Bruised hearts and scared minds pt 2.

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So all of you requested me for second part to that one shot. I had not planned the second part initially but then I decided to do it seeing you guys comments.
Eda slept peacefully thinking that now finally things were back on track. It was almost 2 am when Serkan woke up to Eda's cries and screams.
He quickly looked at Eda and saw that she was having a bad dream. He could hear her sobbing and chanting "Please don't leave me. Don't go Serkan. Please. I.. I love you." She kept saying this on repeat.
Serkan immediately hugged her to him and spoke, "Eda, Eda. Wake up baby. You are having a nightmare. I am right here. With you. I am not leaving you. I am not going anywhere." He felt extremely bad and guilty seeing her like this.
Eda's tears flowed down her cheeks as she subconsciously wrapped her arms around his neck still whispering his name.
"Eda, calm down baby. Please wake up. We are okay. You are okay my love." He spoke caressing her cheeks and wiping away her tears.
Eda opened her eyes and looked around and then at Serkan and spoke as her voice broke, "You are really here? You won't leave me Serkan? We will get married tomorrow right? Do you promise?"
"I promise Eda. I swear I will never leave you. What can I do to prove it to you?" He asked sincerely seeing her like this, so insecure.
Eda smiled and realised it was just a bad dream.
"Ummmm some love and some hot chocolate would do Serkan." She said grinning and Serkan pulled her for a kiss before getting up picking his sweatshirt and carrying her to the kitchen and settling her on the kitchen counter. He passed on the sweatshirt to her and she wore it as it was actually cold while Serkan was in his sweatpants only and started making hot chocolate for her. She gazed at him adoringly seeing him make her favourite drink.
He poured her hot chocolate in a cup and topped it with marshmallows while he made coffee for himself. He sat down just next to her on the kitchen counter itself facing her while Eda turned to face him. She took a sip of her hot chocolate smiling while Serkan sipped on the coffee.
"Eda, babe, do you want to talk about your nightmare?"
"Serkan, I...I.. I don't know. It was terrifying. I saw you leaving me. Saying that I was not the person you want to spend your life with. You.. you said that you were irked with my caring and selfless nature. That you felt irritated with me.." she said with tears in her eyes. Serkan felt terrible listening to this because it was his behaviour that had instilled this fear in Eda's mind which was manifesting itself as her nightmares. He kept his coffee aside and her mug as well before pulling her in for a tight hug.
"Ohh baby. I am sorry. I am so sorry for what all I have done Eda. From now on, I will always be there."
"You promise Serkan?"
"I promise my love. And from tomorrow you will be Eda Bolat. So, you get all the right to kick my ass if I hurt you ever just like you did today. I totally deserved that." He said chuckling. And Eda laughed a little in his embrace.
"What will I wear for our wedding tomorrow? I don't have a wedding gown. Ummm, can I wear jeans to my wedding? They are so comfortable."
She said pouting and Serkan chuckled.

"Wear whatever you want baby, I just want you. I won't care if you even wear a jeans and sweatshirt to our wedding. But, I already have something for you to wear at our wedding." He said and Eda leaned back a little to look at him surprised.
"What do you have?"
"It's a surprise Eda."
"No surprise. I want to see it now Serkan."
"Hayir Eda. I will give it to you tomorrow before our wedding." He said smiling knowing Eda was just about to use her secret weapon of convincing him. And yes, there it was. Her pouting face and puppy eyes.
"Serkan please."
"Tamam tamam Eda. Come with me." He stepped down from the counter and helped her do the same. Then he held Eda's hand and took her to his home study. Eda was surprised why was he taking it there. He opened one of the closet and removed some files and behind it there was a big black box with a red bow.
He pulled it out and led Eda to sit on the couch, and then gave her the box.
"Eda, I hope you like it."
She opened it hurriedly and saw the wedding dress she had tried while faking marriage to Deniz. The one which Serkan had unbuttoned in his office when she was stuck in it. She immediately teared up thinking Serkan had actually bought that dress from that designer.
"Serkan? What.?? I mean how? This is the one that I tried and really loved. Umm. How? You didn't have your memories then?" She was speaking almost choked.

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