His happy family!

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Okay guys. So a cute fluff short one shot. Just a happy family Edser.

Serkan was driving back from a 3 day long business trip. A port project almost 5-6 hours away from Istanbul. Hence he had decided to drive there last minute rather than taking the plane. He and Engin both were required to inspect the place and draw a rough draft and give finance report and meet investors. So they were away for 3 days from their families and terribly missing them. Video calls didn't really do justice and both of them were terribly missing their children. Engin couldn't wait to go back to his son Can and his 2 month pregnant wife and Serkan was desperate to meet his peri kizi, 6 year old Kiraz and 1 and a half year old Alp.
He wished he could take them along and even Engin wanted to but they knew it was a boring place, no fun and activities for their families. Hence, they preferred to do the work fast and then rush back to their families.
They worked tirelessly and almost not sleeping for 3 consecutive days so they could finalise everything at the earliest and leave for home.

It was around 9 at night when Serkan dropped Engin off to his house and sped back to his home. Eda and Serkan had bought a house, a big one for that matter almost on the outskirts of Istanbul wanting to have a quiet life for their kids away from the hustle of the city and paparazzi for sure. And as Eda always dreamt, Serkan had found them a sea facing house. Serkan entered the estate, handed over the car to their chauffeur and rushed in the house not wanting any further delay to meet his family finally after 3 long days.

He was dead tired and exhausted because he had literally done 7 days of work in 3 days and nights with Engin sacrificing their sleep to be with their families earlier.

But all his exhaustion flew away from his body as he entered his house, inhaling that deep scent of Eda at first. The floral sweet fragrance that he would never get tired off and then his eyes searched for her. He saw her standing by their living room window, a literal window in place of whole wall that overlooked the calm sea. She was wearing her nightgown, well Serkan's favourite to start with, her satin red lingerie covered by her matching satin nightgown hiding all the curves of her body he loved to explore. He remembered that she had surprised him wearing this on their first meeting anniversary. Serkan chuckled at the thought. He not only had to remember his wedding anniversary along with his family's birthdays but also his first meeting with Eda anniversary, his first kiss anniversary, his first date anniversary, his and her proposal anniversary. Well he didn't complain at all, because every single of these anniversaries, he would get the sweetest and sexiest surprises from her. Well hers would be probably more in their bedroom while he treated Eda with gifts and dinners on these anniversaries. Plus, wasn't his brain trained to memorise literally everything. So he didn't mind remembering a few more dates.

And he saw Alp in Eda's arms as he was sobbing lightly. Eda was rocking him to sleep as she spoke somethings to him. He entered the house and closing the door lightly behind him as he tiptoed to her. He could hear her talking childishly to Alp. He stood there listening to her.
"Alp. Baby. Calm down my love. Your baba is coming any minute now.. yessss. Your baba... we have to give him a surprise right?" She said caressing Alp's back as she held him to her chest.
Alp cooed and babbled a little trying to make meaningful words. They had noticed 2 weeks ago that now he was trying to catch onto words that people around him spoke.

"Alp, you want to know something about your dad?" Eda said smiling at Alp not noticing Serkan standing a few steps behind her. She was busy looking at the sea and then Alp crying.
"Okay. So when your dad was a robot, when I met him. You know what he did?" She said excited and gaining Alp's attention.
"Alp your robot dad never even looked at sea. One time we went on lunch together and all he did was keep looking at his phone. And then I had to literally scold your dad to enjoy the view. And from then on, he never failed to enjoy the beautiful views, the sunsets and the sunrises and you know he bought this house for us so that we can also enjoy nature. You love sea, right? You are mama's boy, right Alp?"
She said tickling him and getting the sweetest laughs from Alp.

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