Season 7 - Ep SEVEN

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"A person? Really?" Lin was sarcastic. "It makes perfect sense why they can't locate it", Jo explained, "they've been looking for a stone or a jewel". "Even if it was a person", Mitchell joined in, "you can't just type 'Or of Light' into Google and find the person". "There's something else that we're not getting". Angie stroked her chin.

"The gay bar". Jo blurted. They looked at her to clear their obvious confusion. "Maggie went to a run down gay bar", she said, "why? Why not go to the clearing or the graveyard as usual? Think about it guys". They did think about it. It was weird and a puzzle. They overlooked it before but this could be their big clue. "Let's go and find out". Angie said.

"How did Xander know about your moods?" Grayson asked on the drive to the pack lair. "Are you still on the issue?" Jason groaned. "I'm just curious". Grayson shrugged with fake innocence. "I was in bad mood when I stumbled on the ice cream place".


"And Xander was being a good human being so he made small talk. Nothing else".

"Why didn't you tell him you had a boyfriend? I know you could see him flirting". Jason sighed. "At that point, it didn't seem like a topic to bring up", Jason answered honestly, "it would have made him awkward  and he would have stopped talking". Grayson's grip on the steering wheel was tighter. "I didn't know I was topic that could be reserved".

"You're making a big deal out of this". Jason was getting annoyed at the jealousy.

"I have to make it a big deal. You are my mate. Mine!" "I'm not your freaking property so stop acting like it". Jason snapped. Grayson paused and took a deep breath. "You wanna know why mates are hard to come by?" He asked to which Jason just shrugged. "It's because many people don't want to find their mates", Grayson replied, "a mate can make one better, stronger...but if for any reason the mate leaves, the werewolf dies".

Jason snapped his head towards Grayson. He understood now. "Why you didn't tell me this before?" He mused. "I didn't want to scare you into believing that you still had to stay with me to save my life if you ever fell out of love". Grayson avoided eye contact. "Stop the car". Jason ordered to which Grayson obeyed.

Jason held Grayson's face, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Xander. I didn't think it would matter", he said, "and I wouldn't fall out of love with you". "You don't know that", Grayson shook his head, "that Xander does seem like a great guy and he's human. He's a safe option".

"First of all, you don't know if he's human. This town is filled with creatures of all kind", Jason chuckled, "secondly, no one can fall out of love with you. You're hot, handsome, protective and super cute when jealous". Jason leaned and whispered seductively, "besides, sex with you is paradise".

They ignored the yellow tapes. "Someone cleaned it up". Mitchell said looking around. "They had better". Lin added. "We need to search around for clues". Jo suggested. They all nodded and spread out. Angie was walking around slowly. Something was egging her on. It was a nagging feeling at the back of her mind.

"There are cobwebs everywhere!" Lin screeched. "Quit whining!" Jo yelled back. Mitchell was checking the store. "Erm...guys? When was this place closed down?" She asked after checking the expiry date of the alcohol. "It was 2002", Jo obviously answered, "why?" The mentioned of that date struck Angie. She was following her senses. She placed her hand on a bar stool and allowed the memories to come.


He walked into the bar wearing a huge coat. "What can I get ya?" The bartender asked. "I don't know if you have Sprite". The man replied. The bartender chuckled, "you walk into a bar only to ask for Sprite", the bartender said, "you're one funny dude". "I guess I am". The man gave a short laugh.

The bartender brought a glass of Sprite for him. "Thank you". He said before drinking. "Whoa! Who let this weirdo in here?" A drunk dude sneered at him. The man ignored the comment. "You're ears suddenly don't work? Is that one of the symptoms?" The dude continued his mockery.

"Yo! Piss off!" The bartender called out, "there will be no shaming at this bar. We're here to escape the shit we already get from the world". The man mouthed a quick 'thank you' to the bartender who winked in reply. Almost immediately, the man's drink was allover his clothes. "Oops!" The drunk idiot laughed, "my bad! I'm too drunk to recognize you as a person".

Some other guys that witnessed this started laughing. The man was fed up so he stood up. "What's going on here?" Another man walked in. The bartender quickly explained what had happened and  their drunk idiot was thrown out.

"I'm recall sorry about that", the owner apologized, "you'll get another drink on the house". "That's not necessary", the man declined, "I was done anyways". "I'm going to take offense at that". The owner smirked. The man smiled back and gave in. "I'm..." "Vinci Lux. I know", the man answered, "everyone knows the owner of Givio Lights". "I'm impressed", Vinci wore a grin, "it's only fair I know your name too". "Andreas Coleman".

Vinci sat with Andreas and they chatted for the rest of the night. "So tell me, why was that fool bothering you?" Vinci decided to bring it up. Andreas frowned slightly. Instead of talking, he opened his coat. Vinci's eyes widened. Andreas had seen this look too many times. It was shock then confusion then disgust. Surprisingly, Vinci only stopped at being shocked.

"Wow! Can I feel it?" Vinci asked slowly to be sure that he wasn't pushing boundaries. "Sure. Knock yourself out". Andreas shrugged. Vinci carefully placed his hand on Andreas' stomach. The baby kicked immediately and Vinci removed his hand. "Looks like she doesn't like me". He joked. Andreas let out a laugh, "no! Kicking means happiness", he said, "and how do you know it's a girl?"

"My mom was this big when she was pregnant with my kid sister".

"That doesn't apply to all babies, silly".

"I guess it's good I never studied medicine then". They both laughed. Andreas was happy. Happier than he had been in months. "Why didn't you freak out?" He asked after a while. Vinci shrugged, "for starters, you would've been hurt", his reply was honest, "and I'm not one to judge. We don't know crap about what our bodies can do. Shit happens sometimes". Andreas nodded. Vinci was different.

"So...who's the father?" Vinci sipped his drink, "I'm guessing he's an asshole because you came here to drink Sprite". Andreas chuckled and said, "I don't know if he's an asshole or not but this was my only safe spot". Vinci was already forming a thought when Andreas cut him short. "It's not that I slept around if that's what you were thinking", he said, "I just don't know who the father is. I'm not pulling some Virgin Mary card here but really, I woke up pregnant".

Vinci didn't say anything for a moment. He was brainstorming something good to say. He was conscious about Andreas' feelings. "Are you sure some asshat didn't drug you?" He suggested. Andreas let out a dry chuckle, "my Mom said the same", he replied, "I'm not sure". "It doesn't matter anyways. You're doing fine by yourself and that's pretty badass".


Angie pulled out of the memory. It made no sense. "What did you see?" Jo asked. She didn't even realize that the others had gathered around her. "A lot", Angie told them, "but  it just made things more complicated".

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