Season 3 - Ep FOUR

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Jo was glad that Lin had fallen for her lies. She was restless. She kept slipping in and out of consciousness. She was too scared to sleep. Magic worked in dangerous ways. If she were to die in her hallucinations, she would die in real life. That was a risk she wasn't willing to take. Yet, you were happy to risk your friendships. Her conscience nagged her.

The loud ding of the doorbell served as a perfect excuse. She jumped out of bed as if the door was in need of medical attention. She stopped in her tracks when her brain began to work. Her parents would never ring the doorbell after all, it was their house. Her mind immediately went to Lin and the others. Had they discovered her lie? Angie was so close to figuring out so there was a large possibility.

She took in deep breaths and turned the knob. Shock filled her before the anger. "Mrs. Donners?" She questioned. For all she knew, she was mad and this could be a nightmare. "Hello Johanson", Nolan smirked, "may I come in?"

"Why would she do something like this?" Lin was pacing around asking questions that none of them had answers to. "I have no idea", Mitchell answered, "but pacing around won't help". "I knew something was up", Angie frowned bitterly, "why did she lie? We could help her". "I'm going to give her a piece of my mind. Right now!" Their phones chimed in unison. "No need", Angie scoffed before giving Mitchell a soft look, "can you hold up?" Mitchell nodded.

They all walked to the diner. Mitchell eventually ditched her crutches. Her leg was healing speedily. "What do you want?" Angie demanded harshly. "Can't I spend time with my friends?" Jo gave a fake smile. "Cut the crap!" Lin snapped, "we know you lied". Jo let her heart sink for a minute. "In my defense, I didn't know I was doing it". Jo lied again. Angie obviously noticed and called her out for it. "You're still lying!" Angie's anger was boiling hot.

"I'm not. I only realized after I started. I know I should have stopped but I couldn't risk you never coming back".

"Oh really? You've been lying to us. Why should I believe you now?"

"Because I need your help. I thought I could cure myself but now I know, only our bond can help".

Angie studied Jo's face and her soft brown eyes twinkled with the innocence that made the girl so loveable. Angie sighed and reached for the other's hand, "I really wish you didn't lie", she said, "we're a team and we fight through everything together". "I'm really sorry", Jo smiled, "I honestly didn't want to be a burden. You already have so much on your plate with your supposed feelings for Mitchell and all". Angie retracted her hand and frowned. The innocence she had seen before was masked with something more sinister. "Oh!" Jo faked a gasp, "I shouldn't have said that. I just promised not to tell anyone more lies". Mitchell looked away in hurt and Lin glared.

"This isn't you talking. It's madness". Angie said through gritted teeth.

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