Season 1 - Ep FOUR

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Angie just sat still as Lin told the story of how they came about Felicity's body. Apparently, Felicity had run out to search for Angie after the party trick was played and she got attacked by a wild animal while Angie bashed her head from fainting. The sheriff stared at them in an attempt to doubt the story but he felt sorry for Angie as she looked so lost. He took in the statement and called their parents to pick them up.

Angie had ignored the remaining girls. She couldn't look them in the eyes. She blamed herself yet she was numb to the pain. She couldn't cry even though it hurts so badly. "Honey?" Nolan said softly, "I know you just lost your friend but it'll only get better if you talk about it". Angie still stayed quiet. Somehow, she felt like this was just the start of tragedies in her life.

Nolan gave up on getting Angie to cry out her feelings. Angie didn't bother to change or have a bath. She sat on her bed and started scrolling through their photos. She wondered why none of them called for help. Everything was so tensed they didn't even think about it. "I miss you". She whispered before crying herself to sleep.

"Is she okay, Mom?" Mike asked silently. "She'll be fine. She needs time and space". Nolan hugged the younger boy. "Dave, please watch over them", she said once she pulled away, "I want to go to Irene. She needs the comfort". "Sure thing, Mom". He answered and pecked her cheek. "C'mon buddy. Bedtime". He guided Mike to his room before heading to his.


"Angie, Mom said you could skip school if you want", Dave said after he knocked on her door, "she already called the principal. I'm here if you wanna talk, sis". "Thanks". She mumbled but Dave heard and walked down. "How is she?" Nolan asked just removing her jacket. "She's going to be fine". Dave nodded.

Angie looked at the mirror. She knew how much Felicity loved her long hair. She grabbed a pair of scissors and cut it. She made a parting in the middle and straightened it out. She wore a leather jacket and black jeans out the several clothes that Felicity had left behind from their multiple sleepovers.

"Honey". Nolan hugged her daughter. "Hey Mom". She replied. "You don't have to go if you don't want to".

"I want to. Felicity would kill me if I skipped". She added a sad laugh.

"Honey, you have to talk about it".

"I have. We gave our report to the cops yesterday, didn't we?" Before Nolan could protest, Angie kissed her cheek and she was out the door. She stood on the porch for almost ten minutes reminiscing about all the times that Felicity would pick her up and drop her off. "Yo! People hater! Can you not keep me waiting?" She would asked with a playful grin. "Another day back from the hellhole and we survived. Up top!" That was her line after school.

She frowned at the memory and started walking. She barely had any sleep. Not only did she keep seeing Felicity's dead body but she kept hearing screams in her head. Her phone started ringing. It was an unknown number so she declined it. It rang again and again. She was in no mode for conversation with strangers. Her phone buzzed with a text message.

I know we're the last people you want to see but we need to talk. Meet us at Tom's Tank. ASAP

She rolled her eyes but headed there anyways. The familiar voice of Gene Kelly greeted her. 'Singin in the Rain' was one of Felicity's favorite song. She sang it everywhere and every time (off key to be precise). She spotted Mitchell's red curls from the corner of the diner and walked towards them.

"What did you want to talk about?" She snapped immediately she got to their table. "At least, let us offer you a drink". Jo said softly. Angie rolled her eyes but sat down anyways. "Don't even think about apologizing", she said sharply, "I don't need your pity".

"She was our friend too you know. You don't have to be so mean about it". Lin spoke subtly.

"She was my only friend. And I knew her better than any of you", Angie bowed her head, "she was the only one who bothered to notice me and thanks to you three... she's gone". They all went quiet. Angie calmed down. A weight had been released from her chest.

It was at that moment that she took in their appearances. They had eye bags and dark marks under their eyes. Compared to Lin's fabulous closet, she looked like she was in rags, Jo's hair was messy like she hadn't curled it for the day and Mitchell just looked plain sad.

"Guess you guys didn't get any sleep too, huh?" She asked slowly. "Are you kidding? It was impossible. The screaming, the blood..." Lin said being her dramatic self. "That's why we wanted to meet up", Jo explained, "it's not a coincidence that we're having the same nightmares". "I tried Google", Mitchell spoke up, "I found something but I doubt it would be of any use". "Let's see". Angie encouraged her.

Mitchell pulled out her laptop. "It's an article from a gossip column", Mitchell read, "it said that a ranger was mysteriously killed on April 24, 1987. Investigations found strange markings around the building and human foot prints but the office of the police is bound to write it off as an animal attack due to the claw marks on the body. When I checked the photo, it looked like this". They all took a peak at the photo. It wasn't clear but the details were there. "Just like Felicity's", Mitchell added, "that's gotta mean that this had happened before".

Angie ran her hand through her hair. This was a lead at least. Her eyes found a guy that was seated two tables from them. He was flipping a coin as he stared at them. Angie nudged Mitchell and pointed at the man. He smirked and waved at the girls. A chill ran down her spine. "Um excuse me?" She called one of the food runners, "that guy over there is creeping my friends and I. Can you tell him that it's not polite to stare?"

The guy looked at the table and raised his eyebrows in confusion. "There's no one there". He said flatly. "What do mean? He's right there", she pointed at the creepy guy who was now sipping his drink, "you guys can see him right?" The other girls nodded. The food runner looked back again and sighed, "I get it", he smiled, "the tradition. Always prank the new guy. You guys got me. Enjoy your meal".

"What the hell!" Angie was pissed, "how come he couldn't see the guy?" "I don't know". Jo whispered. Creepy guy stood up, left a dark green envelope on the table, winked at them and walked out. Lin stretched her hand to the table and squinted. The envelope vanished and reappeared in her hands. "How did you do that?" Mitchell asked. "I have no clue", Lin shook her head, "it was like something was egging me to grab it".

Jo snatched and opened it. "Do yourselves a favor", she read, "pretend that nothing happened and try to live normal lives as possible. Felicity's death will be nothing compared to what will happen if you don't". Tension rose among them. "It's official", Angie shook her head, "we've awoken darkness".

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