Giving in to my feelings

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Well, another one of you guys' prompts. This idea was given by @jetblackwxrds. Thankyou for the prompt. Also, some others also wanted an unfaithful Serkan to Selin or EdSer having sex in amnesia plot, so here it is.

Plot: When Eda's presentation gets deleted and amnesiac Serkan comes to help Eda, leaving Selin behind in resort. They work hard to make the project again and then successfully deliver the presentation.

Starts when Eda hugs Serkan after their client leaves post presentation.


Eda immediately hugs Serkan, thankful for him turning up last minute to save her and the company from embarrassment and huge deal loss. She had never in a million years expected this Serkan, not hers to begin with, to show up, to basically come back from a mini vacation to help her. He even brought coffee from their favourite place and Eda, just for a minute wanted to believe that this was her Serkan, the pre plane crash Serkan.

But she didn't hope much. She knew he was not. He probably came to save company from the huge loss. She didn't want to let go of that hug, not when he had wrapped his arms around her and hugged her back. She wanted to remain engulfed in his arms. It felt so good after so long.
But she knew she had to let go.

She slowly stepped back from the hug and looked around awkwardly. Even he did the same. Suddenly, the air around them felt heavier and they had no clue what to do. The hug had brought so much peace to Eda and Serkan and they had reluctantly separated from the hug.

"Umm. I guess. I.. I will just head home. Thankyou again for helping me Serkan. It means a lot." She spoke.

"Ne demek. It's our company. We help each other. And I am sure you would have done the same for me." He replied. "But aren't you coming to the resort?"

"No. I am really tired. I want to go home." She said picking up her stuff.

"Eda. Come on. The resort is really good. You will have fun." He said desperately.

He was sad seeing her work so hard and then not be willing to go to the vacation where everyone was enjoying. She was definitely not what Selin had painted her to be. Why would she leave a vacation behind to remake the project if she wanted to destroy the holding.

"I don't feel like driving all the way to there. I am tired. I guess it's better I just head home." She replied sadly.

"Eda. You can come with me in my car. I can drive you there." He said immediately. He didn't want to leave her behind and go alone, his heart wasn't agreeing to that.

"Serkan.. I don't think.. that's a good idea. I mean, Selin isn't going to like it." She said softly.

"Eda.. what Selin thinks doesn't.."

Before he could continue, Eda's phone rang and she saw the client who they had just given presentation to call.

She quickly picked up,
"Ahh mehraba Omer bey."


"Ahh tamam. Tamam. I will do it at the earliest and send you. Thankyou for the deal." Eda replied to whatever Omer bey spoke over call.

She cut the phone and sighed.
"What happened Eda?" Serkan asked worriedly.

"Ohh. Nothing. We got the deal. I just have to make a few changes that Omer bey wants by midnight and he will sign the deal." Eda replied excitedly.

"What? What do you mean you have to do changes by tonight? Eda are you sure you can work more?" Serkan asked worriedly.

"Ahh evet evet. The deal is important. I can't let it go. It's just 2-3 hours more of work. I will complete it at the earliest. You can go Serkan. Don't spoil your vacation." She said pulling her laptop back out from her handbag and sitting on her chair.

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