Season 2 - Ep TEN

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Mitchell woke up to the sound of screams beside her. Angie was sweating and shaking. "Angie? Angie?" She called while tapping her to wake up. Angie's skin was on fire. Her veins had turned black and it had spread to her face. "Angie?!" Mitchell was terrified at this point. "We heard screaming". Jo announced as the doors slammed open.

Angie was in the shadow world. She was standing in front of the exact replica of the library that dropped on their heads. "How did this get here?" She asked. She was expecting a reply and a little bit of sarcasm from Daniel. She furrowed her brows when she didn't hear his voice. "Daniel?" She asked.

She left the building in search of the rock that he normal sat on. "What happened to you?" She asked as he was pale looking. "You happened", he spat out, "you just had to go release the ghost, didn't you?" "Wait! You were the one using her powers?" Angie accused.

"Not exactly. I was feeding off from the guilt and death attached to her capture. With her gone, I feel a little dizzy".

"Makes sense. The library?" She crossed her arms. Something about his pain was making her uncomfortable. She reminded herself that he was her uncle so a part of her would always feel inclined to care. "Why don't have a look? And try not to die this time, would you?" He shooed her away.

Angie turned around and entered the building. It looked normal but the only problem was that she couldn't touch anything. Her hands would go through it like she was a ghost. She saw a board at the back. She frowned at the pictures and drawings that hung up. It was victim's list.

She could see Tatiana's photo, Celine's, Irene's and many other people that she could not recognize. She shook her head. This was a clue to what she had overhead. Someone was the main figure and she had targets. Many faces had been crossed out with red markers. Her eyes lingered on a photo of Jo.

She was lost. "Why is Jo on the list?" She muttered to herself. It didn't add up. Angie assumed that the list was from the past. As soon as her fingers stroked the photo, others revealed themselves. Felicity. Gavin. Hendrinch. Mr. Fekley. Those were all recent deaths. She shook her head not wanting to believe that that someone had intentionally killed her beat friend.

The room started spinning and it like it was being squeezed into a paper ball about to be thrown into the trash. Angie tried to hold the walls but her magic was working. She tried to shadow back into her body and that was proving difficult too. "Think harder" the voice whispered. It followed by a high pitch ringing. "Think harder" the voice repeated. "Ah!" She screamed covering her ears with her hands.

"It's getting worse". Lin pointed out calmly. "We need to wake her without hurting her". Mitchell smartly said. Mitchell turned her pupils into slits. She was on her way into the mind but a force kicked her out. Mitchell was blown into the wall with a force that shook the building. "Mitchell!" Lin ran to attend to her. "I'm fine" she brushed off the pain, "Angie needs our help".

"Angie!" The shout of her name was faint in the midst of the creepy voice that was telling her to think harder. "Angie!" The voice was much more louder now. She identified it as Jo's voice. "Think harder". The voice bit her ears. Lin was about to lose her mind. Mitchell was too weak to stand. Angie was shaking with her red skin and Jo was performing a hard spell that made her nose bleed.

Lin took up the duty to put a  glamour in the room. Anybody could walk in and that was not a sight to behold. Jo knew she wasn't supposed to perform such. It was blood magic. Not only was it dangerous, it was influencing. She was calling Angie through the magic. Angie focused on Jo's voice and used it as a channel back to the real world.

She woke up with a gasp and uneven breathing. Jo passed out almost immediately. It took Angie some minutes to process her environment. She could see Lin shooting red sparks all over the room. "Mitchell!" She quickly ran to get her. "You're supposed to be in bed". She scolded. "Are you sick?" Mitchell widened her eyes, "you almost died and you're worried about me?"

Angie levitated her back to the bed and fixed her drip. She also placed Jo in a more comfortable position. "That was some crazy shit", Lin sighed, "why can't we have a break?" "I'm sorry". Angie wasn't sure why she was apologizing but she felt like she had to. "You have nothing to be worried about". Lin gave a weak smile.

"I never finished explaining what I eavesdropped". Angie took in a deep breath and said, "they said that the person that was behind all these wasn't among them". "You eavesdropped on who?" Mitchell asked because she was asleep when they schemed. Angie rushed the retell up to the part that was at.  "It's either my Mom or Jo's". She said. "Jo is not going to like this". Lin shook her head.

Angie's skin was back to normal in a few minutes and Jo was starting to wake up. Mitchell didn't know if she should tell Angie what her Mom had said. Angie had two things bothering her; the realization of her feelings and the hit list. She knew she could trust Mitchell with the information but after what happened, it would be difficult to have a word alone with her.

"What did I miss?" Jo asked yawning. "Oh nothing", Lin shrugged, "just us sitting and hoping that our friend wakes up soon because she smartly used another weirdly dangerous spell". "I'm glad that you never change", she chuckled, "and we got Angie back so no harm done". "No harm done?" Angie almost scoffed, "I appreciate your help but you can't risk your life like that. You could have asked for help".

"No one else knew the spell". Was her excuse.

"You could have told me. What was it anyway?" Lin was untangling her hair. Jo froze like a deer caught in headlights. "Nothing important", she shrugged, "I can't even remember where I learned it". Angie raised her eyebrows at her. She was acting very suspicious and that was only making the hit list replay in her head.

They all kept quiet at the sound of heels. The opened carefully and there stood Nolan. "Angela, you need to come home. Now".

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