I am no one without you Pt. 1

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This is going to be a roller coaster ride full of emotions, so grab your tissue boxes.
Set during the amnesia plot, when Serkan proposes Selin infront of Eda. (Eda doesn't do the fake engagement with Deniz and all that drama.)

PS:- another super long chapter and trigger warning ⚠️: it has miscarriage in it. So read at your own discretion.
Also it is a two shot since it was getting too long so I decided to break it up in 2 parts.

All night Eda couldn't sleep, even if she as much as closed her eyes, she would have nightmares. She rested her back against the bed backboard and cried all night. This was her breaking point.
She tried so hard for Serkan to remember, but how do you make someone remember their past if they themselves aren't willing to.
She didn't want to pressurise him, she was done. She had to make decisions for herself and her baby. She had to take care of her baby alone now. She had got to know a few days ago but didn't share it with anyone because she wanted Serkan to be the first one to know when he returns. She was going to tell Serkan today after she tried making him remember after the kiss. But he had gone rushing to Selin and she couldn't handle that stress anymore.
First thing in the morning, she called Ceren and asked her to prepare documents to transfer the shares back to Serkan. She asked Ceren to not tell Serkan anything about it.
She informed Hala and Melo of her decision and they couldn't say her anything because Eda was adamant. She was done with Bolats now.
She called Deniz on her way to office and asked him to book her a ticket to any place faraway from Turkey. She was in first trimester now but soon there was going to be a baby bump and people would start noticing. She didn't want her baby to be born in this negative environment. So she had to leave and go somehow faraway where she could give her child a normal upbringing. It was her child now. She decided to tell only Hala, and Melo before leaving because only these people deserved to know. But for now she was debating on whether to tell Serkan or not. One part of her wanted to let him know about the baby but the other part thought that he didn't deserve to know. But then she made the final decision.
She reached Artlife and all eyes were fixed on her. She looked at the faces of employees, Piril, Engin, Erdem, Leyla. Everyone had a sympathetic or pity expressions on her face but she didn't want anyone's pity, hence she ignored all of them, even Engin who tried to talk to her.
She walked inside the conference room and prepared herself for the conversation to follow.
To her surprise, Serkan was sitting there along with Selin who was smirking at Eda.
She ignored it and looked straight into Serkan's eyes. Serkan's heart dropped when he saw Eda's face. Her eyes were swollen and puffy and dull as if someone had sucked the light out of it. Her face was out of the usual shine and playfulness that Serkan had observed for the past few days. He couldn't comprehend his own emotions. Why was he feeling sad seeing Eda like this. Isn't this what he wanted, to show Eda that his past didn't matter to him. He had achieved it but he wasn't happy.
Eda moved towards Serkan's side and reached down and kept her ring on the table and drew a long breath before speaking.
"I know it doesn't matter to you. But I can't wear this anymore after yesterday night. You can do whatever the hell you want with this ring Serkan. Throw it away or keep it, I don't care anymore. By the way Congratulations to you two on your engagement. Congratulations Selin you finally got what you wanted. By the way, I would like to talk to Serkan alone. Excuse us Selin."
She didn't want anyone else to know about her baby and hence she wanted to speak to Serkan alone.
"Why Eda? So that you can manipulate him again? That's why you want to talk alone? I won't let this happen Eda. You can't harm my fiance anymore." Selin spoke smilingly emphasising on the fiance part.
"I know Selin, and I won't manipulate him. There's something that he must know. Can you please leave Selin?"
Serkan was standing there listening to both the ladies and he was somewhat afraid of being with Eda alone after yesterday night. She was a stubborn and fierce woman and the kiss they had yesterday had created havoc in Serkan's mind and hence he went to propose Selin. He didn't want to do anything extreme again being in close vicinity to Eda that too alone.
Meanwhile Selin spoke again.
"I am his fiance Eda. I am sure we don't want to keep any secrets between us. So you can speak with both of us." Selin spoke because she wasn't ready to lose this time. She knew Eda was already affecting Serkan and she didn't want to leave him alone with Eda again.
Eda looked at Serkan for support but he looked away and something inside Eda broke. He didn't want to speak to her alone. So she had to do it infront of Selin now. Nevermind, she was already leaving the country in a few days so nobody would harm her child she thought.
"Okay. I will tell here itself then. I wanted this to be something between me and Serkan but I don't think I have that right anymore. So here it is."
She tried to gather all the courage she had and spoke.
"I am pregnant. Two months"
All the color drained from Selin's face while Serkan looked extremely shocked. Selin couldn't see her plan failing and she had to take things in her control.
She spoke venomously.
"I see Eda that's why you wanted to speak to Serkan alone? So you could manipulate him into leaving me and living with you? I can't believe Eda, how much are you going to lie and fall to win Serkan? If you were pregnant why didn't you tell earlier? Why now when he proposed me? Because you want to break us. Thank god, I decided to stay here otherwise I don't know what lies you would have made him believe."
