Amidst the celebrations!

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Here I bring you this smutty OS. Well actually, I know I was supposed to write some emotional OS, but for that I somehow couldn't get into the mood.

So for this one, what if Eda doesn't get kidnapped on her henna night. And the guys visit them, but since they aren't allowed to enter in the venue (AN: I am sorry if I am misinterpreting it or if I am wrong, I am not Turkish, so I don't know about this culture), so they try to find ways to sneak in or just have a look of their girls.

PS:- A little bit smut! 🔞🔞🔞


That was it for the boys! The end of their patience. Well, they really had a little patience to start with.

Engin was a newly married husband, so staying away from his wife for a few hours was extremely difficult.

Serkan was getting married in a few days, and it was his fiancé, to be wife's henna night where apparently the guys weren't allowed. So, yeah, he didn't have any patience and he was not at all ashamed to admit that.

And then Ferit, a guy newly in relationship, a guy who seemed to have found a good woman after a bad experience in his past relationship and almost marriage. So yeah, even he wanted to be with his girlfriend right now.

And Erdem, what to talk about him. He was the most desperate of them all, for Fifi. So he wouldn't mind getting kicked or even slapped from Fifi at the moment if he got to see her in return.

But they were in for a trouble, because apparently the girls weren't picking their calls and Given that they hadn't even shared a single picture with the guys, maybe, most probably on purpose. To tease them.

The guys were sitting at Serkan's home, they had decided to have a boy's night, with bonfire, gaming and stuff, but turned out they were just miserable without their ladies. So it was Engin's idea to go to their venue where they were having their henna night party.
And everyone almost immediately agreed.

So now they were driving to the venue excitedly. As they reached and stood outside the venue now no more excited because Tahir who was guarding at the door didn't let them in saying that it was strict orders from Semiha hanim, that no guy be let in.

"Uff yaa. What is this secretness and all? Why can't we go in?" Engin said kicking the side of his car disappointed.

"Tahir. Abi. Come on. We are their fiancé or husband or boyfriends. At least we can go in. Let's leave Erdem out." Ferit said buttering him.

"Ne? Uff. You always exclude me Ferit bey, Serkan bey." Engin said whining.

"No Ferit bey. It's orders and I have to follow."  Tahir said strictly.

"Tamam yaa." Serkan said disappointed.

Guys. Wait. I have a plan. There must be a fire exit to this place." Serkan said whispering.

"Ahh right Abi. Every building has a fire exit. Let's find it." Engin said replying back.

"Tamam. Get on to work guys." Ferit said. They fist bumped their hands like teenagers and started finding the exit.

Serkan was the first one to find the exit and he informed Ferit and Engin and didn't care to inform Erdem.

They opened the door and entered quietly, not making any noise. It was towards the end of the hall along a narrow corridor where they were having the party. They could hear the music and chattering and laughs. They stood behind the wall separating the door and the venue and looked peeping.

"Yeah, the ladies are there. They are dancing. Omg. Look at them dancing guys." Engin said and the three of them literally jumped out to see.

"There's Eda. She looks so beautiful." Serkan spoke, his eyes already shining with love for his beauty. She was dancing with her friends happily, not a care in the world.

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