Pregnancy Chronicles - 3

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Sorry guys, really on writer's block with the other two incomplete stories. So sorry for that. Will complete them soon. But here is a short one shot that I wanted to write.

Eda's delivery date was due in 10 days. And Eda was already on maternity leave from the last 1 month. While Serkan was completing his pending projects before he took paternity leave and handed over the reigns of the company in Engin's and Piril's hand. He was on his last business trip to a site 2 hours away from Istanbul. It was the handover of the completed hotel to the owner. And then within next 3 days he would be free and on leave for the next 3 months atleast enjoying and helping Eda take care of their first child, their daughter.
But that morning he had woken up to crying Eda. Her pregnancy was extremely emotional and Serkan was always tending to her mood swings. That morning she had told him to not go for that business trip. She wanted him with her which was unusual because lately he was literally being kicked out of the house due to his overprotective nature for Eda and baby and sometimes he really frustrated Eda.
He assured Eda that he would be back in couple of hours, he would just complete the final handover formalities and then be on way back because even he didn't want to be away from Eda at this crucial time. Of course her due date was 10 days later but he still wanted to be near her. Well he would be after he came back from this visit.
So he sadly parted with Eda and left for his meeting while Eda sat down talking to Ayfer hala and Aydan hanim and Seyfi who were given the responsibility of taking care of her while he was away.
And of course it had to happen today. Her water broke today. And she went into labour. The exact day when he would be away from Istanbul. The exact time when he had just reached the site and was in meeting with the owners of the hotel.
Eda's water broke while she was going to kitchen to grab a glass of juice for herself. She immediately alerted the people present in the house and was actually thankful that they were there for her. She was in good hands. Seyfi alerted her doctor and Aydan dialled Serkan while Ayfer helped her sit on a chair to calm her down.
Aydan had just dialled the number when Eda literally snatched the phone from her hands wanting to herself talk to her husband as she felt the first contraction.
Serkan picked up on the first bell because since Eda's pregnancy he had his phone with himself all the time not missing a single call or message.
"Evet anne? Everything okay? Eda's okay? I am in a meeting."
Eda was already in pain and also irritated because of her hormones and angry at him because she had asked him not to leave today. It was just a gut feeling.
Her voice cracked with pain as she spoke.
Serkan was already alerted and out of the meeting room now literally running towards his car.
"Eda? What happened? Are you alright baby? Eda? Eda talk to me. Please."
"Serkan.. my.. my water broke... I.. I am in labour. I want you here. Aahhh." And another contraction. The pain was increasing now.
"I am on way baby. I will be there before you know. Eda.. Eda. Take care. I am coming. Go to hospital." He said as he cut the phone, turned around to inform Leyla that Eda was in labour and he needed to go. He asked Leyla to inform everyone in the meeting room that his wife was in labour and he was leaving, and that Engin would be here in 2 hours to replace him. And to inform Engin all this. Leyla nodded and wished him and Eda all the best as he sat down in the car and literally rushed out of the site.
As he drove towards Istanbul at a freaking high speed, he called his mother again on speaker.
"Anne, anne, how's Eda? Are you guys going to hospital? Have you informed her doctor? Give her something to eat Anne. Also some water for her."
"Serkan, calm down. Calm down. She is okay. The contractions are increasing. We are on way to hospital. We have informed the doctor Serkan. But you just come back soon."
"I am on way mom. I will be there soon. Let me talk to her. Please give phone to her."
Aydan passed on the phone to Eda who was crying in pain in car while Seyfi was driving.
"Eda. Eda. Baby. I am coming in an hour. Please hold on there. I will be there at the earliest my love. Please take care of yourself and calm down. I am sorry Eda I had to go today. You even said me to not go today. I am really sorry. But I promise to be there at the earliest. Are you okay? How's the pain Eda? Eda our baby's coming my love. Our wait is over Eda. She will be in our arms in a few hours sweetheart. Just hold on a little."
"Serkan. Please come soon. I..aaahhhhh.  I need you. Please. I.. I love you Serkan."
"I love you too Eda. I love you and my girl in there so much. I am on way Eda. I will be there before you know. Okay?"
"Okay Serkan. Ahhhhh. It's so painful Serkan."
"Eda. Sweetheart remember our good times, our love. You will feel better. I will be there in an hour Eda."
"Okay. Drive safely Serkan."
Eda cut the call and held onto her stomach tightly as contractions jerked her with pain.
Serkan felt really guilty for not being there for her at this time. And he drove extremely fast today not caring about any speed fines that he would get. Plus having a fucking 2 door sports car was an added benefit. Thank god, he had chosen to drive this one today rather than their new family car that they had bought a few days ago.
Eda reached the hospital and was immediately admitted into the private room aa her doctor examined her and told her that it was still 3-4 hours before their daughter would be born. So she still would be in labour and pain for the next 3 hours.
