I changed Pt. 1

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Enjoy the small drabble guys! I hope you guys like it. I realised that my last few OS aren't being much liked!
So I am writing something different in this small OS.

Plot: what if after Serkan breaks up with Eda in episode 14, Eda leaves Turkey a day or two later, heartbroken. She doesn't tell Serkan that she is leaving and Serkan tries hard to find her, but he couldn't because the girls and Aunt turn their back on him and Eda literally becomes as if lost into thin air. He couldn't track her down until she resurfaces 6 months later, after her graduation.


Serkan was having his dinner with Engin at a restaurant in Istanbul. Apparently Eda's favourite, he got to know when they were dating for a few days before he broke up with her due to her parents' truth, and painfully the last time he had seen her. She had vanished into thin air 2 days after that hurtful night and even Serkan couldn't find her. He had no clue where she went, definitely Italy wasn't the place she was, because his private detectives had searched whole of Italy's universities but didn't find a single Eda Yildiz.

Yes, he had hired private detectives to find Eda because Eda's friends and aunt had not told him anything about Eda even though they were in constant contact with her. He needed Eda desperately. He wanted to tell her the truth and beg for forgiveness. He wasn't ready to face any more time away from Eda. He hadn't expected her to leave when he broke up with her. Every single day and night, he just wished and hoped to talk to Eda or see her.

And as he bit on to his burger, yeah, he was down to eating junk food now like Eda, he heard a very familiar laugh. The one he had heard a million times in his dreams every night. He looked around immediately and his heart stopped. There Eda was. His Eda. She was sitting with her friends at one corner of the restaurant and chatting and enjoying her food. She was back in the city from wherever she went. He had to act fast. Maybe she wasn't staying for long.

He quickly got up, not wasting a second while Engin looked surprised. He rushed towards her table and as he reached near, he called whispering, still not able to believe if this all was real or if it was fake.


Eda's spoon dropped as she heard his voice. She quickly looked up, her face no more smiling.
"Serkan." She just said that. And then she looked around the table to her friends.

"Who out of the you 3 told him I am back? I swear to god, I am not going to accept this. Guys you promised me you won't tell him." Eda said angrily believing that one of her friends would have informed him.

They all shook their heads.
"Eda, we promised you. Why would we tell him?"
"Eda, we are your friends. Why would we want your bad by telling him?"
"Dada.. We didn't. I swear."

Eda looked at Melo narrowing her eyes,
"Melo. You.. you told him right?"

"No Dada, I swear on our bond, I didn't.." Melo spoke.

"Eda.. Eda.. she didn't. Nobody told me. I was here for dinner. I saw you." Serkan said quickly seeing Eda's anger increasing and she stood up from the chair. Meanwhile Engin also reached the place seeing Eda.

"Eda.. hello." Engin said excitedly.
And Eda smiled at him.
"Hi Engin." She said hugging him.

Serkan really wanted to do the same.
"Eda.. I have been trying to reach out to you for long. Finally." Serkan said moving forward to hug her but she stepped back to his surprise.

"Neden? Why were you trying to reach out to me?" She asked angrily.

"Eda.. I.. I am sorry... I." He tried speaking but got interrupted by Eda.

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