Season 1 - Ep NINE

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Angie jerked up from the bed at the same time the candles went out. She hugged Mitchell as she was panting. "Thanks" she said to Jo. Jo just nodded. "You look pale" Lin observed, "you both look pale". "This was my first try. I never thought I would have to break it". Jo stood up to get a bottle of water from the cabinet. "You okay?" Mitchell asked once Angie started breathing well. Angie nodded and they all left the office.

They skipped school to Tom's Tanks. "You're back", the food runner from yesterday said once they entered, "don't worry. I ain't no snitch". "Thank you sweetheart", Lin blew him a kiss, "we're gonna be needing four drinks". "Coming right up". He said and walked away. "Let's get a good table. My dress cannot be ruined by filthy food chewers". Lin ran to pick a spot. The three shook their heads but followed her.

"What's the topic of discussion?" Jo asked. "We can show what we learned". Lin suggested. "This place is practically dead anyways so I say yes". Jo supported. Angie looked at Mitchell. She had noticed that she was the most matured among them. "Whatever" Mitchell shrugged. Angie nodded and clicked her fingers. The light ball formed and hovered around them. Angie closed her hand and it flew into her.

"That was amazing!" Lin shouted, "I'm over the moon crazy for your p...presentation". She changed the last part as their drinks were served. "Thanks" They said but trust Lin who added a wink with hers. "Me next". Lin beamed. She interlaced her fingers then rubbed her palms together. She looked at them and held up two fingers. Angie was sure it wasn't in that order but Lin lived for drama.

She faded slowly then she was gone. "Lin?" Jo asked touching her seat. "She's not here". Jo told them. They heard someone clear their throat behind them. Lin stood up from the seat and came back. "Invisibility" she was confident about it. "I've already shown the two but anyways", Jo snapped her fingers and a pair of headphones appeared from the table, "that was from your room, Angie".

They turned to Mitchell who rolled her eyes before making a fireball. She closed her hand and it moved to the tip of her fingers. "Showoff" Lin snorted. Mitchell smiled and stopped it. "I think we've used the book enough", Angie said, "we have these powers. We just need the right frame of mind to work it". "We also need our normal lives back". Mitchell said.

"We still have time here. Let's talk about each other". Jo suggested, "I'll go first. My full name is Johanson Luciana Cally. I live with my Mom and Dad. I have zero siblings".

"Loner!" Lin laughed.

"Whatever. I love animals and plants. I ace most my subjects in school. I wanna be a doctor when I go to college". "Do you still love muffins?" Angie teased. Jo went red. "I do not!" She defended. "Oh please", Lin said, "you would whine all day if your mom ever forgot your muffins. 'I want my muffins' 'I want em now!" Angie gave Lin a high five as they laughed.

"Okay. My turn", Angie sighed, "my full name is Angela Eunice Donners. I've got two brothers; one in middle school and the other is in college. We've got our Mom and Dad. I don't really have something that I love doing. I like my space and me time. I think I wanna own a restaurant when I grow up".

"Do you still hate people?" Jo asked. "Very much". Angie smirked sipping from her drink. "Prepare to be amazed people", Lin started, "this icon goes by the name Lin Shin Ye. Don't you ever call my full name dressed in rags which is what you're all wearing. I've always been too cool for school so I'm gonna be a super model. I will remember you when I'm famous. I have an annoying as hell older brother. You will not believe what he did this morning..." "I'm sure we would love to hear all about it", Angie cut her short, "Mitchell. You've been quiet. Tell us something".

Mitchell smiled and sighed, "fine. My full name is Mitchell Avery
Fretcher. I hate my middle name too. I've got two little sisters. We live with our mama. Dad's always outta town till weekend", she said, "I dyed my hair. I wanna get a tattoo when we graduate and I'm thinking of doing one of those boring office jobs later on". "Cool" Angie said, "and your middle name is cute. Try letting everyone call you Angela for a day". They both laughed.

They continued talking about their childhood hates and loves until Jo brought up the shadow world. "Where did that black hole lead to anyways?" She asked. Everywhere went quiet for a moment. "It was erm...a world of the shadows. Every possible thing that crawls in the dark lives there", she explained, "demons, spirits, monsters...Daniel". "You met him again?!" Lin almost spat out her drink. "Did he hurt you?" Mitchell asked.

"No. I figured how he always sees us. The shadow world has like a lens into the real world. You can only do so much to affect the real world".

"Like nightmares?" Mitchell asked.

"Yeah. Daniel wasn't as scary as usual and he seemed like he had answers that he could give me".

"You trust him? Angie, he's trying to kill us. I dunno about y'all but I wanna keep my life". Lin raised her hands in surrender.

"It's not like I trust him but he knows more about this and us than we do. I'm just saying".

"I still say we avoid him. It might just be a trick to attack you when you least expect it. He said you are a legacy which is clearly more powerful than us". Jo contributed. Mitchell just gave her sad eyes. "Okay guys. I would stay away". She bit her lip when she said it. They never said where. She thought.

"Back to the shadow world", Angie continued, "I didn't have to wait for the black hole this time. I kinda opened it". She told them how. She drew it on the table but without placing the writing in it. She didn't want to take the chance of opening the portal in the diner. They all felt a shock as the image glowed. "Is it supposed to do that?" Lin asked fear struck. "No". Angie answered tensed.

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