Season 2 - Ep NINE

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Mitchell was having a bad dream. She was tossing from one side to the other. "What's happening?" Jo was alarmed. "It's the poison", Lin guessed, "she's fighting it but it must be messing with her mind". "We need to help her", Jo said, "o learned how to manipulate people's emotions". Lin frowned, "don't you think you're taking this magic thing too far?" She was sincerely scared for her friend, "it's powers are unknown and we all know too much power corrupts". "I'm fine". Jo brushed her comment off and began the spell.

Irene left the attic in a panicked state. Angie decided that she had heard enough so she closed her eyes and shadowed into her body. "You were gone for a while". Jo commented before hugging her. "I need a bottle of water first". She panted. Lin handed it to her and she took a large gulp. "Are you hurt?" Lin asked. Angie shook her head, "guys, this is more intense than we thought", she started, "I went to Irene first". Angie checked if Mitchell was sleeping. Lin made a signal to Jo telling her to be quiet about the poison.

"I want to the attic 'cause I figured if she was to have spell books it would be there", she explained, "I heard a strange knock from the wall and once I opened it, a spirit came out".

"Like Daniel?" Jo asked.

"No. She said they were using her so I think she has a deep connection with our powers". Angie continued.

"I did weird earlier. It was like...strength?" Lin shrugged. "Exactly" she clapped her hands lightly, "I think our moms were still harnessing our powers because of her and that was why she was locked up". "That's so sick". Jo scrunched up her nose. "It wasn't Irene's fault", Angie sighed because she was headed to the hard part, "Tatiana was at the house and so was Celine and Kimberly. She knew about Mitchell's attack".

"What?!" They both yelled waking Mitchell. "What's wrong guys?" She asked in an alarmed but weak voice. "Nothing" Lin covered up, "Angie was just telling us about Daniel being her uncle. You already know that". "Oh!" Her tone was flat, "I think he's decent. He saved our asses and I feel he needs more help than the pleasure of our deaths". "We'll go call a doctor". Angie said and walked out.

"That was close!" Angie snapped at them. "We're sorry", Lin twisted her fingers in guilt, "it was just shocking". "Freaking shocking" Jo supported, "she knows about magic!" "I understand", Angie exhaled, "she knew it was one of them. She has a beef with your mom, Lin and Celine was pretty sure that..." Angie was cut short but Tatiana walking towards them. They all nodded in acknowledgement.

"Miss Roscoe, good morning" she greeted. "My dear", Tatiana smiled, "I didn't expect you to still be here. It's late". "More like early", she chuckled dryly, "we couldn't leave her". Tatiana nodded. She was about walking in but she paused, "does your Mom know that you're here?" She asked. "No. Mitchell is my priority", Angie shrugged, "I could always call my brother, Dave".

"How is your father?"

"He's good. I guess. He's not been around lately".

"It's quite obvious". Tatiana said that more to herself than Angie. She left a confused Angie outside the room. She took out her phone and called Dave. "Angie, you are so grounded when you get home". His voice was groggy. "I'm at the hospital". She said slowly. Dave paused, "who got hurt?" He asked, "please tell me that you're in one piece".

"I got out with a broken arm. Mitchell wasn't so lucky".

"Why didn't you call? Is anyone with you?"

"My friends and Mitchell's mom".

"We'll be there in the morning. Just sit tight. You'll be fine and so will Mitchell". Angie thanked him and ended the call. She drummed on her thighs with her phone. The person who could be orchestrating everything could be her mom or Jo's.

Angie could hear Tatiana talking and so was Mitchell. She decided to use that time to think about what she said. She has never that way towards anyone. Mitchell was special that much she knew. She caught herself hoping for her smile, her comfort, her smarts... Angie sighed and ran a hand through her head. I'm whipped she thought.

She slept beside Mitchell in the bed. Jo and Lin took pictures to tease them later. "Is everything okay?" Lin asked Jo who was oddly quiet. "Nothing" she answered too quickly. "Tell me the real answer". "It's nothing really. I'm just tired".

"Of what?"

"Of everything!" Jo buried her face in her palms. "I mean we used to be so close without a care in the world", she explained, "and one night turned it around. I just wanted to study and go to college".

"And you will. With that big brain of yours, you could get into Stanford or Harvard".

"I appreciate the compliment but I doubt it. I've already ruined my perfect attendance...who knows how many pop quizzes we've missed". "Take a deep breath" Jo did as she was told and relaxed. "Feel better?" Lin smiled. "Yeah" Jo replied. "Whatever you have on your's always better to let it out". "Where is Lin and what have you done to her?" They both laughed at the joke.

Angie fell asleep after she watched Mitchell. Mitchell opened her eyes when she confirmed that she had slept off. Mitchell frowned. She was in a terrible mood. She hated the fact she was still in the hospital but what troubled her was far greater.


"How are you feeling honey?" Tatiana asked once she entered the room. "How did you know I was awake?" Mitchell had just opened her eyes. "I know my babies well". Tatiana smiled. The air that hung over then suddenly became tensed. Tatiana shuffled her feet, "I know about all of you". Her words came as a shock.

Mitchell sat up with a confused look. "What do you mean, mama?" She asked. "I know about the magic", she whispered, "and I know that you know I know". "That was more confusing than your first words". Mitchell added an eye roll.

"Listen to me, Avery. This is dangerous".

"I think we already figured that part out".

"I'm serious. The magic is evil. You girls are in serious trouble".

"Mama...we know this. Our Libes have been on the line since we got the powers". Tatiana paused, "do you love that girl?" She wore a stern look, "Angie?" Mitchell cleared her throat and answered, "yeah. Yes". "Are you willing to do anything to be with her?" Mitchell was getting scared. She had never seen her Mom so worked up. "I am" she gave a short answer.

Tatiana sighed, "let's both hope that you are", she said, "because the only reason I never married and had you kids was because I was trying to hold on to the love of my life".


Mitchell was puzzled. "What did you mean?" She asked no one in particular.

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