Season 5 - Ep THREE

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Nolan and her friends were about to enter school. "Wait!" Nolan paused but once she recognized the voice, she began to walk away. "Really? You're not even gonna listen?" Irene said desperately. "I don't owe you anything", Nolan spat, "c'mon guys, we have better things to do". "I wanna hear what she has to say", Tatiana crossed her arms, "you have sixty seconds".

Nolan rolled her eyes and walked back. "Funny, you have an entourage". Nolan snarled. "Watch it", Kimberly snapped, "I'm her neighbor. Her parents told me to make sure she doesn't get into trouble". "Sounds like babysitting". Sophia chuckled. It was even a surprise that she spoke. She liked to be the quiet one.

"Look, we're in high school now", Irene started, "we can do better than some childish fight". "Excuse me? I don't remember having a baby face". Tatiana faked a gasp. Irene rolled her eyes and smiled. Tatiana just joked with her meaning she wasn't mad. "Girl, you have got to tell me where you got those boots". Tatiana pulled Kimberly and started talking her ears off.

Sophia took the hint and looked at Celine. "Is that Resah Trakk's 'Devon Exclusive'?" She asked, "I have been trying to get my hands on it". Celine put the book down from her face, "there were only a few copies in town", she said, "I slept in the store all night to get one. It's even signed". "No freaking way!" Sophia grabbed Celine's hand, "tell me all about it. Did Marco join the gang? Did Abby get married to that macho man? What about Lucio? Something good must have happened".

"Just because my friends like you doesn't mean I have to". Nolan already found out that her friends set her up. "Look, I was awful to you in middle school. I get it. But I was a kid back then. I had no idea what I was saying", Irene said, "I wasn't the only one who said awful things to the other". Nolan stayed quiet. "Fine! At least, I tried". She was walking away. "Wait!" Nolan sighed, "please tell me you still watch 'Bizzare Island'?" Irene smiled.

The day went by and it was time to go home. "Granny, I'm home!" Nolan said once she entered the house. She didn't get a reply. She smiled and recited, "one, two, three, four...there's a knock on the door". "Five, six, seven,'s probably someone I hate". Nolan smiled when she got the reply.

"Nine" she said. "Stay away from what's mine". The older woman answered. "Ten" Nolan said finally. "I'm not like other women". Nolan smiled and hugged her. "I missed you granny". She gave her a big kiss on the cheeks. "I missed you too dear". Grandma said.

Nolan went into the kitchen to prepare her grandma's special tea. "I have a surprise for you". Grandma said. "You know I hate surprises". Nolan continued cutting the leaves. "You have deeply hurt me little sis". A voice she knew all too well answered. Nolan dropped the knife and ran out.

"Younger by five minutes!" She shouted as she hugged him. "I hope you don't mind me sharing your town". Daniel smirked. "That is the only thing I am happy to share".

Present day...

"How can you kidnap a full grown teenager in the middle of the day?" Jo was flabbergasted. "The timing was perfect", Angie said angrily, "everyone was in class and those that aren't are worried about a stupid dance". "The dance did nothing to offend you". Lin said.

"Guys!" Jo stopped them from walking, "let's think this through". "There is no time to think. She could be really hurt". Angie was trying not to fall apart. It was her fault Mitchell was gone. She didn't have to be so dramatic. She could have stayed and protected her.

"You can't be sure that's it's your mom", Lin told Angie, "we would have sensed the magic all around but check it. Nothing. It seems like a regular heist". "Exactly. I mean if it was your Mom, we would meet a dead body", Jo scoffed, "she's not very discreet with it". Lin stepped on her foot. "Oww!" She cried out, "I was saying the truth". "That doesn't make it any less hurtful". Angie snapped

Mitchell felt a splash on her face. "Rise and shine". She heard a voice tease. She groaned and moved her neck. She was having a wicked headache. She made a move to stretch but her hands were stuck. Her eyes flew open. She could barely see anything. She checked her legs and they were tied too. "Crap" she whispered.

"Don't bother struggling", Lyon said swinging the bat, "if you answer all my questions, I'll release you. It would be like nothing ever happened". "Who are you and why are you doing this?" She asked twisting her body in the uncomfortable chair. "That isn't what should bother you. Now, what are the powers that you and your friends have?"

"Powers?" Mitchell snickered, "looks like someone's been watching too much SciFi".

"Humor. Not exactly the line you should be going into".

"You can't blame me when I've been kidnapped by a sicko".

"Just answer the damn questions and you're free to go". He brought he face closer to hers. Mitchell toughened her eyes and said, "like I said before, you're talking about fiction". "I really didn't think this would be so difficult to understand", he pinched his nose bridge, "all you have to do is give me confession of my theories and we'll be on our merry way".

So he doesn't know? Good. She thought to herself. She stared him down and refused to talk. Lyon was getting frustrated with his job. "Okay, Mitchell", he said, "I'm gonna give you one last chance to tell me about all the supernatural shit that has been going on here". Mitchell glared at him, "I told you before", her tone was firm, "nothing like that exists". "Great! We'll play your game". Were his words before the weapon smashed against her temple.

"Did you feel that?" Lin asked. "Yeah. She needs our help fast". Angie said. "How about we sneak into the principal's office?" Jo suggested, "the address of every student would be in the system". They made a plan and decided to execute it.

Lin knocked on the office. "Come in". The principal said softly. Good morning sir", Lin wore a big smile, "I just happen to hear that I am running the dance committee". The principal removed his glasses and faced her. "Shouldn't you be in class?" He asked unimpressed. "Shouldn't we all be in class?" Lin played it off, "here's the thing. I have a bright idea that would save a lot of money for the planning but everyone is disagreeing with me". The man stood up and said, "lead the way".

Once they were gone, Angie and Jo snuck inside. "We have to hurry". Angie said. Jo switched on the system. "Password. Damn". She muttered. She stroked her chin for a little while them typed in something. "Yes! I knew it!" She cheered. "What was the password?" Angie was curious. "His birthday. Do not ask me how I knew". Angie just shrugged and continued checking the door.

"Strange". Jo suddenly said, "he's not in the system". "What? Maybe you got the name wrong". Angie moved closer to her. "No. He's not here. I've scanned through every file for his name or face. He's not a student". Angie frowned and both of them left the room.

They met Lin in the adjacent hallway. "You guys are going to pay for that performance". Lin said out of breath. "We have bigger problems", Jo told her, "the guy is not a student. I think he just showed up to get Mitchell". "That means he must have seen her use her powers". Angie mumbled. "I do remember her doing something on that night", Lin remembered, "I think she used her powers to stop some of my Dad's goons". "And he was at the warehouse too. Shit". Angie said. "We could check the parking lot", Jo suggested, "he couldn't have took off without wheels".

They all went outside. "Here!" Lin called out once she found  something. Angie went to her. "Looks like it's our lucky day", she smiled slightly, "he had a leaking pipe". "Erm, guys?" Jo stuttered. "What happen...oh my gosh!" Lin used her palm to cover her mouth.

The sophomore that spoke to them that morning laid on the floor. Her head was severed from her body and her pupils were gone. "Tick tock". The voice whispered into Angie's ears as a chill went down her spine.

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