A week in London pt 2.

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Guys this is the longest chapter (8k words) that I have written and it took me 2 days to write this one. I hope you guys like it. And I didn't add smut to it because I wanted to focus more on their bond and relationship growing. I didn't want to linger on to a third part either, so hence this long chapter. This is the final part.
Enjoy reading!

Serkan left for work telling her that her outfit for their date were in the closet. She quickly rushed to the walk in closet excited about seeing what would be there. She saw a big black and golden box with a bow kept on one of the shelves. She opened the lid and found out a note on the top. She read the note.
"Eda, I want to make it our best date. So I hope you like what I bought for you. Be ready at 6 in the evening baby. I love you."
Eda beamed with happiness thinking how much loved she was by Serkan. She kept the note aside and saw the contents in the box. It has a beautiful black jumpsuit with golden chain straps, a black stilettos, and a golden sling bag along with a beautiful pair of small gold earrings. It was all elegant and beautiful. She was almost in tears seeing that. She carefully kept everything back in the box and went out of closet to pick up her phone and text Serkan.
It's beautiful Serkan. Thank you love. I love you. I can't wait for our date.
She then went down to see what she could do till evening to pass her time. She sat outside in the garden inhaling the fresh air and talking to Maya casually. Meanwhile she got a call from her friends and she spent a good amount of time filling them in about her trip so far and proving them that Serkan was indeed not a robot. She then decided to call her aunt and updated her about her well being and how much she was enjoying. She cut the call and she felt sleepy because they hadn't got much sleep last night. She went back to their room to catch some more sleep. She tried sleeping but the excitement of the date night couldn't even let her sleep for a minute. She somehow managed to get some sleep and then went woke up some time later. She took a long hot shower and started getting ready for the night. She got a message from Serkan.
I am on my way home Eda. Can't wait to see you. I love you.
Her heart was literally beating so fast that she could hear it. She quickly slipped into her dress, wore her heels and applied a fruity fragrance that she was sure Serkan was going to love. She was just giving final touches to her makeup when she heard Serkan knocking lightly on the door and entering. Their eyes locked through the vanity mirror as he stood leaning on the door taking in the view infront of him. She looked absolutely gorgeous. Her red tinted lips and the light makeup along with the soft curls, Serkan couldn't take her eyes off. He kept staring. Eda stood up and walked up to him and stood close. She wrapped her arms around his neck and that's when he snapped back to reality.
"Mr. Bolat, if you are going to stand and stare like this, how are we going to go out for date? Maybe you shouldn't have chosen such a pretty outfit for me."
He laughed and leaned back a little to take in full appearance of hers and she looked breathtakingly beautiful. He himself was dressed up in a black two piece suit with a white shirt and Eda felt weak in the knees.
"Eda, you are beautiful. I can't take my eyes off you. Maybe we can skip on the date and just stay in our room?" He spoke in a husky voice and leaned in to kiss her neck.
Eda blushed and hit him lightly.
"Serkan, no. I am too excited for the date. Come on, let's go." He nodded and held her hand to help her down the stairs.
Selin who was sitting in the living room waiting to again go out with them to make sure they don't get time alone was surprised to see them walking down all elegantly dressed and even she admitted to herself that Eda was indeed beautiful but then mentally chided herself for thinking this.
Serkan held Eda's hand to help her walk down the stairs in those heels and Selin quickly came to them.
"Serkan, you look really good. Are you going somewhere?" She asked ignoring Eda altogether.
"Uhh yeah Selin, we had a booking in a restaurant."
"Ohh maybe, I can come along too, I am really hungry." Selin spoke sugar coating her words.
Eda and Serkan were irritated. Eda rolled her eyes while Serkan spoke not willing to let out details.
"Umm actually Selin, I am taking her out for a date. So maybe you can order in or go out alone. I am sorry."
Selin was fuming and just gave a nod before going into her room and slamming a door.
Eda felt bad and Serkan was irritated but they went out anyways ignoring Selin's tantrum. They reached their destination and Serkan helped Eda out of the car and she was stunned.
(Author's note: Guys I have no clue about things in London, just googling out stuff, so pardon me for any mistakes. And I have no clue if they have this dining option on London Eye).
