Season 5 - Ep FOUR

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Nolan was walking down the halls alone. She wanted to do some last minute reading before going home. "You still glad that you're sharing the town with him?" Tatiana had asked her earlier. Daniel made a big debut into school. In less than two weeks, he had everyone swooning for him. Even that teachers. To everyone, she was now the other twin while he was the star.

She tried not to let it bother her. She didn't blame him. He didn't spend his life his Bresten. A new face would obviously get people talking and they were ridiculously good looking in their family. She switched her books and slammed it shut.

"OMG! Watch where you're going!" She heard a screech. She was about to ignore it but the voice belonged to someone she was beginning to loathe. "Oh look. She has a flyer in her hands", the girl laughed, "cheerleading tryouts are the other way. Let me tell you a secret though...blind people aren't allowed on the team". The girl and her minions laughed.

"Why don't you pick on someone your size? I doubt that your fanclub are any smarter". "What do we have here? The other twin", the girl smirked, "I suggest you be more concerned about being somebody than poking your nose in what is none of your business".

The girls laughed and strutted away. "Thanks". The girl whispered. "No problem. Just stay away from her. She is mental unstable". Nolan rolled her eyes. The petite girl chuckled and nodded. "The name's Nolan Skewer". "Denise Harpers". Denise replied. "Cute name", Nolan smiled, "well Denise if you need anything, I'll be around. I have to go". "Bye! And thanks!" She waved her off.

Daniel had football practice so Nolan had to walk home alone. She got a weird feeling as soon as she stepped inside but she ignored it. "I'm home, Granny!" She greeted. She smiled to herself as she started the usual chant, "one, two, three, four...there's a knock on the door". Oddly, she didn't get a reply.

She repeated the words and it was still quiet. She headed for the kitchen. Grandma wasn't in her usual rocking chair. "She hates sleeping in day", she said to herself, "is something wrong?" She sighed in relief when she saw her in her bed. "Granny, are you okay?" She touched her body.

It was awfully cold. She shook her, "granny, it's time to wake up", she said, "I can make your tea". No movement. "Granny?!" She shook the woman over and over. Nolan placed two fingers on her neck to check for a pulse. Her heart broke when she didn't feel anything. She whipped out her phone and dialled 911. She was already in tears at the end of the call. "Granny!" She screamed, "Granny!"

Present Day...

Kimberly was looking at the tray of what was supposed to be food. It was garbage actually. She sat alone on the table and it gave her enough space to think. That was her second day in the prison. She missed her kids but she had to console herself that she was doing this for them.

The women around her were always whispering and gossiping about her. They didn't exactly try to hide it anyways. Someone walked over to her table and pushed the tray on the floor. She slowly raised her head to meet the eyes of a well built woman. "What are you staring at?" The woman barked, "you're gonna kill me too or something?" The other women laughed.

Kimberly didn't blink in intimidation. "All the more reason why you should be careful when talking to me". She spat. "You little bitch!" She grabbed Kimberly's orange top and was about to deliver a punch. "Hey you!" A guard interfered. The woman glared at Kimberly and released her.

Another guard came in. "179! You have a visitor!" Kimberly stood up quietly and followed her. She was handcuffed and ordered to sit in the empty room. "You have five minutes". The guard told the person. Kimberly rolled her eyes for she wasn't in the mood for company.

"Kimberly". She raised her head at the sound of the sweet innocent voice. She still sounded like the shy girl she was in high school. "Celine? What are you doing here?" She was stunned. "I heard what happened", Celine sat in the chair, "I am so sorry that you had to go through all that alone". "It wasn't your fault". Kimberly reached to touch her hand.

She brushed her fingers. Kimberly furrowed her brows. There was something wrong. She looked at the face and saw the same evil glint in those eyes. She let go and said, "Nolan". Nolan smirked, "wow! You figured that fast", she said darkly, "you weren't always the brightest". "Last I heard you got yourself killed", Kimberly said bitterly, "how are you here?"

Nolan chuckled, "you of all people should know that you can make anyone see want they want with magic", she said, "you're actually an expert in that field". "That's impossible. The magic was taken away from us. The spirit was freed".

"Was it? Or was it all in your head?"

"I don't have time for your mind games. I already have this hellhole to deal with".

"Too bad. You used to love them when we were in school". Nolan pouted. "Where's the real Celine?" Kimberly asked. "Don't worry. She's safe", Nolan clicked her tongue, "she's actually bawling her eyes out. Lamenting about how the love of her life is going to rot for the rest of her life". Kimberly balled her hands. "You're both filthy beings". Nolan frowned.

Kimberly gathered her remaining patience and stood up. She didn't trust herself to be in the same room with the snake. Besides, she could get into bigger trouble as the person was carrying the face of the wife of the mayor. "You couldn't even ask me why I came or even thank me for caring", Nolan said, "I am deeply offended". "Anything that has to do with you usually comes with pain", Kimberly said, "so no...I am hardly curious".

"What a shame! I wanted to give you the gory details of my plans". That got Kimberly's rapt attention. "What plans?" She questioned. "So now, you want to know?" She snickered, "fine! I'll tell you". Kimberly resumed her seat. "I want to make the world a better place", Nolan started, "I had a great plan that was going smoothly". "You mean killing people including your best friend's daughter?"

"Felicity was just collateral damage".

"You're insane!"

"I do not dispute that. However, I wanted to be sure you were up to date with the whole change in the supernatural world". "What change?" Kimberly was getting frustrated. "You are asking too many basic questions", Nolan tsked, "I was hoping for a more interesting intro to the revelation". "Just talk. The sooner, the better". "Okay!" Nolan smiled, "well, the kids went back in time a while ago".


"Now that's the exclamation I was hoping for", Nolan cheered like a maniac, "exciting, isn't it?" "Why?" "I may or may not have intentional destroyed the book", she shrugged, "I knew they were going to change time and now that I got what I wanted, phase two is about to begin". "Time's up!" The guard shouted. Nolan stood up and dusted her dress, "you know the best part?" She smiled, "you won't be able to watch the fun or stop me".

Nolan laughed and waved as she walked out. Kimberly was too shocked to say anything. She didn't know how things were going to turn out. "Can I make my one phone call now?" She asked the guards. They led her to the telephone and she dialed the number she crammed in case of desperate times.

"Hello?" The person answered. She sighed in relief that he picked up. "Hey, it's Kimberly. Before you say anything else, we have a problem", she sighed again then gave the bad news, "Nolan is still alive and she has another master plan".

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