Took her torn heart and patched it up!

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Well, I tried something completely different.
This is set in their post break up time, that was episode 15 onwards.

PS:- Sorry this is lot emotional and full of angst.

Eda wasn't coping up well. Somehow she had found no strength and willpower within herself to move on from Serkan. She just couldn't! Their love, even if it was for a short period of time, even if now she was unsure if he ever loved her or was just an attraction for him, their love had broken her. She couldn't imagine Serkan breaking up with her that night. And she had been spiralling down since that fateful night 3 days ago.

She had no will to go back to working in his office. But then she needed the job desperately to fund her own education as well as save the flower shop, her mother's last memory for her. So had to put aside her pride and accept Efe's job offer. She felt like she was being affected from all sides, her love life was a mess, her aunt was in trouble because of debts on the shop, her education was left incomplete, she had declined the scholarship for going to Italy a few weeks ago when Serkan had promised he would go with her later. Now nothing felt right.

Her friends and aunt saw her mental health deteriorating and unfortunately she had closed herself so much that even they couldn't reach her, not even Melo. She was so unlike Eda at the moment, that her closest and core circle could no longer recognise her.

She was barely existing! She had stopped eating properly. She couldn't even eat a few bites without getting nauseous. Getting your heartbroken was shit and she realised it not when Cenk broke up with her but when Serkan did because she had considered him to be her soulmate. She had felt that deep in her bones and being thrown out of his life in just a few minutes, felt horrible for her.

She walked in Artlife that morning. She had no strength to drive and hence she had taken a taxi ride. Her head was spinning from 3 sleepless nights full of crying and her eyes were blood red and puffy but she knew she didn't have the choice of taking days off from work, her current financial situation didn't allow her that. She just wanted to make a beeline walk towards her desk and slump on the chair but of course she had to be interrupted by the one person who she loved the most but who also hurted her the most.

"Eda." She heard the voice calling her from behind. The voice she loved but the voice now she  found no strength to talk to. She didn't turned back, she kept walking.

"Eda... I am talking to you." Serkan called rushing to match her speed.

Eda knew she had to stop now. He was her other boss, just like Efe. No more personal relationship with him and since last 2 days she had observed how he had gone back to being a robot, scolding all the employees and pretty much being unemotional.

"Yeah." She said still not looking at him. She didn't want to show him how much she was affected by that break up while he was walking around extremely normal like he hadn't been the other person in that relationship. She hated him. She hated how he had a switch inside him which he could turn on and off any minute and thus turn off his emotional side. Why couldn't she have the same switch?!

"Look at me Eda." He said. He had a file in his hand and Eda recognised it to be her last day's blueprints she had submitted for Efe's project.
She knew she wasn't performing well in work. She had no idea how she had started letting her personal life affect her professionalism. She couldn't focus on work and she knew she might have fucked up in the landscape blueprints and that was the only reason Serkan was talking to her. To scold her for that, just like any other employee.

Eda looked up at his face and that's when Serkan's breathing hitched in his throat. Her eyes! It no longer had the bright spark he was accustomed to seeing. And her face no longer had that glow and energy. He could understand that she hadn't slept in days.

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