Season 3 - Ep TWO

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Jo was in the middle of perfecting a spell when the loud chiming of her phone broke her concentration. She groaned before checking the device. She frowned at the message. "Don't leave me yet". The doll said. "I'm sorry but I have too". She changed into bow cuts trousers and a white long sleeve top. She left her curls bounce on her shoulders.

The doll was standing in front of the door. It's eyes had turned red. "I said don't leave me". The voice was darker and deeper. Jo had a minor heart attack. Her knees felt like jelly but she refused to fall. "I'm the human here", she said in a firm voice, "and I decide when I go out or not". Jo opened the door and walked out.

"Guys!" She called once she saw them. Mitchell was still in the hospital so it was just Lin and Angie. "What happened?" She asked. Angie ran her hand through her hair. "She knows" she said. "Who knows?" Jo was confused. "Her Mom" Lin answered instead. "What?!" Jo was outraged, "you told her?!" "Of course not!" Angie retorted, "I was just so angry!" Lin hugged her.

"We need to go and stay with Mitchell", Jo suggested, "as long as the four of us are together, we're safe". Just then, Lin's phone rang. She picked it. "What did she say?" Jo asked softly. Her mind had processed that they were doomed. "She was acting different. She complained about my brother getting a leading role and then she said people like Mitchell were abnormal". "Stupid homophobes!" Jo frowned.

She felt a pang in her chest. "Are you okay?" Angie had picked up her discomfort. "It's no nothing", she lied, "it's just tiredness". Angie could tell that she was lying but she didn't push it. "That was Mitchell", Lin announced pocketing her phone, "she's been discharged. They should be home any minute". "Let's head there".

The air was tensed among them. "Jo", Lin started, "back then...what spell was that?" Jo's heart stopped for a second. "It was nothing", she chuckled nervously, "it was me using our link through the magic to call Angie". Angie frowned, "that's a lie", she blurted, "what you did was very powerful. It couldn't have been a single move like that". "Are you lying, Jo?" "What?! No! It's not my fault that you don't believe me".

"You've been lying since. Earlier, you felt a deep pain in your chest and you lied". Angie remarked.

"I'm sorry that I don't want to tell anyone that I'm a little sick!"

"And you're still lying! What are you hiding?!" "I'm not under oath to tell you anything! It's not you're my friend or something! I..." It was too late. Jo covered her mouth with the back of her palm. Angie froze in her tracks. She clenched her fists. "I am so...I didn't..." "I think it's better if you leave". Angie's voice was dangerously low. Jo had tears in her eyes. She pulled out the scarf and disappeared like before.

"That was totally uncool". Lin crossed her hands. "Did you see what she just did?" Angie was dead serious, "that is just as powerful as me shadowing". "It doesn't mean anything". "She's hiding something", Angie frowned, "and unless she tells us, she's in danger".

"What do you mean?" Lin was confused.

"All those deaths? They were planned". Angie took in a deep breath, "I saw the old library in the shadow world", she explained, "there was a board at the back. The hit list. Every picture was there and many had red marks over their faces. Among us, Jo was the only one that had her photo there and when I touched it, Felicity, Gavin and the other recent murders showed up". "You think she's next?" Lin asked worriedly. "I don't think. I know".

Jo was crying and no matter how she wiped her face, the tears kept rolling. "I told you I was your only friend", the doll was properly seated in the corner, "did I lie?" Jo tried to talk but each time, she choked on her tears. "You left me even after I beg". The doll was beside her face now. Jo raised her head from her pillows and looked at the doll. It had a Cheshire smile and a huge knife in its hands. "You need a punishment". Once again, its eyes turned red and the knife was planted into her right cheek.

Angie and Lin felt the pain. "Who do you think it is?" Lin asked quickly. "I don't know", Angie shook her head, "on one side, it could be Mitchell because my Mom is out for blood and it could be Jo". "Let's split up". Lin suggested. Angie nodded and they separated.

"Thanks mama". Mitchell told Tatiana. "Anytime, baby" Tatiana smiled. Mitchell debated on the topic on her mind. She didn't know how to bring it up. "We found out about the magic through Nolan", it was as if Tatiana was reading her mind, "I wasn't part of those who played the game. Thankfully. I was smart like you so I picked up their strange behaviors. Four unlikely friends suddenly being around each other".

"Did we make it that obvious?"

"To me, the others, no. I figured it out when the house was almost torched".

"Sorry about that"

"It's fine. I was mostly scared that you had the magic more than the thoughts of that monster killing you", Tatiana confessed, "I later confirmed it when you were asleep. You float in your sleep when you're drained". "Oh" Mitchell was shocked at that. "You said it was Angie's Mom that started it?" Mitchell asked. "Yes", Tatiana nodded, "she read about it in her Mom's diary". "That's what Daniel meant by Legacy". Mitchell said in realization.

"Daniel? Nolan's twin brother? He's alive?" Tatiana felt her blood turn to ice. She couldn't believe her eyes. She knew what she saw that day. The brutality. "You knew him?" Mitchell questioned. "Of course. We went to the same High school". Tatiana averted her eyes. She didn't know if Mitchell was ready for the truth yet.

The door was banged open. "Mitchell!" Angie called desperately. Angie stopped when she saw that Mitchell was okay. She started shaking her head. "What's wrong Angie?" Mitchell asked very worried. "I mom...danger...I was..." "Calm down sweetheart". Tatiana patted her shoulder in comfort. "It's Jo. She's in trouble".

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