Season 4 - Ep EIGHT

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Lin wasn't in the mood that night. She tried to excuse herself from the night's event but they would not listen. Her Mom had even received a couple of slaps before she was allowed to call Lin. "You weren't supposed to hurt her". Lin had told them with gritted teeth. "We wouldn't have to if you had show up on time". One of the men snarled. "Five minutes! Dammit!" She was angry, "how about I punch a hole in your face for five minutes?!" She calmed down and said, "please, report that I am unwell. I lost a friend today and I'm not done mourning my loss". "You can tell them yourself". The second guy pushed her.

Lin wanted to stay rooted to the ground but she knew they would hurt her mom and her brother was coming in the morning so she needed her Mom to be fine. "Fine!" She huffed and got into the car. The two idiot just chuckled in mockery. She was practically powerless to them.

Mitchell waited for them to create a distance before she started tailing them. They looked dangerous. Her mind was running in different places. She couldn't place a finger on why Lin was dressed up like that. Something told her that it wasn't a costume party.

"So we wait?" Jo asked Maggie. "Pretty much". Maggie shrugged and sat down. Jo sighed loudly. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry for being a jerk my whole life and for walking out that day". "This isn't your fault". Jo took the effort to look at her. "It feels like it is".

"Well it isn't. You are really brave you know".

"How? I suck at all this and all I've done so far is freak out".

"That isn't your fault either. Trust me, we all freaked out that night". Jo smiled sadly as she remembered. It felt like it happened yesterday. "What happened that day?" Maggie asked curiously. Jo scoffed, "Angie was right when she freaked out. Lin, Mitchell and I started feeling funny too. We went out to look for Angie", she explained, "she was hurt. We had no idea what we were doing or saying. Felicity wanted to get us help and she died in the process. It was the worst night of our lives". "How did it get easier?" Maggie asked. Jo snickered, "I never said it got easier", she said, "we got closer, yes...but things have been a whole lot difficult. The bad part is our parents are part of this madness".

"You're kidding? My Mom would never hurt a fly".

"I thought so too. But six of us have our parents in the middle of all the secrets. Whatever happened between them in the past has a huge impact on everything we see now". Maggie took it in. It was a blow after all.

The night air and the distance was hard for Mitchell. Her determination was the only thing that made her press forward. They were going to the other end of town. Mitchell was glad when they finally came to a stop.

She came down from her bike and accessed the warehouse. It didn't look like anything was happening inside or around it. Mitchell ducked when the guys came out with Lin. Lin didn't look phased. It was like she was used to it. The men showed the bouncer at the door some marks on their hands. "Don't pout. You'll get yours soon enough". She overheard them say before laughing.

She took a deep breath then walked to the guy. "Hi", she faked a voice, "I'm doing a survey about warehouses and I was wondering if I could go inside". The man gave her an unimpressed look. "Come on! I'm sure there's a cool party behind that door. Just let me go in". Mitchell whined still in pretense. "Look here kid", his voice was gruff, " I don't know how you got here but this is private property".

"Fine". Mitchell raised her hand and walked back. She closed her hands and allowed a ball of energy to start growing. "What are you doing?!" The man was terrified. "Fireworks" Mitchell smirked, "run". The man didn't think twice before speeding. Mitchell still hit him so that he wouldn't remember what happened the next morning. "Time to find out what is going on". Mitchell opened the doors and entered.

Lin felt like something was different. She was feeling a tug on her magic. Does that mean Angie is fine? She mused. She had to pull out of her thoughts when she was dragged into the control room. She frowned as she faced the monster. She was two words away from making him vanish from the face of the earth.

"Seo Lin Ye" She glared at him as she mentioned her real name. "My name is Lin Shin Ye". She prompted him. "Must be in a bad mood to have the courage to talk back", the man smirked, " a boy dumped you?" The others chorused laughter.

Mitchell was greeted with darkness. She could see a ray of light from the front but everywhere was crowded with people. If someone had told her that there were this many people in Bresten, she wouldn't have believed.

Mitchell moved cautiously. She was trying to blend in to avoid suspicion. She caught sight of Lin before she was pushed into a room. She almost tripped over but she held herself. "Can't you see?!" The guy yelled after. She ignored him and concentrated on her mission.

The control room was like a small shed so there was a window on the side. She was peeping carefully. She heard when Lin's name was called. So that's her real name? Is everything we knew about her fake? She wondered. She took a close look at the man posing the threat. The Asian resemblance was clear.

Seo Hyun Joon was the man. He was well built and tall. He had a scar on his left arm than ran from the shoulder to the wrist. He would have been a super model if not for the permanent scowl he had on his face. He was still handsome though.

Seo was a notorious man. He was well known for his gang in Korea that he brought to America. He was often referred to as 'the only man born without a heart'. He was cruel to the bone and of course, he was a killer. Lin despised everything about him yet she couldn't question the life she was born into.

Seo gave Lin a heavy slap for talking back. Mitchell gasped slightly but quickly covered her mouth to avoid being spotted. It was too late though. Seo was very experienced. He could call out an eavesdropper miles away. He signalled to his men to find the rat.

He grabbed Lin by the hair. "Remember your place here", he said sternly, "you are the daughter and I am the father. I own your life". "Yes father". Lin quickly agreed so that he would let go. She was in a lot of pain. He pushed her head down.

"I need to mark you soon", he started pacing back and forth, "you're becoming a treasure in the eyes of opposition". "You said after graduation. You promised". Lin retorted. "A silly promise means nothing to me", he shrugged, "you should know that. I promised your mother the world yet here we are...still fighting to own it". "When?" Her fate was unavoidable. "When next I come home".

He could have as well killed her there. The last time he came home, her brother ended up being blind. The men had returned without news on the intruder. "Keep an eye out for odd behaviors. I want to taste blood before the loser is decided". Seo gave the order and they moved out again.

Mitchell had manage to escape. She went back to that guy that almost tripped her. He flowed with her naturally. Mitchell heard something like a match being announced over the speakers. She stretched her head to see the large ring that had a super sized human in a corner and Lin in the other one.

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