Season 2 - Ep SEVEN

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Mitchell was just out of surgery at the time Angie came back. "Angie, I am so sorry for making you run off". Jo apologized. Her eyes were red because she had been crying. "It's fine. I'm sorry I yelled", Angie hugged her, "you did the right thing by telling me". "She should be our of surgery by now", Lin looked at her phone, "let's go check".

Tatiana was pacing from one side to the other. "Where is she?" Angie asked. "They just wheeled her into a ward", she was panting, "we have to wait for a doctor to take us there". They all nodded in understanding. A female doctor came by few minutes after. "Anyone here for Mitchell Fretcher?" She asked. "We all are". Tatiana replied. She motioned with her hand to follow her.

Jo gasped in shock as she saw her. Mitchell was wrapped in many bandages and there was a tube in her nose for oxygen. "My baby!" Tatiana cried. "Excuse me ma'am?" The doctor said, "you're the mother right?" Tatiana nodded because she didn't trust her voice. The adults walked out. Angie felt her heart pang. She couldn't understand what she was feeling but seeing Mitchell in that state was depressing.

"We need to help her". Lin intertwined her fingers with Mitchell's. "It's cold". She told them. "I know what we can do", Angie announced, "Daniel said it could work". "Daniel? Again?" Lin was slightly angry, "why do keep trusting him?" "Because he knows about the magic", she answered, "and he's my uncle". "Uncle? Was that why he saved us?" Jo addressed the topic that they all clearly had on their minds. "Yeah. He said he needed me for something. As long we save Mitchell, I don't care what we have to do". Lin gave her a knowing smile before they joined their hands together.

After the said the chant, they all transported into Mitchell's head. "This is the last time anyone is entering her head". Angie said blankly. "Agreed" Lin and Jo chorused. "You remember the plan?" She asked. "Yeah". They walked into the different metal doors that stood in front of them.

After Angie explained Mitchell's state to Daniel, he concluded that she would be in a coma. He told her that people in comas usually create alternate realities where their worries are answered and that's why they don't wake up early. Angie and the rest have to convince Mitchell that the world she was living in was fake without making her panic. Any slight panic could cause instant death.

Angie covered her eyes from the light as she arrived. She was standing in the middle of the road. She recognized the place as Bresten. The road was calm and peaceful. Angie crossed the road. She admired the bungalow that was built there. It was comfortable and ideal for comfort living. She knocked on the door. "Can you get the door, babe? Danny needs his nap". Angie knew her voice anywhere.

Mitchell opened the door. "Angie?" She was confused. "Did you call me?" The other Angie quipped. Angie placed a finger on her lip and Mitchell nodded. "Not you babe". Mitchell locked the door. Angie pulled her hand to the side of the house. "Mitchell, this is not real", Angie started, "I'm not there. You have to believe me and wake up".

Angie was frustrated when she repeated the same thing three times and Mitchell gave no reaction. "Why aren't you saying anything?" She asked. "I know it's not real". Mitchell answered bitterly. Angie's mouth flew open. "Then why aren't you waking up?"

"Because this is better".

"No, Mitchell. It's not. Your Mom is sad and your sisters need you".

"What about you? I know Jo would have told you". Angie sighed. She moved closer and held her hands, "Mitchell...whether 'we' happen in real life or not, we have something more important to focus on". Mitchell removed her hands. "You don't love me", her eyes were glassy, "I rather be here where you love me and we have a family".

"This world would fade away soon. Can you deal that lose?"

"It would be worth the time it lasted".

"Mitchell! Are you hearing yourself?!" She screamed, "you want to build a life with a fiction! I want you to come back to me so that we can work things out". "You're just saying this". Mitchell made her expression strong. Angie cupped her face, "Mitchell, I need you in the real world", she said slowly, "you're the only one who gets what I'm going through. I can't fall in love with you immediately but...we can work things out".

Mitchell smiled and nodded. Angie smiled back. The world turned into ash and it was fading away with the wind. "What are you girls doing?" The doctor scolded, "she might be in a coma but she needs rest". "You sure, doc?" Lin was confident with her stance. Mitchell groaned. She wanted to hold her head with her hands but the drip stopped it.

They were all shooed outside so that the doctor could perform more tests. Angie's phone started ringing. "Who is it?" Jo asked. "An unknown number". She answered. "Don't answer", Lin frowned, "we have to see Mitchell first before some creepy individual gives us bad news". Angie nodded but she could feel a dark feeling in the pit of her stomach.

Her phone rang again. "I'm sorry guys". She said as she picked. "Young girl", it was a man and his voice was scary as hell, "I apologize for my behavior tonight but you must understand how children of the night operate under the moon". "Who are you?" She asked confidently, "and what do you mean by 'children of the night'?" "My identity has no meaning to you", he replied coldly, "I just wished to warn you. Your friend is in grave danger. See this warning as a truce. We might cross paths in the future but for now, goodbye".

Angie didn't wait to tell her friends what the man said. She ran to the door and it locked. She balled her hands into fists and the door exploded to a million pieces. The explosion had blown the doctor to the other side of the room. Out of her rage, the red sparks in her hand suffocated the woman. Angie gritted her teeth as she added pressure. "Angie stop! You'll kill her!" Jo yelled in an attempt to hold her hand.

Angie's magic got cut off and she looked at her friends. "Angie, she said stop". Lin had put a block on her hands but she released it almost immediately. "Mitchell!" She whispered. "I'm fine", Mitchell spoke so weakly, "she didn't get enough of it into my system. I'm reversing the effects now". Angie smiled weakly and ran a hand through her hair.

They all turned around to a straddling sound. The doctor was convulsing. "Angie, what are you doing?" Lin gave her a stern look. "It's not me". She answered slowly. Angie took little steps till she reached the woman. Her pupils were nowhere to be seen. Her skin was turning pale then to a sickly green and finally to gray. Angie backed away from the woman.

"What was it?" Jo inquired. "Someone sent her", Angie told them, "she was under a curse. It was for her to kill Mitchell or she dies". "What?!" Lin exclaimed. "There's more", Angie shook her head because she didn't want to believe what she was about to say, "I took a peek. She was sent by Tatiana".

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