Season 7 - Ep TWO

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Angie didn't know how long she stayed on the grass. Her faced was stained with tears. She rubbed her arms and shivered. She finally decided to sneak back in. She climbed into the window and closed it. She removed her hoodie and gloves and dumped them on the bed.

Suddenly, the lights turned on. Angie jumped but relaxed at the sight of her friends. "We've been waiting". Lin said frowning. "Guys, I have an explanation". She said slowly. "You do? Then spill it. 'Cause we really wanna  know why you vanished from your room when you were supposed to be sick in bed". Mitchell spat her voice like venom. "You didn't even think of telling us anything. You clearly saw our bajilion messages. Are you trying to get yourself killed?!"

And that was how they continued talking and pointing out all of Angie's faults. It was piling up and making Angie's brain rattle. "Enough!" She whisper yelled. She balled her hands to closed their mouths. Lin was struggling to speak but it only came out in muffles. "Now", Angie said in a calm voice, "I will let go if you promise to let me explain". Jo and Mitchell quickly nodded. They all looked at Lin. She threq her hands in the air and rolled her eyes.

Angie opened her hands. They all kept quiet like they promised. Angie launched into the story of how Mr Dhawnren poisoned her for a test to how he wrote those words on the note to how he pushed her into the Shadow world. "He must be really powerful for him to have kicked you into the Shadow world", Jo furrowed her brows in concentration, "it somehow doesn't make sense".

"He poisoned you. How can we trust him?" Lin frowned. "It was for a test", Angie crossed her arms, "he was speaking in that weird language and I replied. It was like my mind was programmed to know it". "Now what?" Mitchell piped, "he was taken and you still can't tell the meaning of those words". "He's not dead. I'm sure of that. They need him for something".

"He won't be alive for long". Jo shook her head.

"Why would you say that?"

"It's only a matter of time before they realize that you can speak that language. They would kill him and torture whatever answers they want from you".

"I won't tell them". Angie said sternly. "Mr Dhawnren is only strong because he's been dealing with the for years. You? Not that much of a chance". "We can't let that  happen", Lin stood up, "we have to protect Angie and get Mr Dhawnren back". "Easier said than done", Mitchell shrugged, "Angie has to find the meaning of those words. Maggie died to protect something. We have to find out what".

Angie sat on her bed. Daniel crossed her mind. "Tell us". Jo said shocking her. "You said something about Daniel in your head. What happened to him?" Jo asked. Angie chuckled sadly, "nothing happened to him", she was tearing up again, "I can't believe he's been lying to us. To me".

They all sat around her. "For some time now, I've been bothered about the connection I had with him. I was getting scared", she confessed, "tonight, I looked through his head. It was an accident, I swear but..." She  paused to access their faces. They gave her smiles of encouragement. "Daniel", she sighed, "he's my Dad".

Nolan cursed under her breath. She wasn't used to failure. She always found a way to get what she wanted. "Where is it?" A hooded figure asked from behind her. "You can't even say good evening". She fake gasped. "I do not have time to banter with a mad woman". The deep voice said sternly. "Well, this particular mad woman has wiped out a village for you and your lackeys".

"Where is it?"

"Sadly, I haven't found it. My search would have been easier if I had more information at my disposal".

"You cannot ask for favors. This is for your life. If we cannot perform the ritual, nature would forcefully take what belongs to her". Nolan's breathing became hard. "I will find it", her voice was firm, "and I'll bring it to you". "You had better". Were the last words of the figure before he disappeared. Nolan frowned to herself. She had to find that rock at all cost.

Angie eventually fell asleep. She was exhausted. The others had been too stunned to close their eyes. "I can't imagine what she's going through", Jo whispered, "first, an evil mom who turned out to not be her mom and now a dad who had to stay away. It's like her whole life has been a lie". "I'm just worried how she doesn't have any memories of it. I mean, she should have gotten it on her own". Lin added.

There was so much about Angie that they did not understand. Angie didn't even know who the hell she was. The people she believed to be her parents were her aunt and uncle. She had no idea who her real mom was and she was so fed up that she didn't want to see Daniel. It was all too much.

Angie was having a dream. She was floating around in a white room. She touched the wall and it sunk in like the room was just a big balloon. "You're here". The voice was thin and soft. Angie looked around but she couldn't see anything. "Do not be alarmed. I am the wind". The voice announced.

Angie chuckled, "I might be stressed out of mind", she said, "but this is too big of a joke". "This is not a dream. You have been called into a dream. Just like how you used to travel to the Shadow world before you learned to move your body too". Angie's heartbeat quickened. "How do you know all that?" She asked.

"I know all. I am the wind. Air is universal".

"How is this possible? How did you bring me here...wherever here is?"

"You brought yourself here because you are in need of answers". Angie didn't doubt the wind's words. She was in need of answers. Almost immediately, a bright light shone. She covered her eyes. "You can open them now". The wind said. Behold, floating above her was Maggie. She was in a dress made of mountains and forest and her hair was blue like the ocean. Her eyes were gray and devoid of pupils.

Angie was dumbfounded. "You're-you're dead. You can't be here". She shook her head. Maggie floated closer to her. She stretched a hand to touch Angie's face. "You can feel me so I must be alive", Maggie smiled, "I am just not opened to your physical eyes". "We buried your body, Maggie", Angie's voice broke, "you're dead".

Maggie sighed and shoved an image into Angie's mind. After they had buried her, she floated out of the grave and vanished. "According to destiny, I can no longer show myself amongst mortals", Maggie explained, "so yes...I died but I am not dead". That made no sense to Angie. How can you die and not be dead? She thought. "You will find the answer to that question very soon". Maggie  replied having read her mind.

Angie decided to leave the topic for another day. "Agorah mistra profatum". She recited. "You already know what it means", Maggie shrugged, "you do not need my assistance". "I do", she said, "it was because you healed me. That's why I got these strange abilities. You have to help". Maggie laughed, "do you really believe that I gave you the eyes of nature?" She asked, "you were born this way. You have far greater powers than you know and until you realize, you will fall deep into the abyss of ignorance and eventually, get killed for it".

The ground was suddenly sinking and she was being dragged with it. "Determine who you are". Maggie ordered. Angie stretched her hands for help but it was pointless. She had been pulled down.

Angie was trashing in her bed. She gasped and woke up. The other girls jumped up getting ready for any attack. Angie was panting but she had to say what she had discovered. "I know the meaning", she said, "it's the Or of Light".

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