And the weekend!

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Hey guys, sorry for not being really active on Cherry Blossoms. I swear I am trying a lot with it but at the end of the day it feels exhausting to write something that emotional, I feel like I did a big mistake starting that story and now disappointing you all by not giving regular updates. But please know, I am trying my best 🙂.

Now, this is like a sequel to the last part.

Enjoy! Happy reading.

PS:- 🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞.


Serkan sat in his home office drawing a blueprint. He was a little sad and disappointed. Eda had promised to spend the weekend with him but here he was on a Friday night working on a project while he should have been watching a movie with her while cuddled in his living room as he had originally planned. He had also fixed up quite an elaborative and what he generally called "unhealthy" menu for her, cooking most of the dishes himself.

He had spent the entire Friday afternoon and evening preparing for their movie date taking advantage of the fact that his schedule for the afternoon had no meetings scheduled, so he had taken the afternoon off from Art Life.

As he had started making the dessert, her favourite chocolate cheesecake, he had received Eda's call, who told him that there had been an urgent test announcement in the following week by one of her professors and she wasn't prepared for it all and that her friends had planned a group study for tonight and she asked if he would mind if she went there.

Of course Serkan understood that keeping up at the top of class was important and especially for Eda who was studying on scholarship but he had been really looking forward to this weekend. They were hardly spending time together because of her hectic class schedule and then group projects which kept Eda busy most of the time. It felt that they were in a long distance relationship now even though they lived in the same city. He hadn't seen her in last 4 days and he just felt a little sad being ignored by her.

She wasn't ignoring him but he felt insecure for the first time in his life. What if she was bored of him or worse, what if she had found some other guy who was way more handsome, and funnier than him? He shook his head, he knew Eda loved her. He shouldn't feel insecure, she was just trying to cope up with the last semester and then she would be his. In front of his eyes all the time.
And be his wife soon.

He rubbed his forehead, a mini headache starting to appear, always happening to him when he over stressed over something or over thought about any situation. He took out his phone, starting to scroll his Instagram.

It was when he saw one of Eda's friend he has recently started following had posted a story. Hoping he would get a glimpse of Eda in her story. When he opened the story, he regretted opening it. It was definitely a story with Eda in it. But they weren't studying. Her friend had a drink in her hand and dancing while Eda was dancing as well in what looked like someone's house. There were other people as well, which Serkan recognised as her friends who she said she was going to study with.

"What the fuck?" He muttered to himself putting away his phone on the table harshly. The insecurity returned with much more intensity this time and he wondered why had Eda lied to him. If she wanted to go partying with her friends, she should have just said that rather than lying.

He felt a pounding headache along with anger and disappointment. She spent the whole week with her friends and weekends had been reserved for him, but she chose to spend it with them. Was their relationship turning boring for Eda, he wondered.

He tore away the blueprint he had been working on since last one hour and sighed out loud. He needed a drink badly. That too a strong one. He walked to his alcohol cabinet and groaned. What a great timing for him to run out of his whiskey supply.

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