Eda sat down on the hospital bed with Ayfer and Aydan holding her hands as she cried in pain because of contractions. She was also getting frustrated because Serkan was still not here. She badly needed him right now.
A few minutes later she literally shouted, "Get me on a phone with my husband right now."
Ayfer pacified her and spoke, "Eda sweetheart he will be here at the earliest. Calm down. He is driving Eda."
"Hala just call him please."
Ayfer nodded and called Serkan. She passed on the phone to Eda as he picked up.
Serkan chuckled at her words but also was worried for Eda. He spoke, "I promise Eda. Just 10 minutes and I will be there. I promise."
Aydan and Ayfer chuckled as well listening to her antiques. They all knew pregnant Eda had been a handful for Serkan. Because of his dark circles and sleepy face for the last few months, but he never complained even once. They had also been briefed a little about her mood swings by Serkan. So they knew it was an extremely emotional and moody pregnancy for Eda.
Exactly 10 minutes later Serkan walked in the hospital with a box of cupcakes and her favourite flowers which he was thankful to Erdem for. Once in a blue moon Erdem had decided to be actually helpful to Serkan. On way Serkan called Erdem to get him these things at the hospital entrance since Leyla was still at that site and Erdem had actually followed the instructions carefully and got in time.
Serkan rushed to Eda's room, a private room for VIPs which was on ground floor as he had made sure she wouldn't have to use lift in distress.
He saw Eda on the bed sitting with her hands on her stomach and yelping in pain.
"Eda." He called out and she quickly looked at him with a smile on her face.
"Serkan." She held out her hand and he happily rushed to her and gave her the bouquet getting a giggle from her. He kept the box of cupcakes aside and quickly side hugged her placing a kiss on her hair.
"Eda. I am here. I am so sorry for leaving. I am here now. And seems like our daughter will be here as well super soon. Eda, we will finally meet her sweetheart."
Eda nodded and smiled.
"Serkan. I.. It pains a lot. She is kicking continuously plus these contractions. And the doctor says it will take another 2-3 hours before she decides to come out. She is stubborn as you."
Serkan frowned and spoke smiling, "stubborn as you or stubborn as me? Hmm? Come on Eda, we all know who is more stubborn among the two of us."
Eda giggled and Serkan placed a kiss on her lips while the nurse walked in handing over a hospital gown to Eda who was till now wearing a loose dress.
"Eda hanim, can you please change? And then the doctor will check once again."
"Sure." Serkan spoke and took the pack of gown from nurse's hand.
He nodded at Ayfer and Aydan who left the room happy that Serkan was finally here.
Serkan turned towards Eda holding out his hand for her.
"Come on baby. I will help you get changed." He helped Eda get out of the bed and walked with her to their private bathroom while Eda's contractions were now increasing by the minute.
Eda held onto his shoulders as he slipped off her current dress and put on the hospital gown for her buttoning it up.
"Effendim baby?"
"I love you. I am sorry for shouting on you like that and on being so moody throughout my pregnancy. I can never thank you enough for you never complaining and listening to me and tending to my mood swings. Serkan, I am sorry for literally not letting you sleep whole nights while I knew you had to work the whole day and for kicking you out of the house. Thankyou Serkan for being there for me. I.. don't deserve you. I.. I promise to make it up to you." She said with tears in her eyes. Serkan was surprised to hear this.
He quickly kept his finger on her mouth before she could say anything else and with other hand wiped away her tears.
"Eda.. shhh. Baby. You don't have to apologise. Don't ever say sorry to me or don't ever say that you don't deserve me. Eda. I love you so much. And I love our daughter so much. Eda you are giving me the costliest gift of my life, our life. The most precious one. I can't thank you ever enough.  And I loved pampering you Eda. I loved seeing your mood swings. Sweetheart you don't have to make up for it. Believe me I will always be the same even if we have a dozen other babies. And should I remind you that your mood swings and your messed up hormones  gave us some of the best sex experiences of our lives?" He said grinning and Eda blushed hard at that and hugged him.
"Serkan. Shut up. Dozen other babies? Are you crazy?" She asked with her face buried in his chest while he caressed her hair and laughed.
"Okay okay not a dozen, but atleast one more baby?"
Eda laughed and spoke, "Serkan, first help me get this eager one out, your spoilt princess. She is already inheriting her dad's stubbornness and attitude. Then we will talk about another one."
"Tamam tamam. But remember you are the strongest woman I have ever met Eda. And you are going to be the best mother."
Eda smiled and Serkan helped her back in the room. The doctor checked her and informed her that probably in about 1.5-2 hours she would be dilated enough to deliver the baby and that her pain will now increase. And it was happening. She was now literally crying in pain. Ayfer and Aydan and Melo were present in the room along with Serkan helping her calm down.
