Season 1 - Ep THREE

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Angie rubbed her arms. They were freezing. Maybe running out in the middle of the night in nothing but pajamas wasn't the brightest idea. She was just upset about how her life had turned out. She was more pissed that Felicity was only trying to help and she had snapped at her. She kept walking and walking not knowing what to do.

The chime she heard brought a smile to her face. She touched her pockets. She couldn't feel anything. Blood drained from her face as she remembered that she dropped her phone in Felicity's car for safety. The chime didn't stop and soon enough, it was all around her. "Make it stop! Make it stop!" She heard herself screaming as she held her head.

Her vision was blurry and the ground was shifting beneath her feet. It was like time had slowed down. She forced her legs to move. She was running and silently screaming. Echoes of the scream chased her in the form of a wild wind. Angie turned to have a peak at the impending danger. As soon as she looked forward, she crashed into a white light.

As soon as Angie left, the other three started feeling queasy. "The party pooper's gone. Do whatever and sleep whenever", Maggie ordered, "I'm off to bed because I don't need my closet checked for monsters". Felicity was pacing back and forth. She was worried sick. She was trying to brainstorm where Angie would be or how far she would have gone.

"I feel odd". She overheard Jo say. "Me too" the other two agreed. The four girls were the only ones left in the room. "This is my fault", Felicity whispered, "she never wanted to come". "Whoa!" Felicity turned at that. "Guys! I'm scared out of my freaking mind". Jo said. Her veins were light blue. It looked really creepy on her Latina skin. "What's happening to me?" Even her voice had changed to a raspy voice.

Felicity covered her mouth with the back of her hand to prevent her from screaming. "AH!!" Lin performed the job. The sound waves hung in the air instead of spreading out and alerting everyone. Felicity touched every part of her body, pinched herself till the spot was red and yet she wasn't waking up. This wasn't a dream.

"Calm down, everybody". She urged softly. Jo held her breath before trying to return her breathing cycle to normal. Her veins were back to normal. Lin was panting but as she gripped herself, the sound waves turned to glass and scattered. Mitchell could feel the spark at the tip of her fingers threatening to escape but she locked it in. Felicity sighed but gasped a minute after, "Angie"

They had rushed to the vehicle in search of Angie. They had no idea what she could have gone through and what she must have been feeling. Felicity was finding it rather difficult to see through all the fog but the zeal to find Angie was motivation enough. They had rounded the block before they heard screaming.

Angie had ran to the front of the car but passed out immediately. "We need to think this through", Felicity said as soon as they brought Angie inside, "we played a game and now everything is not making sense". "We got that part figured out, Einstein". Mitchell snapped. "Well pardon me for trying to be the only sane person here". She shot back. "Guys!" Lin yelled, "this is not the time for arguments. We're freaks of nature!" They continued talking over each other.

Angie was tuned out of the real world. She was stuck. She felt as though she was in between life and death. The field she stood on was filled with gray grass. Everywhere was gloomy. She turned to every corner and it all looked the same. Suddenly, she could hear the clock tower bell again. It was much louder than before.

She focused on the sound of the bell alone and a voice in a hushed tone repeated over and over:

At midnight hour
The chant thrice
To devour
Darkness rise

"Shhh!" Jo shushed them when she saw Angie's lips moving, "she's saying something". They all paused and her words became clearer. "At midnight hour", Jo told them, "the chant thrice, to devour, Darkness rise". And Angie just kept repeating it. "What's that supposed to mean?" Felicity asked.

"Our mothers were right", Jo whined, "there was something evil about the game. It was midnight at the time".

"What about the last lines? To devour, darkness rise? What's that supposed to mean?" Mitchell asked. They all looked at each other. Lin shook her head and said, "I have no idea".

"Can anyone hear me?" Angie called out. She got no reply. "Mom?! Dave?! Felicity?! Anyone?!" She shouted louder. The ground quaked and her heart sank. She wasn't ready for anything. She moved back one step at a time and she tripped on a skull. "AH!" She screamed till her throat was dry. She had hit her head in the process and blood was gushing out of the wound.

"Oh my gosh!" Felicity shrieked. She ransacked the glove compartment to find a rag. Mitchell held her to gauge Angie's head and stop the blood. "We can't keep sitting here waiting for something else to happen", Lin said, "we need help". "From who, Lin? We're five girls in the middle of the night terrified out of our minds and blood all over. Who could we possibly meet for help?" Jo snapped. "Hey! Chill!" Mitchell stroked her arm. Jo was stressed because of her claustrophobia. "I'm going out. Angie is going to bleed to death if I don't try. Feel free to join me". With that Felicity was gone.

Angie was seeing double. It was getting hard to stay conscious. She dragged her body but something was tied to her leg. She traced the red item to a black hole. Grilling sounds of terror emerged from inside. "No! No! No!" Her words were drowning out. She tried to hold on to the floor but it was of no use. "No!" Her voice faded as she saw sucked in.

Angie woke up with a gasp. She looked alarmed until she recognized where she was. "Where's Felicity?" She asked weakly. They all averted their eyes. "Where is she?!" She demanded. "She went to get help! Geez!" Lin hated pressure. "Alone?! And you let her?!" Angie was filled with rage and fear. She prayed to whatever god that was out there that she was safe.

They accompanied her outside. "Felicity?!" She yelled. It wasn't the brightest idea but that was the only option she had. Her vision wasn't fully cleared yet. "Over here!" Jo told them. "Felicity?!" Angie could tell that all wasn't well once the body was on the floor. Lin took up courage and flipped her over. "It can't be!" Angie buried her face in Mitchell's shoulders. They all hovered over Felicity's mutilated body. The pupil was nowhere to be found in her eyes and her flesh had been torn. The claw marks were the only proof.

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