I trust you

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My  friend here on Wattpad, who has been a great support literally forced me to keep writing, well mainly because it would distract me from my  personal life problems. And guess what, I really tried doing that. And somehow it has worked. So thankyou so much friend ♥️🥺 (she doesn't want to be mentioned.) 

Secondly, you all also sent me so many good and supportive messages as well commented on the last post, I am so moved 🥺. Thankyou all.

So, this had been in my mind for so long, and I decided to write it. It's a little emotional, so get your tissues ready maybe. And I made Efe the villain 😅


Eda picked up her bag and her laptop and stood up to leave her desk when Serkan, her fiancé, came up to her.

"Eda, where are you going?" He asked.
It was still 3 in the afternoon, so he wondered if she wasn't feeling well and leaving early. He wasn't anymore informed about her comings and goings officially as Efe was still her boss and she had refused when Serkan had offered her to be back on his team, because she really had Efe as her idol and wanted to learn from an internationally acclaimed landscape architect.

So Serkan had no choice but to accept it, although he was thankful that atleast Efe and his team worked in his office, so he would have Eda in front of his eyes all the time. He trusted Eda, but in last 6 months, since Efe had bought the shares from Selin, Serkan couldn't get himself to trust Efe.

"Serkan, Efe is working from his home today. So, he asked me to come there as well. We are working on landscape of that airport project" she said absent minded, collected her blueprints in a folder.

"Eda." Serkan said frustrated already.
"Why can't you just work from here? Why do you have to go to his house? What kind of boss calls you to work from his home?"

"Serkaaaann. Even you and your team works from your home a lot of times. What's the issue if Efe is working? Serkan I really don't understand, why do you hate Efe so much? I am learning so much from him." Eda said looking at him.

"Eda, you aren't going to listen to me, right?" Serkan said giving up on trying to reason with Eda about Efe, because she never really listened to him on this topic.

"Serkan, there's nothing wrong with going to his house to work. Stop acting out of jealousy. You know I am all yours." She said keeping her hand on his arm.

"Tamam. Be careful, okay? I will pick you up in the evening from his house." Serkan said, although his heart was still not convinced enough to let Eda go.

"Okay. I love you." Eda said. They were in the common office space and as much as Eda wanted, she couldn't kiss him. They had decided among themselves that they were going to keep their PDA minimum in office.

"I love you." Serkan said as Eda smiled at him and blew him an air kiss. And left.

He went back to his conference room office and sat down working.

Meanwhile Eda went to Efe's house to work with him on the airport project. Efe welcomed her in with a wide smile, inviting her in.

Eda sat down at the table to start her work, but Efe came from the kitchen interrupting her.
"Edacim, do you need some drink?" He asked.

Eda looked at the glass in his hand which he was currently sipping and it was whiskey. She spoke back surprised,
"Efe? You are drinking in the afternoon?"

"Yeah. What's wrong with drinking in afternoon? You should drink something too." Efe said getting a little too close to her. But Eda stepped back.

"No. No. I am fine. Let's work Efe. Rest of the team is not coming? ." She said as Serkan's word revolved in her mind Efe can't be trusted.

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