They were standing in front of the London Eye and the view was amazing. Serkan led Eda to its entry and he told his name to the manager. They were led into a private pod that he had reserved and rented for the two of them. It was their own private dining place that was going to move around offering the breath taking views and an amazing dining experience along with it. It was simply and elegantly decorated with some roses and a table set for two in the middle with a flower vase and a champagne. The manager welcomed them and left them for their privacy. Serkan pulled out the chair for her, she sat down and he pushed the chair back to its place before settling down himself on the other side of the table. Eda's heart was beaming with joy and love. She was almost crying and a lone tear fell from her eye. Serkan got worried seeing it.
"Eda, are you okay? Did you not like it? We can go somewhere else? I chose this window and glass pod so that you don't feel claustrophobic. If you don't feel okay, we can leave."
Eda didn't say anything, she got up, moved to his side and back hugged him while he was sitting on the chair. She planted a lot of kisses on the side of his face and Serkan held her hands around his neck.
"Serkan, Thankyou so much. I love it. I can't even describe how amazing this is. I love you so much. What did I do to deserve you?"
Serkan grinned and spoke while she kept kissing his cheeks.
"Eda, my love, you deserve the world and I am going to give you that. I love you."
She stood up and slighly rubbed her lipstick off his cheeks.
"Serkan, ooops, you have my lipstick on your cheeks. It looks so cute. I don't feel like rubbing it off." She grinned.
"Let it be Eda, let the world see how much you love me."
Eda blushed and rubbed it off before settling back into her chair. Their 5 course meals were laid onto the table by a server because once their pod would start revolving around, nobody would be able to get in. The server excused himself after wishing them a happy and lovely experience that they were going to have in next 1 hour.
Serkan opened the champagne and poured their glasses while starting with their first meal. To say it was the best experience of her life would be an understatement. It was beyond her imagination. She had never thought that she would be here with Serkan Bolat and that too for a date. If somebody would have told her this 6 months before, she would have termed that person crazy. But here she was.
The next one hour they talked about random things, their life experiences and other stuff happily enjoying their meals and drink while stealing glances of the view from their pod as well in between. Almost when they were on the top, Serkan shifted his chair to her side and they sat hugging each other. Eda leaned on his shoulder and they enjoyed the view. They were silent for a long time but it was a peaceful kind of silence that they both were loving. Serkan was drawing random pattern with his fingers on her bare shoulder and she had kept her hands on his thighs gently caressing them. She moved her head to his chin placing soft kisses there and spoke in between.
"I love you Serkan"
"Our feelings are mutual Eda"
Serkan turned her head with his hand and kissed her.
"Eda, I promise to love you all my life. I promise even if there are a hundred projects going on at work, I will always keep you as my priority. You are my whole heart."
He stood up and sat down on one knee in front of her. She immediately understood what was happening.
"Eda, before you, I was indeed an emotionless and cold robot but you bulldozed into my heart and brought out the real me. I am and will always be your RoBo now. Eda you have spoiled me for everybody else and I can't even look at another woman. I know you might feel this a little early, but I am very sure that I want to spend the rest of my life pampering you, loving you, fighting with you and making sure that you don't loose your childishness and impulsiveness. Will you be mine Eda? Will you marry me sweetheart?"
Eda was teary eyed at his confession. It was all too dreamy for her. She was silent for a while when Serkan spoke again.
"Eda, I am not pressurising you or forcing you. If you feel it's too early for you to take this step in our relationship, you can say no baby. I will not mind and I am willing to give you as much time as you want. Baby, just know,..."
"YES" Eda interrupted him and spoke cryingly.
Serkan was too stunned. "NE? Say it again."
"Yes Serkan. Yes. I am ready to marry you. In fact since the day we landed in London, I have wanted to marry you. Because everyday with you feels like a dream. If you would have not asked me by the end of trip, I would have myself proposed you Serkan Bolat." She spoke giggling and blushing and Serkan was beyond excited.
"Ohh no. I missed the chance to be proposed by Eda Yildiz." He fake face palmed himself and she laughed.
