Season 2 - Ep FIVE

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Mitchell's head was pounding. She checked her phone and it was eight in the evening. She eventually cried herself to sleep. She scanned her room. It was a ness. She scattered it in anger and fear. She was angry at Jo for peeking and she was afraid that she was going to have a repeat of what happened in her old school. She clicked her fingers and the red sparks covered all the things. They were floating to their places and folding up neatly. "Avery dear" The voice made her shriek and the rest of the things fell down.

She unlocked the door. "Are you okay?" Tatiana asked worriedly. "Yeah" Mitchell brushed off what she was feeling. "Do you need to go out?"

"Aren't you going to work?"

"Not today. My babies need me more". "I don't really have..." The ringing of her phone stopped her. Tatiana gave permission with her eyes. "Hey Mitchell". Angie said. "What do want?" She replied coldly. "I got an invite to the after party of the game a minute ago".

"So?" Mitchell really wanted Angie to get mad at her tone and hang up.

"I was wondering if you would come with me. I really need a friend. I'm mad at Jo and Lin is not a person I would want to get stuck with".

"She would probably ditch you or talk you to death". They both laughed at this. Silence followed until Mitchell gave in, "I'm in but only because loud music, alcohol and high teenagers are the company I need right now". "Same. I'll text you the address. See you later". Angie hung up with a smile. She really needed something to drown her sorrows in. She was in love with Jason for the night. His call came in at the perfect moment.

"Be back before curfew". Tatiana kissed her cheek and left. Tatiana cheered when she was in the kitchen. "My baby is finally going to get some action", she hummed and danced as she continued cleaning up. Mitchell took a shower and got dressed. She wore her usual badass girl outfit, grabbed the car keys and went out. She checked the address couple times to make sure she was driving to the right place.

Mitchell was about to drive back when she saw the amount of cars packed outside. She was used to house parties but this was biggest one she had seen. She was very sure that many of them were from other schools. Bresten was a small town. "Mitchell!" Angie waved her over once she was inside.

Angie was started on her first drink when she saw the familiar red curly hair among the crowd of heads. "I had no idea it would be this huge". Angie said over the music. "It's fine", Mitchell sat on the stool beside her, "I'm worried about you. This is your first party". "How did you know?" Angie was surprised that she knew that. She bit her lip when she put the pieces together. "Felicity?" She asked to which Mitchell nodded.

"To us!" Angie made a toast and they clanked their beer cans. "Light", Mitchell commented, "good. Rule number one of parties; be careful what you drink. Rule two; never collect a drink from anyone". "You're the boss". Angie laughed. Angie was halfway through her fourth can when she pulled Mitchell to the dance floor. Nights by Avril was playing.

Mitchell loosened up and danced. Angie was already drunk so she dancing like a crazed person. Mitchell thought she looked great. She had never seen the girl look so free. She was feeling free too. In only three days, it was like the worries of the world where placed on the shoulders of the four. Right there, all that mattered was being a normal irresponsible teenager.

Mitchell became really protective over Angie when Jason was trying to pull her away. "What's your deal?" Jason spat with his alcohol breath. "She doesn't want to go with you". Mitchell yanked Angie's hand. "I get it", Jason moved closer, "you want this hot piece of meat for yourself". He breathed on her left ear and whispered, "we can take a few spins upstairs if you want".

Mitchell looked at him sternly. Suddenly, Jason was writhing in pain. He couldn't control the high pitch ringing in his head. Nobody took notice of this. The music was far too loud. "You're hurting him". Angie said softly. She was starting to sober up. Mitchell closed her eyes and exhaled. She dragged Angie to her mom's car.

"Here" she offered Angie a bottle of water. "How you still fine?" Angie asked before drinking. Mitchell just shrugged. They stayed in silence for a couple minutes. "What you did back there was pretty decent and badass". Mitchell chuckled with a "thanks". The silence was there again until Mitchell asked, "what happened?"

Angie sighed heavily, "I found out yesterday that my parents are gonna get a divorce", she said, "adding the photo we found in the book to that made it feel worse".

"That's some crazy shit. At least your parents got married".

Angie was surprised at the info. "Yours aren't?"

"Never have and never will. It's pathetic".

"And they have three kids?"

"Four actually. They lost the first one".

"Messed up stuff", Angie looked out the window, "my family used to be almost perfect". "It must be hard watching it break apart, right?" Mitchell asked.

"Yeah. It is and it's just getting started".

"What do you mean?"

"I found a photo of my mom...and Daniel. Turns out, his real surname is Skewer and he's my mom's twin brother". "Excuse me?" Mitchell did not expect that, "he's your uncle". "I guess. I always knew there was a reason I felt he wouldn't hurt me. This is it". "I am so sorry. Not the pitiful one though". Mitchell quickly added. Angie faced Mitchell, "that time with Jo", she was treading carefully, "what did she see?"

Mitchell stopped breathing for a moment. She couldn't tell Angie the truth. She would hate her. She settled for something that was equally disturbing. "It was about my mom", she said, "she saw her job".

"What does she do?"

"She's a stripper at some club. Ten bucks for each slap on her ass".

"Oh my gosh! That's why you were so upset. I am so sorry, Mitchell".

"It's not your fault. I'm just really scared for my sisters. The sheriff threatened my mom last night. One more slip up and we get foster home. It's harder since my mom is an alcoholic". Angie saw Mitchell's feelings in her eyes. She covered her hands with her own. "It'll be fine", she assured, "you're strong for yourself and them. She won't get taken away". "I hope so" "I know so and I'm always here. You helped me with Felicity and this family drama. I'm with you".

Mitchell was getting lost in the moment but she quickly pulled out. "Thanks" she said and started the car. They were driving in silence. Mitchell's ears twitched. She could hear something coming. "Do you..." Angie's question was cut short by a large creature crashing into the windshield.

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