Antalya's magic pt. 1

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So guys, the comments on my last author's note were hugeeee! I never expected to get 80 comments on that. I generally do not get this much comments. So Thankyou all for commenting.

Now, the plot that was voted for the most was Fake engagement plot. So I definitely have to agree. I am writing this one on that and then maybe another 1-2 stories on fake engagement and then I will move to second most voted, Amnesia plot.

Plot:- This one is set during their Antalya trip. Remember when Eda was so excited to enjoy on beach and in Antalya but our Robot Bolat was work, work and work and how he initially refuses to take Eda along with him. I always felt the initial Serkan was toooo rude on Eda. So what if he refuses to take her along with him and she gets irritated and impulsive and goes out on her own. 


"Tamam. Tamam. Now even if you want to, I will not go with you." Eda said making the sad pouty face and extremely irritated. She just wanted to go enjoy Antalya and he was going alone, why can't he take her along?

"I am not asking you to come with me Eda." He said packing his backpack and picking it up, wearing it on one of his arm.

"Tamam. I will go on my own now." Eda said making a face at him.

"Tamam. I will be late at night or maybe come early morning. I have duplicate keys for room. So you can go to sleep." Serkan said leaving the room.

Eda rolled her eyes and her impulsivity and frustration with being treated so rudely took the best out of her. As soon as he left, she changed her clothes into shorts and a tank top and took her phone and keys and left the room. She didn't have any particular place to go in mind but her impulsivity made her leave the room. Just because she was pissed off at Serkan. Did he really hate her so much, he didn't even want to go with her to roam around?
She took out her phone and checked the list of must visit places in Antalya and she chose to go to a famous restaurant first to eat something. She was hungry.

She went out of the hotel, it was 10 at night. But luckily she didn't need to take a taxi, the restaurant was just a walking distance from the hotel, along the beach. She loved beach. So, she decided to take that scenic route, wondering how much that guy hated her when she was not feeling the same now. She had accepted to herself that she had kind of started loving him. A little. But, she had also made her mind and heart clear that she didn't have a chance with him, he was running after his ex, hence the contract. So, she had painfully silenced her inner thoughts. She did agree that every time he came in front of her, her heart did a hundred somersaults. But she knew she had to keep her feelings just to herself, he had shown on various occasions that he didn't enjoy her company.

Was it the fact that she was just a flower girl or was it the fact that she wasn't rich or was it the fact that she wasn't a graduate that made him despise her so much? She wondered as she walked along the beach, her earphones in and a tear or two flowing down.

Meanwhile, Serkan had gone just a little away when he felt terribly bad for leaving her like that. She just innocently wanted to go with him and see Antalya's beauty, but he just rudely refused her. He felt terrible for doing that. His mind knew why he was being rude to her. She was the only woman who had managed to bulldoze her way into his high walled heart. He had admitted to himself that maybe, maybe his robotic heart was capable of loving someone. But he knew she hated him. She just wanted this contract to be over soon and hence, he had to protect his heart and keep his feelings to himself.

He decided to go back to room and if she would be awake, he would politely ask her to go with him. He had been to Antalya a lot of times, but it was her first time and he had seen how excited she was to be visiting this place. He mentally cursed himself for being so rude to her. He went back to the room and opened it. He didn't see Eda anywhere. He checked the balcony, but no she wasn't there. Maybe she would be in washroom. He lightly knocked on the bathroom door and called her name. But the door was open and she wasn't there as well.

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