Season 6 - THREE

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Mitchell and the others were woken by a desperate cry for attention. It was Lashana. Mitchell went to attend to her. Jo stood up a little too quickly and Lin hit her head on the arm of the couch. "Ow! Try not to break the head would you". She groaned rubbing the spot. "I'm sorry that school is in thirty minutes and I still need high school to qualify for med school". Jo retorted. Lin stuck out her tongue at her.

Angie blinked and adjusted to the lightening. She felt soar. "That's what we all get for sleep like a pack of sardine on the couch". Jo said as if she read Angie's mind. Angie clicked her fingers and a silver fairy dress appeared. "OMG! That was what I was totally going to wear!" Lin squealed and collected it.

Jo snapped her hands and a pair of flare jeans, a round neck long sleeve and high tops were in her hands. She handed them to Angie and said, "thank me later. We need to hurry up!" Angie yawned but stood up. She went to Mitchell's room.

Mitchell was thankful when she met a dressed René. She adjusted her hair and took her downstairs. She rushed into the kitchen. She pulled out bacon and eggs. As they were frying, she was making sandwiches for her lunch. She plated René's breakfast with a glass of milk.

René waved at her sister and her sister's friends before entering the school bus. Mitchell mixer the formula and when it was warm, she fed Lashana. "I appreciate that you're filling in for mommy", Jo said slowly, "but we have that thing called school. And I really wanna graduate". "Shut up about  it already!" Lin laughed with toothpaste foam in her mouth.

Mitchell nodded and went upstairs. "Oh my!" She rushed out and flushed. Angie was just coming out of the bathroom in only a short towel with her hair all wet and her skin gleamy from the water. Mitchell controlled her heartbeat. "Tell me when it's clear". She told Angie. 

Angie was also red in the face. She could tell that Mitchell was dying of embarrassment outside. She dried her body with speed and jumped into her clothes. "All clear!" She announced. Mitchell practically dashed into the bathroom making Angie blush more. "You too had better not be making out there!" Jo yelled in annoyance. Angie shook her head and smiled as she continued drying her hair.

Soon enough, all the girls were ready to go. As soon as they entered the building, the bell rang to Jo's relief. They were right on time. With different subjects for first period,  they all went in separate directions.

Jason woke up feeling warm. He snuggled into the warmth. He felt arms around his torso. He was confused. For all he knew, he didn't share his room with anyone. He slowly opened his eyes. The muscular arms were tightly around him as if to say 'I won't let you go'.

"You finally decided to wake up". He heard and smiled. "Let me guess, you were staring like a creep". Jason smirked. Grayson chuckled and the sound made his back vibrate. Jason turned to look at his face. At his eyes. They were regular brown. It was nothing compared to those golden eyes.

"You're staring". Grayson smiled. "That's the point". Jason sat up, "so it wasn't a dream?" He asked. To  his surprise, Grayson tensed up. Jason quickly intertwined their fingers, "I meant what I said yesterday", he said, "it just feels unreal. I'm not leaving you because of it either".

"I was staying away for your sake. There are people who want to kill us. Hunters".

"That explains why your mom had that knife".

"Yeah. You are lucky she didn't stake you".  They both laughed. Jason was about to talk again when Candice came in. "I'm glad you're both awake", she said, "I called the principal to tell him you would be coming late. Jason, your mom called. She couldn't sleep all night. It's best if you tell her you're okay". "Thank you Mrs. Tryler". He replied. "Please, call me Candice. I don't look that old", she chuckled, "breakfast is ready".

"While you make a call, I'll go shower". Grayson jumped out of bed. "Oh no", Jason had a sly smile, "I thought you wanted me there with you". Grayson went red and ran to the bathroom. Jason laughed and pulled out his phone. He noticed a photo frame on Grayson's reading desk. It was a photo of them after the season winning game. How long has he had feelings for me? Jason couldn't help bit feel guilty that Grayson had to endure pain.

Jason was frowning after his call. Grayson was just coming out of the bathroom. "Is something wrong?" He asked. "No. Not at all". Jason lied. He quickly changed Grayson's attention. "Did you look at it every morning?" He was referring to the photo. Grayson paused before he nodded.

"Explain one thing to me first", he started, "why were you in so much pain?" Grayson sighed. He knew he owed Jason answers. "I'm a werewolf". Jason almost laughed but when he saw Grayson's serious look, he didn't. "You're kidding, right?" Jason doubted, "there are barely a handful of wolves in Bresten".

"It's the truth. I was born as one. Until recently, we didn't even know that people could be turned".

"We? There's more of you?"

"Yes. A whole pack. You'll meet them later".

"And the pain?" Grayson scratched the back of his neck. "It's not easy to voice out. It's not a bad thing though", he added to make Jason relax, "it's pretty rare too". Jason came closer. He and Grayson were practically the same height. "Tell me". Jason's voice was low and husky. Grayson felt hot. Jason had no idea how he was making him feel. "I can't think straight with you being so close!"

"Boys!" The chemistry faded for that moment. "You should get ready". Grayson went to dress up. Jason sighed and went to get ready too. They were down in minutes. Neither of them said anything throughout their journey to school.

The classes went by faster than they thought. "Oh the torture!" Lin whined as soon as they met up. "Dramatic". Angie rolled her eyes. "I think we should go see our moms. They are safer at home anyways". Mitchell suggested. Jo cleared her throat loudly. "What?" They asked her. "We have that thing called detention after school", she said the obvious, "believe me...Dhawnren wouldn't cover our asses this time".

They groaned and silently ate their food. The final bell rang and Jo scolded them till they entered the class. "Good afternoon ladies", Mr. Dhawnren greeted, "how are your mothers?" "A lot better". Jo answered with too much enthusiasm. "Well, I have to leave you all on your own", he said, "I have some grading to do with Miss Rhode. I will be back towards the end of our session but please behave. The Principal suggested I give you work but only Johanson would be willing to do it so no. Goodbye".

With that he was gone. "Can this get any better?" Lin smiled. "Or creepier. Why would be be helping us?" Angie was skeptic. She had learned in the past month that people were not who they seemed. "I just think he's being nice". Jo shrugged. "Or he could know something about the magic?" Mitchell countered, "Angie is right. Why would he randomly volunteer to do detention with us, then cover up when we missed?"

Lin and Jo contemplated. It didn't make sense. "Okay. I am tired of this". Jo wiped the board. She snapped her fingers. A photo of Nolan. "We are going to trace our steps", she explained, "if we work like this, we can calculate our problems and maybe predict the next move".

Lin went to stand beside her. She placed the photos of all their moms including Celine. "Don't forget Daniel". Mitchell quipped. Jo was drawing red lines to connect the events and the people. "What's new is Maggie, the strange man and the words", Jo stroked her chin, "how do they fit in?"

Angie couldn't remove her eyes from the words. They kept ringing in her head. "Angie, can you translate?" Jo asked. "Only Maggie knew it". She shook her head. "You said it yourself that Maggie put a part of herself in you".

"Well that doesn't work for everything".

"You can do this". "Why are you so convinced?" Angie knew Jo was dying to say something. "You're limiting yourself". Jo lowered her voice. "Can you not talk about that?" Angie whispered back. "We need your help here". "Let it go!" Angie gritted her teeth. "You know you can do it", Jo pressed, "just concentrate".

"I said leave it!" Angie yelled. Angie's eyes turned red and Jo flew back colliding with the wall.

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