Arranged to love 💖

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Hey guys. I am totally trying something new in this OS. A lot of you wanted to read Edser arranged marriage stories. So here it is.

A big Thankyou to millie2wolfhard  for helping me complete this OS. Literally half of it is her idea ❤️😘

Plot: Imagine when in the initial episodes, Eda kisses Serkan in the press conference and it has consequences. To control the situation and out of anger, Serkan sues Eda for million dollars for harming her project and reputation and the sue contract states that if she isn't able to repay the amount, she will have to marry Serkan for 6 months and then get divorced to save his personal, family's and his company's reputation.
So Eda has no option but to get married to him because she can't get that much money arranged.

They get married in court and only Engin and Aydan knows about their fake marriage. Everyone else believes that they were in love and hence got married. Selin has a fair doubt that this is all an act and she is trying to get to the bottom of it.

Eda was awfully quiet during their drive back home after they got married in court in front of Engin, Selin, Piril, Leyla, her friends and aunt. Of course the world, including her friends and aunt believed that they really married out of love and hence the tradition demanded for them to stay in one home post marriage.

So Seyfi had picked all her stuff from her aunt's house and shifted it to Serkan's house. He was still going to live in the house next to his mom's which meant Eda was also supposed to live there.

Eda was looking out of the window, trying to keep her tears controlled. This was not how she had dreamed to get married. It was all wrong. Even though the Bolats had arranged for a beautiful wedding dress for her, because they just wanted to maintain their status and reputation, Eda had felt horrible. She was getting married just because she had made the mistake of kissing him in public and the consequences had been this for her. She had tried to even arrange 1/4th of the sued money in last 10 days but nobody was willing to give her that much amount, even on loans.

Her aunt's flower shop was out of question to be sold. She would never do that to her aunt and even if she did, they would never make that much of money out of it. Hence she had no other option but to marry this jerk and asshole. That is what Eda had called him every single time in her mind.

Officially she was his wife now. Until they would get the divorce claiming adjustment issues to save his reputation.

He stopped the car when they entered his estate and he stepped out and Eda stepped out as well, trying to gather her wedding dress carefully and not let it get stuck in the car door.

Without any words, she followed him to his house.. no.. their house now. She was surprised with its beauty and the decor. It all looked beautiful.

He opened the door of the living room and let her in and closed the door behind him.

"Umm, that is my bedroom. And here is the guest room. You can use that. All your stuff has already been put there by Seyfi." He said plainly, removing his bow and coat.

"Thankyou." Eda said back without any emotions in her voice and walked towards the room.
"We have a reception party tomorrow afternoon. Your dress for the party is already ordered. It will be delivered by the designer to tonight." Serkan said as she opened the door to the guest room.

Eda turned to look at him and nodded and then went back to her room and slammed it shut behind her.

With great difficulty, she unzipped the dress and changed into a jeans and tshirt and went on to place her clothes and other stuff in the cupboards and around the room.

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