Season 7 - Ep THREE

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"Does she really have to go with us?" Grayson whined. "Yes sweetheart", Candice answered while washing the dishes, "your father has a meeting outside town and I have meet up with Jason's parents". Grayson frowned, "why do they want to see you?" He demanded, "Jason is way happier without them". "I don't know why but I'm guessing they have finally come to their senses". Candice shrugged.

Grayson was not happy. His Mom was forcing him to take Veronica with him to the dance. She wasn't registered to their school yet but she had been living with them. Candice told him to treat her like his little sister. She was annoying as hell and he still didn't trust that she wouldn't try to stake him in his sleep.

"Fine!" He groaned and walked upstairs. " Hey moron", he called out to Veronica, "Mom said you should get dressed. We're going to the party. Don't you dare delay". He walked away before she could even answer.

Veronica was so happy. She didn't expect that Candice and Rex would take her in. She thought they would hate her and lock her up but they were really nice and loving. She walked downstairs to find Candice. She needed a dress and they hadn't gone shopping for her yet.

"Can you stop pouting for one second?" Jason kissed his cheek. "I just don't trust her", Grayson frowned, "once a hunter, always a hunter". "C'mon! You can't judge her for what she did", Jason said, "her parents were slaughter. She doesn't even know her other family members". "Not an excuse to kill my kind".

"No, it's not. But she's trying to make things better".

"She wants to snuggle up to my parents. There has to be a reason for that. A plan, maybe". Jason laughed. Grayson frowned more because he didn't understand what was funny about his worries. "You're so cute when you're jealous". Jason teased. "Jealous? Of who? A killer?" Grayson put up a defense. "You're just worried that your parents would give her more love than you", Jason interlocked their fingers, "there's nothing wrong with feeling that way. Your parents would always love you. Just remember that Veronica doesn't have a family and she deserves love too".

Grayson pulled Jason closer, "you're taking her side huh?" He reduced his voice, "I think I need to remind you that you're my mate not hers". "I know I'm your mate", Jason brought his head closer, "but we can have a little fun before we go". Their lips were inches from each other. "Ewww! Can you both not have sex before we leave?" Veronica screeched.

"I'm gonna kill her". Grayson growled and went outside. Jason just smiled and rolled his eyes. They behaved like true siblings. That made Jason sad. He hadn't seen his little brothers since he was kicked out. He had spoken to them through the house phone but it wasn't the same. Despite what his mom did, he still missed her.

"Are you sure?" Mitchell asked her for the fifth time. "Yeah. I need this distraction". Angie nodded. Mitchell suggested that Angie should take the night off and have a talk with Daniel. She refused saying she wasn't ready. She didn't want to hear the sad stories and she didn't trust herself not to get angry that he never challenged Nolan for her.

"Well, we better get going", Jo said, "I cannot stand Lin and her..." "Where's the love?!" Lin squealed as she reentered the  room. Jo rolled her eyes. "Don't pretend to be sad", Lin snapped, "I know that blondy gave you a corsage". Jo blushed and dashed into the bathroom to 'fix her makeup'.

"Lovebirds!" She hugged Angie and Mitchell, "I had the brightest idea. Matching outfits!" She pulled out two shopping bags. "Oh no" Angie shook her head. "Oh yes!" Lin nodded. Angie instantly regretted letting Lin pick out outfits for all of them. It wasn't like they had a choice. The rest of them were busy worrying while Lin was still working on the Valentine's day party.

"I like it". Mitchell commented as she admired the black and red dress. It was jumpsuit dress which meant that it had a big opening in the middle where the pants showed. It was leather pants. It looked something that came out of a historical warrior princess movie. "I change my mind", Mitchell smiled, "I love it".

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