Season 5 - Ep SEVEN

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"Did you not get my million messages?" Tatiana asked once she saw Nolan, "what's this about Nolan?" "Nothing", Nolan shrugged, "I was busy. I'm sure you're familiar with the term". Tatiana frowned and asked, "is this about me dating Connor?" "What? No", Nolan scoffed, "why would that affect me?" "I dunno. You've be acting weird ever since that day", Tatiana accused, "what is up with you? What happened to my best friend?"

Nolan gave her a bored look. Tatiana huffed in frustration and walked away. Nolan rolled her eyes and went to the library. She pulled out the big book. She kept staring at it. "What secrets are inside here, Granny?" She asked out loud, "why doesn't it open?" She had tried the key again but it didn't open.

"I ran into Tatiana, what's up with the two of you?" Daniel sat across her. Nolan put the book down. "Did she send you?" Nolan asked irritated. "She didn't have too", Daniel leaned into his seat, "I've been meaning to ask you some questions. I know grandma's death was hard on you but you've been acting really different. Weirdly different". "What happens to me is not your concern". She snarled. "It is my business. We're twins, remember? We share everything".

"Not everything. Just stay out of my biz".

"I hope you know what you're doing". "I do". She answered. Daniel sat for a few minutes but he realized that she wasn't going to talk. He stood up. Nolan rolled her eyes and pulled out the book. "That reminds...what is that?" Nolan scolded herself mentally for not hiding the book quickly.

She looked at him and replied, "like I said...stay out of my business". "Where did you get the book, Nolan?" Daniel sat down again. "Can you stop asking me stupid questions?!" She yelled too loudly. Many heads turned to their directions. She hinged her jaw and glared at her twin.

Daniel ignore her look and snatched the book. "So strange" he checked the exterior. "Give it!" She whisper yelled. As soon as she touched it, the lock flew open. "Guess we were meant to share everything after all". Daniel smirked.

Present Day...

Angie placed Mike in bed and went back to school. She was about to seek out her friends when she heard her name from the speakers. "Really?!" She muttered before heading to the principal's office. She was slightly relived when she saw the others there.

"Miss Donners, have a seat". The Principal said. She sat down and composed herself. "It has come to my notice that the three of you have been constantly missing classes", he said adjusting his glasses, "now...I don't want to be judgmental by putting you girls off immediately and I don't to be inhumane by calling your parents". The girls stayed quiet.

"I understand that this semester has been tough", he sighed, "you have had to deal with one family problem or the other but your education is important. Johanson, I recall you stating you wanted to be a medical doctor and I'm sure the rest of you want to get into good colleges...this is time to work for it. You'll be in senior year soon".

The principal noticed their distressed look. He cleared his throat, "you will all have an hour detention everyday for two weeks with Mr. Dhawnren", he resolved, "he volunteered to help. I believe Mitchell and Angela have his test to retake". They all nodded to his decision. "I have to say that I am proud of you", he smiled, "I can't imagine young ladies who could be braver. And in more stunts around my computer, got it?" "Yep" Lin knew the statement was mostly directed at her.

"That went well". Lin nodded. "Better than expected but still bad", Angie sighed, "we can't be stuck in detention". "Easy for you to say. You don't have big plans". Jo had actually been feeling down since he mentioned the whole career thing. "I think you're still gonna be a kickass doctor". Lin tickled her. "She's not lying. You're the smartest here", Mitchell added, "you probably don't even need to read to pass". "Thanks guys". That boasted her mood.

"Where were you Angie?" Mitchell felt it was time to clear things up. "I had to go find something". She couldn't tell if Mitchell was hurt or angry. "Wow! So I was being held by a mad person and you wanted to go check something".

"It's not like that Mitchell".

"Then please tell me...what's it like?"

"A girl was killed! Her head was cut off. I could have done something. Anything. I got a warning of some sort". "You can't save everyone". Mitchell spat. "Ironic, isn't it? I can't save everyone else but when it's you I should coming running down?" "No, you shouldn't". Mitchell turned away.

Angie sighed. She hadn't meant for it to come out that way. "That was not cool". Jo crossed her arms. "You think I don't know that?" Angie snapped. "Hey! Chill!" Lin held their hands, "I just think we've all had a long day. We need to relax. I can't lie seeing that girl was horrifying". "She deserved better". Angie shook her head trying to forget the image.

"Anyways, what did you find?" Jo was relaxed now. "A letter. The month and year was the time of my great grandmother's death", she explained, "my mom grew up with her. The letter, though, was for my grandmother. My mom found it first". "What? That doesn't fit", Jo frowned, "my Mom said that it was your grandmother that gave the book to your Mom".

Angie's mind immediately went back to her call with Maggie. "Maggie called me before I came here", she blurted, "she said something about an imbalance in nature. She also said we changed more things in the past". "When are we going to get a break?" Lin whined. "My guess is never", Jo shrugged, "we still have to stop the killing". "I don't know why I think we're missing a piece of the puzzle". Angie frowned deeply.

"Thank you for the interview anyways". Tatiana said as she hung up. Her job hunting had not been showing progress. She poured herself a glass of water. She wasn't going to give up because she made a promise to her girls. Her phone rang. She sighed as she saw the name of the caller. She declined the call because of another promise she made to her kids.

She heard a shout from the room. She shook her head and went to attend to the problem. "Shh shh", she carried Lashana, "it's okay baby. You're with mommy now". Lashana giggled. Tatiana smiled. This was what she had to leave for. Out of the blue, she started hearing a high pitch ringing. She dropped the baby and held her head. "Ah!" She screamed uncontrollably.

Kimberly was on her bed contemplating what Nolan had said. She was afraid of getting her daughter mixed up with the magic yet she had gone so deep into it. Time traveling? She thought. That was a big red flag. Nothing with time traveling goes as planned.

She was startled by a violent bang on the metal bunk. "We didn't get a chance to complete out little meet cute". The bully was back. Kimberly was about to size her when her head started pounding. The ringing was loud. It felt like someone was jabbing tiny needles her brain. She covered her ears with her hands but it didn't stop the pain. The bully was scared at the sight. "Help! Help!" She called out to the guards.

Irene was scanning the house. Two days ago marked the anniversary of Felicity's death. Without her only child, she was restless. She still couldn't believe that it was Nolan's doing. Nolan was the first person that came to console her that day.

"Still moping, I see". A voice said from behind her. She turned but no one was there. She jumped in her skin when she saw Nolan in front of her. "You're dead". Irene shook her head. Her mind was playing tricks on her. "No matter how you deny it, I'm alive in full flesh". Nolan whispered into her ears.

Irene wanted to talk but her voice was cut up. She let out a desperate shout as the pain started. "That wasn't part of the plan", Nolan frowned, "what's happening?" Irene eventually passed out from the ringing. Nolan kicked her body and stomped out of the house.. Something was happening differently.

Sophia was in the middle of a business meeting when it hit her. "Oh my!" The people rushed to her aid. "Her ears!" A lady pointed out. Truly, her ears were bleeding. They brought in the guards and rushed her to the hospital.

Celine was in the middle of her talk with Maggie. She had caught her daughter before she had time to cover up the markings on her face. "There is something I've always wanted to tell you", Celine was more than ready to tell her the truth. However, her plan was shortened. "Mom!" Maggie screamed.

She whipped her phone and called Lin. "Meet us at the hospital. Something is wrong again".

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