"Eda baby. Come on do some breathing exercises. Doctor said it will help. Breathe in... breathe out... breathe in. Breathe out." Eda did as Serkan told him meanwhile Serkan removed his blazer and rolled up his sleeves and settled down on bed with Eda rubbing her back.
"Serkan.aahhh. I can't. It's too much pain. I can't. Aahhh."
"Eda baby. You can do this. We can do this. Here squeeze my hand. Come on." Eda held onto his hands squeezing his hands when she felt contractions.
"Dada, my niece will be here sooon. Hold on for some time. Do you want me to massage your hands?" Melo spoke sitting on other side of bed massaging Eda's arms.
"Thankyou Melo." Eda spoke.
Eda was getting quite uncomfortable. She stood up from bed moving to and fro with pain. But Serkan held her and hugged her to him.
"Easy baby. Just one hour more. Exhale.. inhale."
Eda was crying in pain and held onto his shoulders while he rubbed her back tenderly. She stood there for a long time leaning all her weight onto Serkan as he rubbed her back.
"Serkan can you sing please? My favourite song?" Eda asked him and he nodded happily.
Aydan and Ayfer gave them some space and left the room while Melo sat there video filming this because they really wanted to keep it as a memory for themselves.
Serkan started singing her favourite song and Eda relaxed listening to it. Her head was on his chest and she was giving light pecks on his neck. Just ghost of the kisses.
And finally it was now time of delivery. Eda had endured her labour and now was ready to give birth.
The doctors came in as well as nurses and only one person was allowed in with Eda to minimise risk of infection. So everyone excused themselves for Serkan to stay with her.
"Eda hanim, we need you to lay down on the bed, rather half lay and then you have to use whole of your strength to start pushing. Your husband can sit back with you as a support."
Serkan nodded and helped Eda settle down on bed and then he crawled onto bed behind her such that she was sitting between his legs and her back was on his chest. Eda leaned back on his chest and held onto his hands.
"Eda are you okay? Are you comfortable like this?"
Eda nodded and smiled at him.
"Okay then. We need to start pushing sweetheart. Come on baby, let's get our little princess out in the world."
Eda started pushing harder and harder as Serkan held onto her and helped massage her back and arms while she cried in pain.
And 15 minutes later, 15 minutes of pain, they heard their daughter's first cry. Eda was hell tired and exhausted and she completely leaned back on Serkan and let go of her weight crying seeing their baby. Doctors held the baby while asking who would like to cut the cord. Eda whispered looking at Serkan, "Ayfer hala and Aydan anne."
Serkan smiled through his own tears and nurse called for them to cut baby's cord which they happily obliged. The nurse then gave the baby in Eda's arms for the first mother baby contact as she laid back on Serkan's chest.
They both cried the moment they saw their baby girl in her arms. With that beautiful big brown eyes and red hair as Serkan's. She was actually the perfect combination of her parents.
Serkan kissed Eda's forehead as she kissed her daughter's and Melo took this exact moment to capture their first photo with their baby.
Everyone around them cried happy tears when Serkan and Eda spoke.
"Hii Amara Bolat. Welcome to the world princess. We love you baby."
And that's when the family got to know their little princess' name. Because till now Eda and Serkan had kept it under covers and only wanted to tell everyone after she was born. They all congratulated Eda and Serkan and moved out of the room giving the couple and newly found family much needed privacy.
A few minutes later, the nurse knocked and walked in speaking, "Mr and Mrs. Bolat, we need to take Amara for a few check ups, just 30 minutes. Then we will give her back to you. She has to stay in close contact with mother. So in the meantime if you want Eda hanim, you can take a hot shower and get yourself relaxed and clean."
Serkan and Eda nodded sadly handing Amara to the nurse. They didn't want her to be away from their eyes for even a minute but the check ups were important. After the nurse left the room, Serkan picked up Eda in his arms and carried her to the bathroom and opened the shower for her, helping her clean up and take that much needed shower.
He helped her slip back into another hospital gown while he himself washed his hands and face and changed into more comfortable piece of clothing, trackpants and a tshirt that Seyfi had brought for him.
They went back into the room and he helped Eda lay down on the bed who was extremely exhausted by now.
"I love you Eda so much. Thankyou for bringing Amara into this world."
"I love you so much Serkan. Thankyou for being by my side. But I am really tired. And I already miss Amara."
"I know sweetheart, she is already taken over my whole heart. She will be coming back any minute now and then you both can get some rest baby."
Eda nodded and just then the nurse walked back with Amara and handed it over to Eda.
Amara had slept already, so Eda kept her close to her chest and dozed off in her husband's arms who still was emotional and silently crying seeing the view in front of him.

Do leave your comments guys!
And the other two stories will definitely be completed super soon.

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