"Serkan Bolat, you are still getting that proposal you know? But not now, if I do it on the trip, then there will be no surprise left. So you gotta wait for it my love."
He quickly crashed his lips on hers and kissed her. He parted and took out the same flower ring from his coat pocket and she held out her hand for him to slide in the finger. She pulled him up and stood to kiss him only to part and bury her head in his chest.
"I love you Serkan. I love you so much. I can't live without you. Promise me that you will never leave me no matter what."
"Evet Eda, I promise to always be by your side and love you more than myself. I will do anything for you my love."
They stayed in the embrace for a few minutes before turning around and enjoying the view around them occasionally stealing kisses because they were literally in so much love and couldn't keep themselves away from each other's touch.
"Do you want to dance with me Eda?"
She nodded and they both swayed slowly in each other's arms enjoying the intimacy and the view.
The finally came back down and stepped out of the pod hand in hand. After exiting the place, Serkan asked
"Eda do you want to take a walk around?"
Eda nodded and they started walking along the edge of the river. It was getting cold and Eda shivered a little which definitely didn't go unnoticed by Serkan.
"Ohh Eda, sorry I didn't realize you will be cold. Here take this."
He took out his coat and wrapped it around her shoulders and pulled her closer to give her warmth by caressing her arms.
"Do you want to go back home?" He asked politely and she came close and whispered in his ear.
"Yes Serkan because I can no longer control myself from ripping that shirt away." She spoke in a husky low tone and Serkan could feel shivers run down her spine and blood heat up.
He nodded and led her back to their car and came back home.
Almost inside the main door of the house and Eda pulled him for a hot kiss. She held him by his collar while his hands went around her neck pulling her closer into him and opening up his shirt buttons. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he supported her by her hips. He walked upstairs with her in his arms and they made love wildly that night not getting enough of each other. They fell back on bed panting after multiple orgasms they both gave each other. Serkan cuddled her and she dozed off immediately with a wide smile on her face. Serkan kissed her forehead before getting out of the bed and covering her with sheets.
He went to his home office next to their room and started working on the deal. Their deal was going to be signed in a day or two and he needed to prepare the clauses for it and send it to Ceren for reviewing.
A little while later he felt two pair of arms circling his neck and a warmth and fragrance he would never get tired off.
"Serkan, come back to bed. I can't sleep without my fiancé." Eda spoke to him whining.
He lightly pulled her into his arms and she sat on his lap.
"Eda, I need to work baby. Our deal is going to be signed tomorrow or day after tomorrow. Please go back to bed and sleep, I will be there in 30 minutes. I promise."
"Serkan, I can't sleep without you. Okay, I will wait here with you. Maybe, I can help a little. You can give me some work." She spoke while yawning and Serkan laughed.
"Eda, you are sleepy. Come, sleep here only. I will take you to bed with me when I get free."
She smiled and put her head on his chest and closed her eyes sleeping within a few minutes. Selin who had come upstairs to his office to see if he was alone and working and she could spend some time with him badmouthing Eda but saw him working with Eda sleeping in his sweatshirt in his arms and went back fuming with jealousy. Serkan worked for a while and then carried her back to bed and snuggled with her dozing off to sleep.
The next morning he woke up, got ready and made breakfast for Eda. He had an early morning meeting. He left the breakfast on her bedside with a note and kissed her forehead before leaving. She woke up late and saw the breakfast and note kept. She read the note.
"Good morning my love. I can't believe you are my fiancé now (real one 😝). I made you breakfast before leaving. I didn't want to wake you up from the peaceful sleep. I love you. I will be back soon."
Eda was loving this loving side of Serkan. She wished he would remain the same throughout their lives. She couldn't actually wait to get married to him and be pampered by him.
She messaged him "Good morning future husband. Thank you for the breakfast. I miss you already, come back soon."
She got up and had her breakfast in bed inhaling the fresh chilly air coming in from the window. She then showered, wore his hoodie which were definitely now an integral part of her wardrobe and started looking for things to do in the house. She went to his office casually strolling and found a canvas stand with some paints lying on one of the shelves. She picked them up and went downstairs in the garden. She never told Serkan that she painted and she wanted it to be a surprise for him. What better than to surprise him with a painting of the place where he proposed her. So she opened her phone, chose a beautiful picture of the London Eye and started painting it. Almost 4 hours later, she completed it and almost then received the message from Serkan that he was on his way back. She quickly gave it final touches and covered it with a satin cloth. She heard Serkan calling out her name and ran in to hug him. He hugged her back tightly.
