Season 2 - Ep SIX

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Mitchell was knocked out cold. Angie had dragged her body out of the car and was trying to resuscitate her. She sharply dialed 911 then the other two girls. "What's wrong, Angie?" Jo asked as soon as she picked up. She figured that it had to be an emergency since it was 10:43pm. "Mitchell", she ran her bloody hands through her hair, "we were driving and a monster or creature crashed into us".

The ambulances arrived in the middle. "I'm on my way", Jo jumped out of bed, "I'll call Lin. Just calm down, Angie". Angie hung up and bit her lip. It was a habit she did when she was nervous and right now she was wreck. She entered the ambulance and held Mitchell's face. "You're gonna be okay", she said, "you're okay". She was assuring herself more than Mitchell's unconscious body.

"You're bleeding". The female paramedic observed. She was making a move to touch Angie but she snatched her hand. "I'm fine!" She snapped, "why isn't this thing fast?!" "You need to calm down". The woman said.

"Don't you dare tell me to calm down!"

"You're getting pale. You'll collapse too if you don't relax and let me help you", the woman's voice was soft, "I'm sure you want to be awake when they operate your girlfriend". Angie didn't bother to correct her. She just sobbed silently as she looked at Mitchell. She was almost lifeless. Angie couldn't feel her magic as much as before. It was slipping.

Angie's hand was placed in a cast. She knew it wouldn't matter later once she found out how to heal herself. "Angie!" Jo yelled running towards her. "Where is Mitchell?" Lin asked. Angie noticed that Lin's lip was burst but she didn't point it out. "She's in surgery", she said, "the steering wheel fell on her thighs, the glass from the windshield penetrated her skull and her arm was twisted around the gear".

"Oh no!" Jo covered her mouth with her palm. Lin hugged her as she cried. "This is all your fault", Angie added a sad laugh, "I blame you for this, Jo".

"My fault? How?"

"If it wasn't for your stupid peeking, she wouldn't even be out this evening!"

"I said I was sorry!"

"Sorry?" Angie chuckled, "you said sorry?" Angie snapped her fingers and Jo's wrist broke. "Ah!" She screamed. "I'm sorry", she frowned, "did that take away the pain?" "Angie", Lin held her hands, "you need to relax. This isn't going to make Mitchell heal faster". "This shouldn't have happened", she cried, "I was the one who invited her to the party". "And it was my fault". Jo mumbled.

Angie was angry, "I still blame you!" She shouted, "You don't have a clue what she was going through. Not all our parents can be loaded or be in a happy marriage". Jo furrowed her brows and asked, "what are you talking about?" "You know very well what I'm talking about", Angie shot, "you saw that her mom works at a strip club. No need to pretend". "She works where?" Lin was shocked. Jo was also surprised by the news but she said, "I promise you, Angie. That wasn't what I saw".

"Where is my baby?!" They turned their heads towards the cry. "You guys should give us space". Angie whispered. They nodded and walked away. "Ms. Roscoe?" Angie called softly. "Oh my goodness!" She inspected Angie's face, "this girl needs a bed!" She was addressing the nurses. "I'm fine, ma'am", she smiled weakly, "and so will Mitchell".

Tatiana cried into her hands, "my Avery baby!" She said, "she must be so alone". Angie sat beside her, "she'll be fine", she said, "I would never let anything bad happen". Tatiana sniffed and wiped her face. "Look Angie", she said seriously, "I don't know what you have going on with my baby but if you hurt her, I will never forgive you". Angie nodded and Tatiana hugged her.

"Angie" Lin and Jo came to them. "I'll be back". Angie said to Tatiana before following them. "We met with the sheriff outside", Jo explained, "he said it was a deer that crashed into the car". "No! No!" Angie shook her head, "I know what I saw. It was a huge hairy creature with red eyes".

"I believe you. The deer looked dead before the glass cuts". Lin added. "Maybe...I should go talk to him", Angie suggested, "he needs to catch that thing. Something about it gave me chills". "Could it be a monster from the shadow world?" Jo asked. "No. It seemed in control or at least, we weren't it's target".

There was a silence that followed before Jo cleared her throat. Lin gave her a warning through her eyes. Jo ignored it, "Angie...about earlier", she started, "I think you need to know what I saw in Mitchell's mind". "Whatever it is, it can't be important". Angie shrugged it off. She knew she was lying but she was so fed up with everything that she didn't think she could handle more news.

"She's in love with you". Those words made Angie snap her head in their direction. "What did you just say?" She furrowed her brows. "Mitchell's in love with you, Angie". Jo repeated. Angie was in shock. Her brain just kept going to some things that her mind had ignored. 'Must be had dealing with unrequited love' Daniel had said. 'You and that girl, Mitchell look good together' Zeke told her. 'I don't know what you have going on with my baby but if you hurt her, I will never forgive you' Tatiana threatened her.

Angie was shaken up. She was the only one who had been blind to not see. Mitchell is in love with me?  She thought. She stood up and walked away. "Angie wait!" Jo called out. Angie paused. "Angie, you need..." Lin cut her words short. Angie collapsed into her hands. Lin shook her but she wasn't responding. Jo checked for a pulse. "She's breathing". Jo told her. "Great! Just great!" Lin snapped, "you just had to tell her. She ran to the shadow world". "How is this my fault?!"

"I also had my suspicions that Mitchell liked girls but I knew there was a reason why she wouldn't want to say anything".

"I don't see anything wrong in being gay".

"You don't. But what about homophobes? What about being in love with someone who is most likely into guys?" Jo scrunched up her nose. It was just clicking how messed up the situation was.

Angie walked through the portal with slumped shoulders. "Had a rough day?" A voice asked. Angie rolled her eyes, "wouldn't you know?" She snarled, "Uncle Daniel". If Daniel was surprised, he didn't show it. "You finally found out". He smirked. "I did", she sighed, "what I don't know is why you saved us?" "I wanted to help my niece". He shrugged.

"I don't believe you".

"Fine" he rolled his eyes, "I need you for something later on. Don't ask 'cause I won't tell". Angie crossed her arms and scratched her head. "Can you at least tell me how to save Mitchell?" She hated that she sounded desperate but she was. "Poor girl! Dealing with heart break and now physical ache". Daniel laughed. Angie shook her head. She didn't have time to reply him. "It'll be hell but you have to do exactly as I say".

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