Season 6 - Ep NINE

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Angie prayed that she had heard wrong but the looks on the faces of the others told her that she had heard correctly. Lin was hyperventilating. "Lin, I want you to calm down", Jo was holding her hands, "calm down". "How can...she can't...I just". She couldn't even make a full sentence.

Someone cleared their throat. They all turned to see that Veronica was still standing there. The blond guy growled at her. "You heard her when she said leave". Mitchell didn't like her one bit. "I want to avenge my parent". Veronica said sternly. "You are not welcome here", Blood Hound said, "go in peace or we'll be forced to remove you".

"What if it was you?! Huh?! What if it was your parents that were murdered?! I want to give them the justice they deserve". Veronica wasn't backing down. Angie faces her, "I have seen more dead bodies in months than you have in years", she said, "do you think I don't want to revenge? Justice and suicide are two different things".

Veronica stared at Angie. Again, Angie had power and Veronica looked away, sobbing. "I can't stand here knowing that my parent's killer is out there", she cried, "I just can't". Angie looked at Rex. He had the final say in this. Rex sighed, "Grayson, take her back to the lair. She'll stay with Jason and the kids", he ordered, "Blood Hound, your team is with me. We have to stop Nolan".

Blood Hound was not pleased at all. He wanted to sink his fangs into her neck and watch her bleed. "We need to hurry", Rex told the girls, "if we're lucky, we can save Kimberly and stop Nolan". The girls nodded and they ran off.

Veronica wasn't also happy but at least, they didn't send her away. She only joined the hunters because she thought werewolves killed her parents. Now that she knew the truth, she didn't fit in with them. "Make one wrong move and I'll kill you and bury your body so one would know a thing". Grayson's voice was dark and low. Veronica moved a feet from him. His threat sounded dead serious.

"Why are we here boss?" One of the men asked. "To settle a score", Nathan laughed, "you are gonna love the show". Kimberly put her hands in the pocket of the leather jacket. She was having butterflies in her stomach. The nervous ones. A voice was screaming in her head that this wasn't the right move  but Kimberly was adamant.

"Reminds me of your goth phase in school". The voice came from behind her. She turned with a blank look. "Come on. That was a good entrance. At least give me a smile". "You killed Maggie". Kimberly stated. "Killed is such a holy word. I brutally stabbed her in the heart and watched as the life left her body slowly", Nolan chuckled, "she died too fast anyways".

Kimberly didn't move. She knew how Nolan played her cards. She couldn't play Nolan's game and win. She had to make her own. "You want to get back at us", she said, "one after the other. That's dumb. But I'm not surprised by the way you think". Nolan frowned and the laughter of the men rubbed salt into her wounded pride.

"To be honest, when you said master plan", Kimberly was circling around her, "I was nervous. Then, it turned out to be the usual. Nolan and killing. Same old tricks". "Nothing was old about them". Nolan said through gritted teeth. "You really think so? Using monsters to fight your battles. Draining the life from innocents to flame your darkness...what else is new about? I already know this".

Nolan stretched her hand and a black smoke rose one of the men. "See? Predictable" Kimberly smiled, "everything has to be about magic with you. Now that I think about it, you're nothing without magic". Nolan let go of the man and grabbed Kimberly's neck. Kimberly reacted quick. She pulled out a knife and stabbed Nolan's hand.

Nolan stumbled back holding the spot. "Oh my! Are you hurt? Did that hurt? I thought you were immune", Kimberly fake gasped, "I thought you were powerful". Kimberly stepped on her legs and Nolan cried out. She repeated the action three times. "You are nothing, Nolan", she said, "you wanna know how I knew? I say the real you that night".

"You were scared. You shivered at the thought of being alone with your madness", Kimberly shook her head, "I could have helped. We could have helped you from becoming this...this monster". "Liar! I was already alone when my brother abandoned me! When my granny died!" She screamed, "none of you knew how that felt! None!"

Kimberly wanted to feel pity but she couldn't. The being at her feet had taken lives. She had destroyed futures and destinies. She couldn't be a person. She shouldn't be allowed to live. Kimberly brought the knife down on her hand again. Nolan yelled in pain and rolled on her side.

Almost immediately, she started laughing. Kimberly unconsciously stepped back. Nolan laughed louder and louder. "Oh Kimberly", she said spitting out blood, "you were always so naïve. You couldn't protect your puny little mind from me then and not now. You should have listen to  Tatiana".

Kimberly wanted to punch her  when she heard a shout. "Mom!"  It sounded like Lin. She raised her head to take a look. Indeed, it was Lin and the other girls running towards her. "Mom, look o..." She didn't even hear Lin's words completely. She was being held on the neck.

Kimberly struggled and struggled but she couldn't break free. She looked at her daughter's eyes. She saw fear and distress. "Mom!" The shout was barely audible. It was like an ambient sound was playing in her head. "So glad you didn't miss the show". Nolan smirked at them. "You can the tell the others that I said...hi". Nolan whispered into her ears.

Everything slowed down for Kimberly. She felt a penetration into her skin and then everything went black. "No!" Lin screamed louder. Nolan had forced her free hand into Kimberly's back and removed her heart for all of them to see. She dropped the organ and the lifeless body on the ground. "Honestly, I thought it'd be more dramatic than this". Nolan shrugged with a smile. She clapped her hands and all the members of Debeouk including herself vanished.

Lin ran forward. She was weeping and hugging her mother's body. There was no single consolation that was going to work. Angie wanted to hold her but Mitchell held her back. Angie had tears in her eyes too. Mitchell gave a signal that said 'let her come to terms'.

Jo was sobbing as well. She had never seen anything so gruesome. They had seen a dozen dead bodies but watching a death...that was something else. Lin was devastated. All she had ever had to endure was for her Mom. She passed through torture for her. She would have done anything for her. Yet, it wasn't enough.

Angie was broken. The look on Nolan's face. She couldn't believe that she was the person who gave birth to her. She was nothing but pure evil. Angie felt her heart shatter into a million pieces. Maybe, it was because she thought Nolan could be saved. That she could be redeemed somehow. The truth was clear now. There was point trying to change a devil.

Lin wiped her face and marched towards Angie. "She killed her", she sobbed, "she killed her. I want to kill her too. No!" Angie held Lin softly, "you can't kill her", she said, "I can't let you do that". Lin moved back. She was furious. "How can you still defend her?!" She yelled. "That's not what I meant", Angie clenched her jaw, "you can't kill her because I'm gonna do it myself".

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