"Serkan, I have a surprise for you. But first let me tie this on your eyes."
"Eda, I am already excited."
She tied a cloth around his eyes and led him to the garden holding his hand and guiding him. She stopped themselves in front of the painting and said.
"So Serkan, askim are you ready?"
Serkan nodded and she untied the cloth from his eyes. And Serkan stopped dead in his tracks. His eyes teared up and he looked towards Eda emotionally.
He picked her up and spun her around.
Once back on her feet, he asked her, "Eda do you paint? Why didn't you ever tell me before?"
"Evet Serkan, sometimes I do. I never got a chance to tell you but see I found the best opportunity to tell you now. I wanted to paint something meaningful and what more than this."
She said while pointing towards the painting and Serkan nodded.
"Eda, this is beautiful. Thank you so much. But now, I have a surprise for you."
"Uff Serkan, are your surprises ever going to be over?" She spoke smilingly.
"Be ready to be surprised every day of your life Eda Yildiz."
Eda blushed.
"Baby, get ready, I am taking you out for shopping."
Eda jumped in joy like a little kid and went up
to get ready. Meanwhile Selin came to him and sat down next to him on couch and started speaking.
"Serkan, I am happy to see you happy. But don't you think, Eda has changed you a lot. Serkan you always have the feeling of doing work fast and leaving the office to go to her. The Serkan I knew wasn't like this. Even in office, you have started mixing your personal and professional life. You are understanding what I mean right? Eda is misbalancing you. She is distracting you Serkan and it's not good for you. You are falling in a trap of Eda.."
Serkan was seeing red now. How dare she speak about his fiancé like that. He raised his voice a little so that Eda doesn't hear their argument.
"Selin, stop it. That's enough. You are my oldest friend and I respect you, that's why I was silent till now. But you have no right to say even a word against Eda. And I am not liable to give you justifications for my personal life. And  Eda is always going to be my first priority. If it's Eda on the line, work can definitely wait. But being a business partner I would say, I know how to balance my work and love life and I am doing it well. So Selin, I shouldn't hear it again from you and stop hating Eda, I am warning you if you again say anything about Eda to anyone or even her, I will make sure we don't even have the business relationship between us. You have so hard feelings for her but on the other hand she respects you Selin. She wanted to take you along with us today for shopping but I am not going to invite you now. Take care."
He warned Selin just as Eda walked down wearing a short grey skirt with black sweater and boots along with a sling bag and saw him stressed. She quickly went and asked.
"Serkan are you okay? What happened? You look stressed? Is it work?"
"No no Eda, everything is okay. Let's go. And you look beautiful."
Eda turned towards Selin and spoke.
"Selin we are going for shopping, if you want you can come with us."
Before Selin could say anything, Serkan spoke.
"Ohh Eda actually she isn't feeling well since morning so she is going to rest here only." And gave a glare to Selin. Selin nodded remembering the warning he just gave. Eda immediately asked being the helping and care person that she was.
"Selin, are you okay? Do you need anything? Can we make something for you? Or do you need any medicine?"
Serkan was in awe of Eda's caring nature even for the people who always belittled her meanwhile Selin just shook her head not able to tolerate the sweetness Eda was showing her. She fake smiled and said.
"Thank you Eda. I don't need anything. I will just rest for a while and I will be fine."
Serkan and Eda nodded and left. Serkan brought her to the most lavish market area of London, the one where you name a designer brand and it would be there. Of course he knew how to pamper his girl. They got out of the car and stood in the street hand in hand. When Eda spoke.
"Serkan, you know right that I don't buy these designer expensive clothes. I never have and even if I have money I will not prefer buying these Serkan. Maybe we can go somewhere else. I don't want to you to spend money on me like this. Serkan, people will say that I am using you for money, I am a gold digger."
Serkan face palmed himself and spoke.
