Season 5 - ONE

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"...he owns the biggest gang in Korea. Debeouk, that's the name. He had been running operations in Korea for years. I think he met my Mom on one of his trips here. She was stubborn according to him, so he had to punish her". They all listened without saying anything. Lin looked at their faces. If they were angry or disappointed, they didn't show it on their faces.

"They got married the next week. Years after, they had my brother, Jonah. My Dad gave him Joon after himself but my Mom changed his name. Then they had me. My real name is Seo Lin Ye. Sorry for lying. I watched a movie and picked the name Shin. As I started growing and I started seeing my Dad for the monster he is, I stuck to the name".

"The warehouse you found, Mitchell...that's he's biggest fight club in America. Not everyone there lives in Bresten. They place bets that someone would beat my Dad's champion. My brother was his champion until the night he barely won. He came home the next day and stabbed his eyes. He put me through training and in four months, I was his champion".

"Every night, I fight for my life. The game had rules. The loser gets killed and the winner spins the Wheel of Death to decide how the person dies. Some people pay to just watch a good match. They don't always place bets. I felt horrible but if I refused to fight, he would torture my Mom and brother till they begged for death and he would make me watch".

"He wants me to take over the family 'business'. He has a symbol for his gang and if he marks me, I have to kill the leader of one of his rival gangs", she wiped the tears from her face, "that's it. That's my life. You guys can talk now".

Everyone was dumbfounded. They weren't mad at her. They were worried if not scared for her. "You can't help how you're born", Angie spoke up first, "besides, you're not the only one with a psychopathic parent. My Mom is a murderer too". That comforted Lin because it was true. There wasn't much difference between Nolan and Seo. Nolan might even be worse.

"I'm sorry I didn't understand", Mitchell apologized, "I was terrified of what I saw there. And to think you had to come out everyday and pretend to be someone you're not". "We weren't wrong when we said you loved drama", Jo added, "you had us all fooled". "Not all of you". Lin shrugged.

Maggie smiled at the tender moment. She was in her thoughts. These girls had family drama to deal with and they had the supernatural realm to deal with. It was too much. "I'll let you guys rest", she stood up, "I have a thing to check on anyways". She excused herself. The four girls waved her off and returned their attention to Lin.

"We're gonna stop him", Angie said confidently, "we can handle him with the law or magic. Whatever you want". "Not magic. I promised Jonah", Lin replied, "he found out and it's not like he can tell anyone". "Fine. We use the law. We can go  to the warehouse and gather evidence. There should be clues in the house too". Jo suggested. "He has people everywhere. Once we start digging, he'll know". Lin was weakened. "Well you promised your brother not to use magic. We didn't".  

Angie had noticed Lin's strangeness. "He's your Dad doesn't mean you have to let him live". Angie suddenly said. Lin looked at her with red eyes. "If we were to find my mom". She continued, "and the only way was to hurt her...I would do it in a heartbeat". Lin hugged her and continued crying. The girls all came together and slept off.


Angie opened her eyes and closed it immediately. The brightness of the day. She fluttered her lashes and rubbed her eyes. She sat up and saw the others sleeping. She let out a loud yawn before she started waking them up. "Five more minutes, Mom". Jo grumbled. "I'm not your Mom". Angie laughed. Jo jerked up and turned red in the face. She was embarrassed.

Mitchell and Lin were woken up too. "What's the time?" Mitchell asked stretching her body, "I can't believe we slept out here". "Dave would probably kill me when I get home". Angie said. "We have that thing called school too", Lin complained, "I don't want school anymore".

Lin checked her phone for the time but she saw a message that shattered her heart. It was a message from her Mom. "What's wrong?"  Mitchell furrowed her eyebrows. "My mom texted. She said my Dad is home". Angie paused, "what?!" She exclaimed, "when did she send it?" Lin checked and replied, "three hours ago". "Shit! We have to get there". Jo took off with the others behind her.

The sirens only made Lin freak out more. She saw the ambulance and the squad cars. She was hoping that nothing had happened to her Mom or brother. The girls were confused when they saw the Sheriff cuffing Kimberly. "Mom! Mom!" Lin went to her. "What are you doing?!" She yelled at the Sheriff, "he's the monster! He's a killer".

Angie took a peek into the ambulance. She had no memory of Lin's Dad but the Asian features were hard to miss. She drew the attention of the others to the body. Lin looked at the body and back at her Mom. Kimberly gave a ghost smile, "I thought about what you said", she said, "I am so sorry. I made you and your brother suffer for my bad choices. I was a coward all my life. I couldn't keep hiding behind my fears. I had to make sure he never makes you cry again. You're safe now. He's gone".

Lin hugged her Mom. Tatiana walked closer. "Can I speak to her in private?" She asked Lin. Lin just moved to stand with her friends. "Tatiana, I am so sorry for..." Tatiana put up a hand to stop her, "before you apologize", she said, "I have forgiven you. I forgave you a long time ago. What you did was brave. You have done well".

Kimberly sighed, "do you think she'll forgive me too?" She asked, "I can't even imagine the pain I put her through". "I think Celine has forgiven you", Tatiana shrugged, "you still have to talk it out". "Do they know?" She nodded her head in their direction.

Tatiana looked at them, "if being a Mom means keeping them from the magic", she said, "then we all failed". "Oh my gosh", Kimberly sighed, "I thought we did our best". "They were bound to find it". "And the secrets?" "They don't know everything yet but knowing those four, they will soon find out". "I'll expect the details during your visits". Kimberly chuckled. "Who knew you had it in you?" Tatiana teased as the Deputies dragged her to the car.

Lin had wiped her tears. She was proud of her Mom. "Well, that chapter is closed". Jo said. "True", Angie agreed, "we just have one more killer to take down".

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