I will stay away from you Pt. 1

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So I decided to continue with the fake engagement plot, at least for this one.
And then I promise to amnesia plot,
although my mind is diverting me to family Edser.
So you will have to wait and watch what comes next! 😂

Anyways, enjoy this one!
I am definitely partial towards Eda, if we see the initial episodes, Serkan seemed rude to her for no reasons at all. And it's on a little sadder side.

Plot:- Set after Serkan shouts at Eda to stay away from him, not try to come close to him. So Eda decides to do that because Serkan was shitty at her for no reason. You might want to have a sneak peak at episode 3 to get a hang of this.


After their fight in the balcony of his office, Eda left angry and frustrated. She just wanted to have a normal dialogue with him, like a human and he had accused her of getting too close to him, for overstepping the boundaries of contract last night.
All because he had bared his soul to someone, he had shown her the stars and he had cared for her, wrapping his coat around her, the night of their fake engagement. He had never let his guard down in years and he wasn't going to do it now for a girl who hated him and who was going to be out of his life in 2 months.

Eda felt extremely angry and frustrated with Serkan. She felt like shit trying to get to know him or talk to him normally. Clearly he was bothered by her company and she was going to step back now, only the minimum required interactions with him now.

Her mood was already upset today due to some personal reasons and she felt like crying now. But she won't ever give Serkan the pleasure of seeing her like this, broken and affected with his words. Her pride and ego kept her walking out of the room and settling in her chair, looking at the work assigned to her.

Okay, it was a very easy landscape. I will be able to complete it in a few hours and be out of this office by afternoon, she thought to herself.

She didn't even glance a single look at him throughout the morning. He wanted her to stay away, hell she will stay so much away from him now, he will come close to her, she mentally applauded herself for this idea.

Serkan's anger had still not calmed as he saw her ignoring her. She didn't come in his office, no, barged in his office even once. He could see her working diligently in front of the laptop. He felt weird. He had kept his emotions at the backstage for a long time, just focusing on his work, Artlife and the holding. And Eda had managed to bulldoze the walls and guards of his heart down within a week and he felt scared of that.

So he had to protect his own self and stay away from this impulsive and weird girl. And he had made up his mind to do that.
Initially he had felt bad for fighting with her like that. But then he chided himself for showing emotions he wasn't ready to admit yet. And plus that ignoring attitude of hers after that just fuelled his male ego and he grew more angry.

Around afternoon, he thought to go out and have a look at the employee work and also indirectly seeing what Eda was doing.
He went out and found Eda talking to Melo about something.

He walked by and overheard their conversation,
"Dada, Deniz called me. He is coming to Istanbul today." Melo said excitedly.

Serkan's ear were up now. Who's Deniz? Why is Melo excited about this guy? And waiiit. Eda's face suddenly lit up.

"Reallly? Oh my god." Eda said back equally excited.

Serkan walked to an employee sitting just at the back of Eda and asked him to show his project while his ears were in Eda's talks.

"It's been so long. Maybe 3-4 years. Right Melo? He has been gone for too long now." Eda said thinking.

"Evet, but now he is back. So let's plan something. Let's go out."
"Tamam. We can plan something." Eda spoke excited.

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