Season 6 - Ep EIGHT

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Lin paced around. "You're making me dizzy". Levi complained. "Sorry that I am inconveniencing you", Lin snapped, "but I am worried here. Angie should have been here by now". "I'm surprised she cares so much", Levi chuckled, "can't believe she changed so much in a short while". "I think you're enjoying your freedom of speech a little too much". She shot. He cleared his throat but stayed silent.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Daniel had asked as soon as she portaled in. "You have been spying so please help". She said.  "Beg me". He smiled. "Just cause you're dead doesn't mean this isn't your fight too", Angie sat down, "Nolan could gain enough power to destroy this place and you with it". "That would be a lovely family reunion".

"You can control the monsters. I know I can too", she said, "I want you to teach me".

"There's a lot in 'control the monsters' that you don't understand".

"Make me understand".

"These creatures do not have a mind of their own. Their senses are tuned to darkness and nothing but darkness". He explained. Angie shook her head. There was no creature born without a mind. She was sure of that.

She closed her eyes and let her aura fill the place. Magic was dark by nature. It was bound to draw them out. Angie heard the growls and then, the heavy steps. The monsters were running in numbers, shaking their horned heads and blowing steam from their nose holes.

Angie quickly clicked her fingers and a shield covered her. "You are planning to risk a lot". Daniel whispered. "That means you know my way is possible". She said without looking at him. Daniel didn't answer. Angie took that as a confirmation of her words.

She turned her eyes to slits and peered into their minds. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. That was all she could hear. What shook her was the fact that, it was a voice that was whispering it to them. A feminine voice. Nolan perhaps.

Angie squeezed her eyes more and began to erase the voice. Listen. Obey. Listen. Obey. She started with something easy. She could see their reds eyes going dim and lighting back up. She had to put in more magic. She let her mind create the circle and its marks. She couldn't recognize the marks she draw inside but she knew they meant 'listen' and 'obey'.

She clenched her fists and forced the thoughts into their minds again. That feminine voice changed. You cannot defeat us. We are older than the dawn of times. We are more powerful than all the seas combined. You cannot defeat us. For a second, Angie almost believed her but then, she remembered everything she and her friends had gone through. All the deaths, all the sacrifices, all the pain...they were still alive and strong. They could achieve anything as long as they were together.

I'm sorry but your time here is up. A spark of blue fire burned the mind space. The black walls were crumbling and she could see green grass. Angie opened her eyes in time to see the transformation. The monsters roared as the dark marks were fading. Their skin turned brown and their horns became dried tree branches. Their red eyes were now emerald green.

Daniel gaped. He was beyond shocked. "Thank you Angie Skewer", the monster in front bowed, "you have freed us from the clutches of darkness. My people had been struck with madness and brainwashed to kill. You have accomplished the impossible". "You're welcome". Was her only reply.

The leader of the Alcoves(as they should have been called) looked at Daniel. "Secrets must be revealed for light to shine", it said, "you have suffered a terrible loss. Yet, all is not lost". Daniel frowned. And before Angie could speak to him, he had vanished. "I need your help". She told the leader.

A black hole opened and Angie stepped out. "You look hideous!" Lin shrieked. "Lin!" Jo scolded. "I'm fine, guys", she turned to the pack, "are you ready?" "We're more than ready". Rex flashed his red eyes.

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