Season 6 - Ep SEVEN

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Lin rushed to Angie's side. "I'm okay". She choked on the words. Everyone else watched in silence. Some of the werewolves were even afraid. "No, you're not", Jo insisted, "it's my fault. I should have known it would drain you". "You encouraged me to use my powers. You're not the bad guy". Angie gave a weak smile.

"Can we fast forward to the part where you yelled 'they're coming' in all our heads?" The redhead sassed. "Levi, can you give her a minute?" Grayson snapped. "They came here to give us useful information", Levi kept talking, "we don't have to do anything. They either talk or walk away. We don't have time for their magical drama or..." Lin clicked her fingers in annoyance. Levi tried to talk but his voice was gone. "Why did no one tell me talking too much would be so annoying?" She rolled her eyes.

While Levi was silently yelling, Angie recovered from the fatigue. "I saw a bunch of hunters with their weapons", she explained, "they were hiding in the clearing. It was night time and today's date was looming over their heads. I think they are attacking tonight".

Rex frowned. "Today's supposed to be a full moon", he said, "they had it figured out". "Doesn't the moon make you stronger?" Mitchell asked. "It should. But something about your time traveling experience changed it", he said without malice, "the moon amplifies our sense of smell and hearing so much that we can barely focus on anything".

"We can help with that". She shrugged.

"You cannot mess with nature".

"Who said anything about messing with nature?" She smirked.

Mr Dhawnren was once again compiling a fake report on the detention he was supposed to have held. He was clearing his desk when he heard a noise. With his experience, he knew when an uninvited guest came to visit.

He reached for his bottom drawer. "There will be no need for that". The grim voice said. Mr Dhawnren raised his head. "What do you want?" He asked the figure impatiently. "Do not be in such a haste", the man said in an unclear accent, "we require your abilities". "I am sorry but you are waiting your time as well as mine. I already made myself clear that I would be a party to you nor your kind".

"Yamahe juhen skitra".

"Oprian voltr extri".

"You speak nature's language very well".

"Unlike you, I understand what nature requires". The man frowned from under the hood. "Perform the ritual and no one needs to get hurt". The figure demanded. "You took my family, deceived me into thinking you would give them back and made me kill for you", Mr Dhawnren said sternly, "fool me once, shame on you...fool me twice shame on me". "I will not be defeated". Was the figure's last words before a puff of smoke took him away.

Mr Dhawnren sighed. He knew his life was only being spared because he knew how to perform the ritual. He didn't have to wonder what would happen once they found someone to do the task. He would be dead by then.

"What's this plan of yours?" Blood Hound asked. He was only condoning their presence because his alpha was. "You are products of magic whether you believe it or not", Mitchell said, "while we can't manipulate nature, we can manipulate magic". "Are you out of your mind, Mitchell? That's blood magic!" Jo snapped.

Mitchell faced her, "I know, Jo", she said, "what else can we do?" "I hate to remind you that things turned out terribly the last time it happened".

"We have the book. We can reverse it".

"The book isn't a magical fix for everything. It's just a bunch of stories with spells that helped out. I'm not supporting". Mitchell stayed silent. She turned to Angie for back up. Angie sighed and moved closer, "we are not taking the risk of Nolan manipulating any one of us", she said, "I'm sorry Mitchell but the answer is no".

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