of course, we couldn't stop you from meeting her. That's our biggest mistake."
Selin ignored Eda and asked Serkan.
"Serkan, see how she speaks to me. Serkan, we really need to take Kiraz's custody. I am sure Eda is a bad mother and we will prove it."
Just then there was a knock on the door and the two lawyers that Selin had called came in.
They smiled at Selin and Serkan asked them to sit. He sat as well with Eda settling herself down on one side of Serkan. Selin quickly sat down on the other side of Serkan.
Serkan spoke calmly "Ahh I believe you are the lawyers that Selin wanted me to meet."
One of them spoke.
"Evet Serkan bey, we are here to help you. However we were not expecting Mrs. Bolat here given what Selin hanim has told us about the case."
Eda and Serkan both smiled when they saw colors fading away from Selin's face. All that was ringing in her head was "MRS. BOLAT".
She spoke to the lawyers.
"I believe there is some confusion lawyer bey. Serkan is not married to Eda. She is Eda Yildiz." The lawyers had a brief eye contact with Serkan who nodded at them. And the lawyers understood that it was better to be on Serkan's side otherwise definitely this would be the end of their careers.
"Selin hanim, I think you are unaware of the fact that she is now Mrs. Eda Bolat."
Serkan spoke up.
"Evet Selin, when I told you about my peri kizi. She was the one I wanted you to meet."
Eda smirked and put her hand up a little.
"Hi Selin, pleased to meet you. I am Mrs. Serkan Bolat."
This was the point of no return for Selin. She lost it. She shouted at Eda.
"Shut up, you are lying. When did you get married. You guys are lying to me. There aren't any rings on your hands. Serkan are you seeing how she is manipulating you again? Serkan open your eyes."
When she spoke about rings, that's when Eda held Serkan's hand on the table and Selin noticed the same tattoo on their ring fingers. It was an E and S (just like they made it in the show) like an infinity sign and K in the middle of it.
Serkan spoke next.
"Selin who do you think you are? I am sure your press friends failed to inform you about our wedding because well there was no reporters invited. We kept it simple and that's why you missed to know about it. And I am sure now your plan is doomed."
"Serkan, how can you still believe Eda after what she did to you? She hid your daughter from you. The Serkan I know would never forgive anyone for such a big mistake. Open your eyes Serkan. Eda is not what she seems. All she wants is revenge. And I am sure that she is going to turn your daughter against you and even make her hate you." Selin shouted and both the lawyers now understood the whole situation.
Serkan's anger knew no bounds now.
He stood up and held Eda's hand who was trying to calm him down by gently stroking his arms.
Selin realised she had been played and shouted again.
Eda was now over the moon with anger.
She came infront of Serkan and spoke.
"How dare you Selin? How dare you say this? Ohh I understand why. Because you are jealous. You are jealous that I have everything that you wanted with Serkan. I am his wife and I am the mother of his child. But how dare you say even a word against our daughter. How dare you try to manipulate her? I understand now why. Because you don't have the pleasure of somebody calling you mother or you don't even understand what parenthood is. We as parents can bring down the whole world if our daughter is harmed. I don't think you will ever understand this Selin."
Selin raised her hand to slap Eda but Serkan came forward and held her hand tightly.
Selin moved back a little and again was going to shout.
But Serkan shouted,
"LEYLA.. Get the police in and also my lawyers."
Selin face dropped and there were tears in her eyes but nobody cared.
"Serkan what are you doing?" Selin spoke anxiously.
"Something that I should have done 6 years ago Selin, but I regret I didn't do it."
The lawyers walked in along with police officials and the lawyer spoke.
"Ms. Selin we have restraint orders against you for trying to mentally and emotionally abuse Serkan bey's daughter and also trying to physically abuse his wife."
"You have no proof of that. You can't arrest me."
The lawyers spoke,
"Ms. Selin we have the video and audio recordings from here as well as from the school yesterday. We have also been given enough evidences from past years to charge you for a few other cases as well. We are sure you will be sent to jail for a minimum of 10 years but we will make sure it is increased. We currently have a restraining order against you as you are a threat to Bolat family. We would also like to make contact with your lawyer. Ahh, I see you got lawyers. Are these your lawyers Selin hanim?"
Selin nodded but to her surprise, the lawyers she got refused and said they weren't going to support Selin hanim's mis deeds and nobody in their right minds would take up a case against the Bolats knowing they were right. Everybody knew Serkan Bolat's anger but now there were two of them. Eda Bolat was the fierce mother and nobody wanted to be on her bad side.
Selin shouted again "I am going to destroy you Eda. And I am going to destroy your daughter. You can't take Serkan away from me again. You stole him from me again. This time I am going to destroy your lifeline, your daughter.—"
Before she could continue, she felt a hard slap on her cheek.
Eda had slapped her hard and spoke angrily.
"This is something I should have done years ago. But better late than never Selin. I swear if you even breath the same air as my daughter ever again in your life, I am going to destroy you without any remorse or regret. Till now, you tried to harm me and Serkan and we always pitied you, sympathised with you and didn't take you to court, but now it's our daughter. And you should know nobody messes with our daughter."
"Selin, I am going to say this one last time, open your eyes, ears and mind and listen. I don't love you, I have never loved you and I never will. I have and will always love Eda. So move on. Stop trying to get me. I am not an object that you think on stealing all the time. I hope you have this clear. And I will see you in court now. I think Eda has made it very clear with her warning about our daughter. So keep that in mind as well."
Selin tried to free herself from the police clutches but they handcuffed her and took her away.
Eda sighed and relaxed a little that this problem had finally ended. Yes, there was a long road ahead for them in terms of court case against Selin but atleast she would be away from their daughter. She hugged Serkan and sniffled a little.
"Hey wifey, calm down. All is over now. And now are you ready to surprise Kiraz? I can't wait. Let's go. Hadii."
Even though they were mentally exhausted from the proceedings of the day, only one smile from their daughter was enough to re energise them and their daughter came running to their arms when they went back to Bolat estate.
"Anne, baba, I missed you. Where is my surprise baba?"
Eda giggled and took out her phone to record her reaction because she could never get enough of her daughter's laughters and smiles and wanted to preserve them for herself and her husband to watch again and again.
"Evet kizim, yes. We have your surprise. So your anne told me that you wanted to go somewhere for a long time. So, any guesses where we are going?"
Serkan smiled as Kiraz pouted to think. Then she shook her head.
"My princess, we are going to Disneyland tomorrow." Serkan spoke loudly with cute expressions and like a baby.
Kiraz squealed and jumped and excitingly ran in her father's arms and hugged him tightly.
"Yayy baba. You are the best. I love you. Yayy. I am going to Disneyland. Baba, can we also take Can and his parents with us please? Baba he is my best friend."
"Tamam tamam Kirazcim, we will."
Eda smiled with some happy tears at the site infront of her.
All is well if it ends well thought Eda to herself. The day had definitely ended well for them and she rushed to hug her family who were waiting for her with open arms.

The end!
So finally ending this damn long two shot. Do let me know in comments if you liked it.
PS:- I haven't proofread it. So apologising for any mistakes.

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