"Eda, shh. Stop. you deserve them. You deserve the whole world my love. So these are nothing and come on, I really want you to enjoy yourself and buy whatever you want. Please be aware I am not here to belittle you or make you feel that you didn't buy these before because of money constraints. Eda, please for me? I really want to pamper you and give you the best. And I don't care what people say about us. And you shouldn't care either."
Eda melted at his words.
"Tamam Serkan, okay. But you know right there's no turning back once you start spoiling me. You seem to have forgotten my potential of getting spoiled."
"I know baby, and be assured I have no intention of stopping to pamper you. Come let's go."
And for the next few hours, Eda shopped whatever she liked and Serkan loved this side of hers. She definitely had a whim to be spoiled like a queen. And Serkan did that. He bought whatever Eda as much as laid eyes on. Eda shopped a lot of dresses, skirts which were definitely Serkan's favourite and now hers as well, as well as handbags, heels, boots. She also shopped for her friends on Serkan's saying as take home gifts, definitely heels for Ceren from her favourite designer, a dress for Melo that Eda knew she was going to fall in love with and a sling bag for Fifi. Serkan picked up a few things for himself as well when Eda forced him to buy something for himself and a beautiful diamond bracelet for his mother.
By the end of it, Eda was tired and Serkan was the one carrying literally a hundred different shopping bags. They dropped everything in their car and went to have dinner at a rooftop restaurant enjoying the view.
They came back exhausted and tired and cuddled each other to sleep.
Next day was an important one for Artlife because they were going to sign the biggest deal upto date. Serkan was nervous for the first time because this deal was the most important to them and Selin and him had actually worked hard to grab it.
Eda woke up and could see his nervousness while he was getting ready and she got out of the bed, hugged him tight and spoke.
"Serkan, don't worry. You are going to grab this project. You are the best at what you do and there's no way you will not get it. I am waiting to celebrate it with you in the evening and I can't wait to go back home and tell girls and Hala about your proposal."
Serkan smiled at her and kissed her lightly.
"I will see you in the evening Eda. Take care baby. I will love you."
He went and Eda prayed that he gets that project because he had actually been working hard on it.
She had her breakfast, showered and sat down in garden to call her friends but surprisingly no one picked up today. Melo and Ceren sent her a message that they were in an online meeting with Serkan, Piril, Engin and Selin about the deal with the company while Fifi replied that she was on an important mission. Eda chuckled reading Fifi's reply wondering what her real job would be, maybe she was a detective. She then called her aunt talking about random things and telling how she was spending her time. Her hala told her she was happy for both of them and she was growing towards liking Serkan seeing how much caring and loving he was towards Eda. Eda was happy to hear that. Just then she got a call from Serkan and her heart was beating really fast wondering if he got the project or not.
She picked up the phone.
"Hello Serkan."
Serkan replied back on low energy and sadly, "Eda, hii."
And Eda's heart dropped to her stomach. She could guess that he didn't get the project.
"Serkan, what happened? It's okay askim if you didn't get it. Don't worry, you will get another good projects and don't feel bad please..."
She said but stopped when he started laughing. He spoke,
"Eda, we got the project. It has been signed."
Eda was pissed off but loved how he wasn't serious all the time now but rather in a playful mood.
"Serkan Bolat, you scared me. Beware that I am going to kill you when you come home."
Serkan laughed more. And Eda was happy listening to his happy voice.
"Congratulations my love. See I told you, you would get it. I never even had a smallest doubt. You deserve it my love. So now where are we going to celebrate it?" She asked excitingly.
"Eda, there are some details we need to discuss, if might take a few more hours. But then, the company heads want to celebrate it with us, so we all will go out. I will come to pick you up at 7. Be ready."
"Tamam Serkan, I love you."
She ran up the stairs and into her wardrobe to choose what to wear out of all the stuff she bought yesterday.
She then showered, wore a black velvet long body hugging dress with side slits and a low back design and a thin straps along with metallic gold chain and golden stilettos. She carried a golden clutch with it, looking so elegant and classic. She did light makeup with a red lipstick and left her hair open in curls.
(if you want to see what inspired me, imagine Eda in this outfit:

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