Selin kept her hand on Serkan's arms who was speechless and still staring at Eda with mouth wide open. He didn't know what to do or say. On one hand whatever Selin had told him about Eda in the last 2 months was running in his mind and on the other Eda's I am pregnant words running in loops. His mind was in a mess and it started hurting. He didn't know what to do. Was Eda actually pregnant with his child? Should he be happy or should he avoid all this situation? As far as he remembered, he never wanted to get married and he never wanted children. Then how was he going to accept a child with the woman he didn't even remember while being engaged to someone else. There was chaos in his mind. He kept quiet for a long time before speaking slowly.
"It's my child."
Eda nodded at him with streams of tears running down her face. She had a little hope that Serkan might accept the child. But then Selin spoke again.
"Serkan we don't know if it's your child or not? Or we don't even know if she is pregnant or if she is lying? Come on, if she is pregnant, why does no one else know or why did she not say it earlier when you returned. Serkan I am telling you she is making it up because she saw all her other plans failing when you proposed me yesterday night."
Serkan kept quiet not knowing how to proceed on this. His mind was processing a lot of things. By now he had come to the realisation that Eda was not the lying type but a child. A child was too much to think about. He needed time to process all of this.
Whatever little hope Eda had, it broke completely when she looked at Serkan but he was quiet. Her already broken heart broke further into a million pieces. She stepped back a little. She didn't have the energy to defend herself anymore. No, She was not going to defend herself and her baby infront of the people who didn't want to believe her. So she turned and left. Her face full of tears and broken. She didn't even expect Serkan to accept the child but she was at least expecting Serkan to believe her. But now she was sure that her Serkan died in the plane crash and that it was only her and her baby now willing to fight the world for themselves. She thought that her decision of moving out was a right one.
Her hands instinctively went to her stomach and she clutched onto that as she walked out of Artlife.
She felt a slight pain in her abdomen which was increasing by the minute. She barely managed to open the door of Artlife and fell down. Melo, Ferit and Ceren were almost getting out of their car when they saw Eda falling. They rushed to her and took her in their arms and took her to the hospital. On the way, Eda felt immense pain in her abdomen. She was semi conscious and in Melo's lap who was asking her to keep her eyes open but held her stomach as tight as possible for her and whispered.
"Melo, I..I am pregnant. Save my child. Please."
She fell unconscious saying this and Melo, Ceren and Ferit were shocked.
They reached the hospital and informed Ayfer hala on the way.
A few hours later, Eda opened her eyes and adjusted herself to the hospital surroundings. Her hands went to her abdomen and she looked around, spotting Ayfer Hala and Melo sitting on the couch.
She spoke and Ayfer quickly rushed to her.
"Edacim, how are you? Are you feeling okay?"
She could see Melo and Ayfer's sad faces and she mustered the courage to ask one question that would make or break her.
"My baby? How's my baby?"
She saw tears rolling down both their faces and she knew it. She knew she had lost her baby."
She asked it.
"My baby? Tell me? Why are you guys quiet?"
Ayfer hala spoke.
"Eda.. Eda my love, doctors couldn't save it. They tried their best but you had already miscarried it by the time Ceren and Ferit brought you to the hospital. I am sorry Eda."
They broke down crying and Eda was numb. She had uncontrolled tears flowing down and she screamed. As loud as she could, she screamed in pain and cried. Ayfer hugged her tightly and she screamed and screamed holding onto Ayfer hala's chest.
Ayfer, Melo in the room and Ferit and Ceren standing outside the room were sure that this was going to be their nightmare for years to come, Eda's pain would haunt them and keep them up at nights for a long time.
"I lost it. I lost my baby. I lost the only thing I had left of Serkan. I can't live. I can't live like this." Eda spoke sobbing before she passed out.
The doctors had given her a sedative to ease her pain and she dozed off.
A few hours later, her eyes fluttered open and she was numb. A thousand things running in her head. She didn't know what to say or do.
She lightly called Ceren who had now replaced Melo and was sitting on the couch.
"Effendim Eda."
"I don't want him to know."
Eda nodded and spoke.
"Please send him the documents of his shares and don't tell him about this. I will leave in a few days. I don't want to see him."
Ayfer who was listening to all this spoke.
"Eda, you can't leave like this. Doctors have to keep you here for atleast 5-10 days before you will have enough strength to walk out of the hospital. Please Eda. Please listen to doctors and take care of yourself."
"I have no purpose to take care of myself now. I lost my heart. I lost my baby."
On the other hand Serkan was restless the whole day. The moment he had recovered from the shock of Eda's revelations, he wanted to talk to her, to see her but Selin stopped him. He managed to lock himself in his office upstairs to have some alone time and tried calling Eda a hundred times but she was not picking up. He thought that he was going to talk to her first thing in the morning when she comes to office tomorrow morning. But his heart was aching. He didn't know what was happening but he was restless. He waited all day for Eda to come back to office but she didn't and he left for his home at night promising himself to talk to her in the morning.

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