Season 4 - Ep FOUR

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Lin woke up to the blaring of her phone. She barely got sleep. She put the phone against her ears. "Lin!" The person screamed clearing the sleep from her eyes. She checked the caller id and said, "Maggie?" "Where have you been?!" "My phone was having some troubles".

"I tried calling you all night".

"I'm sorry. What happened?"

"It's a long story but this..." Lin heard a knock on her door. "Maggie, how about we save this?" She asked. "But it's important!" Maggie protested. "We can talk about it in school. Bye". Maggie hung up and stomped back home. "It's open". She told whoever was at the door.

"Do you need ice honey?" Kimberly asked. "Why would I need ice?" Lin replied sarcastically, "it's not like my muscles are throbbing from receiving a beating". Kimberly took in a deep breath before bringing it inside. She had to bare her daughter's sass because Lin had every right to vent.

Lin put the icepacks on her shoulder blades. She had a huge bruise on her knee so she was going to wear leather pants to school. She massaged the spots for a few minutes before going to get ready.

She had a quick shower and brushed her teeth. She wore a baby pink top tucked into the leather pants and stilettos. She combed out her hair and curled them. She wore hoop earrings and carried one of her bags. She added makeup to cover the dark circles under her eyes. She blew the mirror a kiss and went down.

To her surprise, Mitchell was waiting for her by her own door. Mitchell wanted to ignore that her number was unreachable the night before but she couldn't. Something seemed out of place with Lin. She hadn't forgotten the car that drove off with her in it. "Hey" Mitchell greeted. "Hi. Is today opposite day?", Lin smirked, "usually, I'm the one banging on your door". "Why don't you tell the whole world?" Mitchell rolled her eyes.

Angie stood by the open door of Mike's room. "How're you feeling?" She asked. "Better but Dave still said I can't get out of bed". He crossed his arms and pouted. "For a teenager, you act like a big baby". Angie teased while sitting on his bed. "It's not fair!"

"We just wanna protect you".

"I'll watch where I'm going this time".

"Maybe tomorrow", she pecked his temple, "get some rest and be a good boy". She left after that. She had cooked up a story that Mike fell from the stairs in fear. Dave ate it up obviously.

"Hello" Jo smiled as soon as she saw Angie. "If you're trying to flirt with me, I have a girlfriend". Angie replied playfully. "Of course". Jo nodded. "Who has a girlfriend?" Mitchell joined in. She intertwined her hands with Angie's after that. "I want one too!" Lin cheered. "You guys are the worst". Angie rolled her eyes. It was her signature move.

"Your phone was unreachable last night", Jo turned Lin, "that like never happens". "It was just a tiny problem", Lin shrugged, "nothing to worry about". Mitchell frowned internally because she knew that Lin wasn't home that night and she was most likely not with her phone. "Any updates?" Lin questioned. "You said you had something to tell us", Mitchell replied, "but before then, the history has been rewritten. Jo and I tried to read it but the words are in a strange language". "Mike saw me", Angie blurted, "then I had to wipe his memory".

They all widened their eyes. "What?!" Jo asked. "He was panicking guys!" Angie was frustrated, "the look in his eyes... I didn't know what else to do". Mitchell squeezed her hand. Angie calmed down but she still felt guilty. She never meant to use her powers on him. She was so sure that he was going to hate her.

Maggie's head was spinning. She could hardly concentrate on anything except the pain she felt. She had no idea what she was or how to manage it. She stopped walking when she saw the silhouette. The memory of Felicity's tombstone flashed her memory almost immediately. She was grateful when she saw the only four girls that were just as dangerous.

She had planned what to say but when she got there, her mouth moved on their own accord. "A new girl's coming", she said, "stay away from her 'cause she won't stay away from you". Once she had walked a distance from them, she gave herself a facepalm.

The girls were about to think up solutions when Maggie's warning came. "Creepy". Jo shivered. "I think she's hallucinating or something". Angie tried to guess. Only Lin understood why she spoke in that way. "Erm guys... I just remembered that I left a pin in my hair. Gotta go fix it. See ya!" "The bathroom's..." Mitchell started but Lin was gone. "Something's up with Maggie and Lin". Mitchell finally said her suspicion to them.

"Maggie! Maggie!" Lin yelled after her. Maggie entered an empty classroom and released a breath she didn't know she was holding. She was shaken up. "What was that?" Lin asked closing the door. "I-I don't... I c-can't..." She was fumbling with her words. "Just breathe". Lin tried to soothe her. She nodded her head and closed her eyes. "Just relax". Lin whispered.

Maggie's breath evened out. She reopened her eyes. Lin unconsciously stepped back. "What's wrong?" Maggie was confused by her reaction. Lin dropped her bag in a seat and faced the door. A blue light came out of her hand and covered the door. The door continued glowing in the same color. "What's wrong?" Maggie repeated her question.

"Your eyes". Was Lin's short answer. Maggie brought out a hand mirror from her purse. "Oh no", She gasped once she saw the color, "I can't go out like this". Her eyes were gray and her pupil was gone. She was shocked because she could still see everything clearly. "I know. We can try to change you back after you tell me what happened".

"After you left, I woke up with a headache as usual".


"I wasn't in my room. I was in the graveyard".

"What?! How did you get there?"

"No idea", she shrugged, "but the weird thing was that I was on Felicity's grave". Lin was beyond shocked. Felicity's death was the first. How is she related to this?" Lin wondered. "Something else happened", Maggie added, "her date of birth and death kept changing". "Changing? That makes no sense". The two girls were tired. Nothing was aligning.   They had no idea where to start from. Lin quickly remembered what Maggie warned about. "You said a new girl was coming". "I have no idea what that means. I heard the words come out of my mouth but I didn't think about them". "Stranger. Let's get your eyes fixed first". Lin concluded.

"If we ask, they wouldn't answer". Jo shrugged. "We still have to try. Lin said she knew how history changed that must have something to do with Maggie", Angie was thinking deep, "we all saw her face in the diner. She knows a lot. Lin is probably trying to get her trust. We need to have more faith". Mitchell shook her head. She could already feel that something big and bad was coming. Usually it comes with the reveal of secrets.

Sneakers walked to where they were standing. All the girls felt the blood drain from their faces. This was just as bad as seeing a ghost. "Erm... I'm new. Do you know where the Principal's office is?" The girl asked. "Felicity". Angie whispered with painful doubt. The girl obviously heard. "Who? I'm Tammy Chambers".

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