Season 3 - Ep ONE

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Jo was just as surprised as the others. If Nolan was the normal woman who helped them with sleepovers when they were kids, they wouldn't have been shocked but she was related to dark magic and could most likely be the murderer. "We'll talk later". She said to them. "I don't think so", Nolan cut in, "we have a lot to talk about". "Well, you don't dictate my life", Angie retorted angrily, "and if you try to use the 'not an adult' card. We can settle this with the sheriff".

Nolan took in a deep breath and smiled, "whatever you want, honey". Angie smirked at her victory. That move alone gave Nolan a mini heart attack. She shook off the feeling and wore her fake smile tightly. Angie hugged Jo and Lin. She leaned her forehead on Mitchell's. "I know you're worried", she whispered, "and you have something to say to me. We'll talk later. I promise". Mitchell nodded.

Angie followed Nolan closely. She kept a good distance between them in case Nolan tried anything. Jo let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "That was some scary shit". Lin spoke all their minds. "Poor Angie", Jo was paranoid already, "who knows what she'd do to her?" "She's still her daughter. She wouldn't hurt her". Lin tried to be optimistic. "If she could take the only friend Angie had", Mitchell frowned, "she can do anything".

Jo suddenly felt a pang in her chest. She coughed lightly, "erm- guys...I need to go", she lied, "I need to rest up". "Okay. I'll stay with Mitchell". Lin smiled and hugged her. Jo rushed out the door. She pulled out a scarf from her small bag. She squeezed on it and closed her eyes. The pink scarf turned to black that matched Jo's eyes. In a twinkle of an eye, they both vanished.

She arrived in her closet. "Mom!" She called out. Sophia threw the basket of clothes away. "Mi Hija!" She scolded, "you gave me a fright!" "Sorry Mom", she apologized while scanning the room, "I didn't here you come in". "You had better be redecorating the closet because I called your name several times".

"I'm really sorry. I'll clear everything up and do the laundry as punishment". "You had better". Sophia walked out holding her head. Jo closed her door. She picked up the girl doll that her Mom touched. "You let another person touch me". The doll said. "I'm sorry", she apologized, "it would never happen again". "I believe you", the doll smiled creepily, "we're best friends afterall, right?" Jo nodded and bushed the hair.

Angie stared out of the window throughout the ride. When Nolan tried to talk to her, she put in ear plugs. "Angie!" Mike attacked her in a hug, "it's like you ran away". "I'm sorry champ", she roughed, "I've just had a lot to think about". "If you say so". He shrugged and then whispered to Dave, "I would never understand girls". "Sis" Dave crossed his hands.

"Sorry isn't gonna be enough for you is it?" She asked with a guilty look. "Nope" he emphasized on the 'p'. "I don't have anything to say then".

"You run off to a party, don't show up at curfew and the next call I get is in the middle of the night saying you had an accident".

"I know it sounds bad...but in my defense, I needed the space".

"You've had it. Is everything okay now?"

"It would never be". Angie glared at her Mom. She lowered her voice and said, "maybe one of these days, you should ask Mom what happened to Uncle Daniel". She went to her room to get a shower. "Room sweet room". She whispered. She took a relaxing bath. She saw the color in the bath change to a light red shade and sighed. She accessed her reflection in the mirror. She had marks on her neck but it was healing. She silently thanked Lin for the glamour.

She wore a red sweatshirt and black joggers and she coupled with with white sneakers. She brushed her hair and straightened it. She sat on her bed to scroll through her phone. She jumped at the sound of the loud fart. She heard snickering from outside and she rolled her eyes. "Nice job, Mike". She said sarcastically.

She opened the front camera. She hadn't taken a photo of herself in forever. The only pics of her self that she had was the ones that Felicity forced her to be in and her yearbook photo from last year. Her ears picked up a sound from the bathroom. Angie furrowed her brows. She couldn't remember leaving the tap on.

She balled her hand into fist and opened the door slowly. The sound was long gone but a note was glued to her medicine cabinet. She ripped the paper off and read it:

Forget about the magic and try to live as normal as possible. Don't say you weren't warned.

She tore it up and burned it. That was similar to the first message that Daniel gave to them. Daniel was stuck in the shadow world so it was impossible that he sent this. Angie was in the middle of a distress text when she was called for breakfast. "I'm not hungry!" She yelled back. "You have two minutes to come down!" Dave shouted louder. She rolled her eyes and left the room.

"I'll have that". Dave yanked her phone. She was about to protest but he added, "you'll get it after the meal". Angie was very skeptic about the food. She couldn't trust it. For all she knew, it could have been spelled. "I hope I'm not late". She heard a voice that made her smile. "Dad!" She and Mike ran to hug him. Connor laughed and said, "I've missed you too".

"Connor!" Nolan smiled, "I'm glad you came". Connor frowned and said, "I came because of my kids". Nolan bit back her anger and nodded. Mike was too young to read in between the lines so he skipped to his seat. Angie noticed how her mom looked different. She faked her smiles more and she looked less attractive than before.

They were twenty minutes into the meal before Connor started asking questions. He wanted to catch up with them. He wasn't able to recall how they all entered his life but it was his duty to care. "I got the lead role in the class play!" Mike announced excitedly. "Shocker!" Angie teased, "I bet you had to beg Miss. Santiago like a baby". "I did not!" He pouted. "I'm proud of you, boy". Connor smiled. Dave just gave him a pat on the back. "A play?" Nolan asked like she didn't hear it before.

"Yeah. A play" Angie answered with sass.

"I thought you could get into something more manly. Like soccer".

"I hate soccer". Mike scrunched up his nose. "And he always get bullied by the soccer boys", Angie quipped, "you should know that". "Angie". Dave warned under his breath. Angie shrugged and took a sip of her drink. "Well, I approve", Connor said, "if you wanted to do ballet, I would enroll you into the classes proudly". Mike smiled and said a 'thank you' with his mouth full.

Nolan threatened Angie with her glare and Angie stared back at her. "I heard about Felicity", her Dad brought up, "how are you coping?" "It's better. I made new friends". "Good. So...any relationships?"

"No!" Angie blushed furiously. Dave snickered but covered it as a cough. "But there's a boy", Connor smirked, "you blushed way to easily. it a girl?" Angie snapped her head towards him. "Connor!" Nolan scolded, "you don't ask such at a family breakfast. Besides, all my kids are normal". Angie was seething with rage. Accidentally, some sparks escaped her fingers and shocked Nolan.

Nolan's eyes widened. "There's nothing wrong with loving a girl", she quickly said, "I've lost my appetite". She snatched her phone, dashed out of the house and sent the distress text to the rest.

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