Season 3 - Ep NINE

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Jo was taken to Mitchell's house. They was no way to explain how she got injured so they avoided the hospital. "I am so sorry guys". Jo said after groaning. "Save your strength". Lin said while helping Mitchell to nurse her wounds. Angie was about to speak when her phone rang. She excused herself to receive it.

"She hates me, doesn't she?" Jo asked weakly. "Knowing Angie, she probably hates herself more". Lin blurted. Mitchell nudged her in the stomach. "She doesn't hate you", Mitchell assured Jo, "she just has a lot to focus on". "Was that really her mom?" Mitchell shrugged,"no one knows. We couldn't see her face but I know she had something to do with her".

"Hey Dave". Angie said into the phone. "Angie, are you okay?" Dave asked worriedly. She looked back at her friends then herself. "I'm good", she lied, "why did you ask?" "What happened to Jo's Mom is all over the internet. It also said you were there". Angie paused, "we're fine. It was actually Lin and I that went to look for Jo. We're all at Mitchell's house".

"The same Mitchell that mom said to stay away from?"

"Well Mom isn't here now is she?" She stopped when she realized that it was too harsh. Before she could say anything else, Dave said "be back home before curfew" and he hung up. Angie sighed and thought great! He's mad at me.

"Who was that?" Lin asked. "It was Dave. He wanted to make sure we were safe. Someone filmed what happened to Sophia". Angie replied. Jo was smitten with guilt. She was the only one who knew what happened. "Anyways, that's not our primary concern", Angie crossed her arms, "I wanna know how this all started". "She needs rest, Angie". Mitchell pleaded with her eyes. "That was what happened last time too. I'm not taking any chances".

"No one ever said this was your burden to bear".

"It is. It's my Mom and I'm the only one who saw the hit list".

"You're not the boss here". "I never said I was", Angie retorted, "but as it stands I'm the only one who can fix things". "Please!" Jo stopped their bickering. Angie and Mitchell were panting. They were secretly arguing about their feelings. "I know what I said and I lied", Jo confessed, "Angie has always hated Jason. She practically hated everyone. Mitchell, she's trying her best for you. She actually wants to put effort". Mitchell rolled her eyes and walked out. "I'll talk to her". Angie said before going after her.

"I don't wanna talk about it". Mitchell had her hands behind her back. "You will have to so why not now?" Angie took light steps towards her, "Jason wanted advice. Turns out he and Grayson have something going on". Mitchell turned to face her and asked, "The Grayson that has supposedly slept with half the girls in school?". Angie nodded. "I did not see that coming". Mitchell laughed.

Angie took the chance to move closer. "I meant what I said about making things work out", she said, "between fighting for our lives and uncovering all the secrets in Bresten... I don't think there has been time". "You're darn right about that". Mitchell argued. Silence stayed between them for a moment. "I don't blame you. How you found out was even sudden", Mitchell broke it, "you can take all the time in the world. I'm not going anywhere". Angie hugged her and placed a light kiss on her lips.

"Don't start sucking each other's faces off. We have to find a solution". Lin cut in. They laughed and reentered the house. Jo was already asleep when they came in. "She needs the rest". Lin pointed out. "I'm just glad that she's back to normal for now". Mitchell added. "We need to make it permanent. We need the book".

"I'm pretty sure no one was blind when it blew into a million pieces". Lin sassed.

"That fact has been established. Thank you". Angie shot back.

"Let's not forget the real topic of discussion". Mitchell quipped. Angie stroke her chin. "We know the magic is ancient. The book must have been there at the beginning as well". She said. "It's also possible that it's been transporting through time and that was the only copy". Mitchell added. "Maybe" Lin said, "but if we can travel back in time, we can make a duplicate of the first one so that time remains the same".

Mitchell and Angie gave her a shocked look. "What? I have a brain for a reason". Lin put up a defense. "Since we can't study about how to time travel, I can ask Daniel for what he knows", Angie suggested, "and you both can research for more stuff. Maybe ask Sophia. They might have tried something like that before". They nodded in agreement. "Since my Mom has gotten Jo, the next target could be Lin or Maggie Pitters so we have to be on the lookout". She finally added.

Mitchell decided to stay with Jo while Lin went to ask the questions. Even if she was going to be attacked, she would have Tatiana and Sophia to back her up. Angie left her body and went into the shadows.

"I have been expecting you". Daniel greeted. "Hello to you too". She snapped. "Don't be such a killjoy", he mocked, "you're alive aren't you?" "With your help, thanks". She said ever so sarcastic. "Fine. Act out if you must. Just know that the monsters haven't been fed today".

"Whatever. You know why I'm here".

"Actually, no. I had business to attend to. I haven't tuned in to your show in a while".

"We need to travel back in time. The book got destroyed". For the first time, Daniel looked scared. "I knew you girls were mad but this is beyond that". He said. "Can you help us or not?" Angie was growing impatient. "I cannot be a party to this. You could change the whole of time".

"In other to save it. As far as I know, the past and future are doomed since the book is gone".

"This is outrageous!"

"A spirit from the past was locked up here for years and it didn't affect anything. I doubt that getting a duplicate of the book could do much harm". Angie relaxed and said slowly, "please, we need help to stop the darkness". "I am most certain that you have lost your marbles but this couldn't affect me in the least so I'll help". "Thank you".

"Miss Roscoe". Lin greeted as soon as she entered the room. "You girls survived". She was relieved. "Barely but we're good", Lin shrugged, "we have a big problem though". "When have you never". Tatiana rolled her eyes. "The book got destroyed". It was like she had dropped a bomb. Even Sophia woke up. "What?!" "We don't know how it happened". Lin shrugged. "Once the order of the magic is broken, the intensity could destroy its life force. The life force could either be the people or the spells". Sophia explained.

Lin explained their plan to them and Tatiana was not impressed. "According to what Mrs. Calley said, we're lucky to be alive. We have to take the chance". Lin buttressed her point. Tatiana sighed and gave Sophia a look. Sophia understood the sign and nodded. "There's an hour glass in the store room of my house", Tatiana said, "Avery can find it. That is the tether you have to the present timeline. As long as the sand doesn't switch over, nothing changes". Lin thanked her and went back to deliver the news.

Angie and Lin arrived at the same time. "I got a spell". Angie said. "And I have a tether". Lin added. It was time to fix things by having a history lesson.

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