Pregnancy Chronicles - 6

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Hello guys,

Back with the most loved series 😁. A lot of you guys requested this one in comments of one of the pregnancy OS. So here it is. Enjoy.
PS:- Eda's pregnancy hormones definitely gonna make this 🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞😂! 

Also I am sure you guys are gonna love this extra long chapter.

PS:- I have decided the title for the "teaser" story. It's going to be "when cherry blossoms." And I am writing those chapters as well simultaneously. So just give me some time. The story's gonna come out soon and with a bang.


Her second pregnancy, the one with Alp was easier for her as compared to Serkan. Serkan was the one struggling to keep up with a pregnant Eda.

He was the one more tired at the end of the day than a pregnant lady. Ironically, sleep didn't come easy to him as much as he tried.

Firstly, a pregnant Eda was much more horny and last 6 months had been the proof of that. Although he would never complain for this side effect of pregnancy. Who was he to complain when he would be able to worship her body, take her and himself to the highs of pleasure and then bring her back to normal, hear her chant his name like a mantra almost every single night. But that also meant sacrificing on their sleep when they would have sex like bunnies.

Adding to that would be the tiredness of the day, working in Artlife, reviving it back as a new company, and trying to complete the pending projects at the earliest before Eda's due date.

Eda's pregnancy also brought along with it her immensive food cravings which meant he was the one waking up in the middle of the night to make pancakes or pizza for her or on more stubborn nights, driving out to find weird icecream flavours.

Cherry on the top, Kiraz had been extra cranky for the past few days.

So he was literally juggling between things, completing one task and running to the other. He knew it was just a temporary phase, Eda wouldn't be like that forever. It was just the hormones messing around. Plus he loved pampering Eda and his daughter. They were the loves of his life and he for sure felt the stress and tiredness fly away from his body as soon as he would take one of them in his arms.

Currently, he was taking a shower after a long day, field visits to 2 different construction sites and then coming back home late night after a business dinner to find Eda whimpering with lower back pain and pain in her legs.

He quickly took a shower, changed into comfortable night clothes and went back to the dining room where Eda was trying to feed a cranky Kiraz.

"Baby. Lutfen. I made your favourite dish. Just one bite." Eda softly spoke to Kiraz sitting on the chair next to her and forwarding the spoon to her mouth.

Kiraz turned her head and shook it, refusing to take the bite.

Eda sighed sadly and then tried again.
"Kirazcim. My baby. Come here. Come to dad." Serkan said from behind and Kiraz immediately looked at him. She jumped down the chair excited and ran towards Serkan who instantly picked her in his arms, and giving her a jump in the air.

Eda smiled looking at him and Kiraz.
"What happened baby? Why aren't you eating the dish that mom made for you?" He asked softly caressing Kiraz's hair and kissing her forehead.

"Baba... I don't want to eat. I don't like it anymore." Kiraz spoke.

"Ama Kiraz. It's your favourite dish. And mom made it with so much effort. We should not make mom sad right?" Serkan spoke softly trying to convince her.

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