The vigilante with centuries of experience.

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3rd Person POV: 

"You bitch! you lied to me!", spoke a young males voice roughly around the age of 13. 

The boy is kneeling on the floor his h/c hair covering his eyes as he stares at the concrete floor. His location seems to be a long corridor with a line of windows to the right of him and a set of open doors spaced between each other giving access to their rooms. Opposite the boy is a small group of children around the same age as the boy, their "leader" a young girl with onyx eyes holding a hint of sadness within them and beautiful long black hair tied into a single ponytail. 

"I'm sorry Y/n...", the girl mutters. 

"HAHAHA! Look at the quirkless freak, he's so pathetic", laughs out the group behind the girl their faces filled with glee as they watch the boy suffer in front of them. 

The boy begins to laugh as well in a hushed and eerie tone "hehehe, You'll never be a hero Momo, you're nothing but a pedestal to them once they get what they want you'll be nothing", the girl now identified as Momo tries to hold back her tears, Y/n slowly gets up off his knees takes one last hate filled look at the one who betrayed him and turns running away from the group. 

"Finally that loser is gone!", shouts one of the boys as the others nod in agreement. 

Momo only looks ahead at her only true friend's retreating figure slowly becoming smaller and smaller. Not taking in the words behind her she walks away in the opposite direction through the group going back to her class.      

Y/n POV:  

"I'm leaving this pathetic school! I thought I could actually make friends here but I was abandoned again just like my parents did to me. I'll prove that bitch wrong I will be a hero and then they will know to respect me!!" , I think. 

I've now run out of the school grounds, finally leaving this place but I can't help but think of all the memories I made with her, the only friend I had but she betrayed me jut like everyone else. 

Flashback, Y/n POV:  

It's been maybe two years since I was abandoned by my parents at this private school, all because I was quirkless, I decided to keep this fact a secret from the school who knows how I would be treated if I told them.  Luckily I was smart enough to be a part of the scholarship programme that the school had so I was able to stay and not worry on where to live. Although, the only issue now is that despite being here for two years I've not made a single friend hopefully that will chang--

"Excuse me!", shouted a young girls voice snapping me out of my thoughts. 

"huh, What?" I quickly replied. 

" Sorry if I startled you, I saw you sitting alone and thought you would like some company?", she stated the girl had shining onyx eyes accompanied by long silky black hair, I quickly recognised her as the famed student council president, Momo Yaoyorozu. 

"No it's okay you can join me if you want, I'm Y/n L/n, I know who you are obviously, I don't think anyone hasn't heard of the amazing Yaoyorozu" I reply with a smile, cursing myself on the inside for the tacky compliment. 

Surprisingly, she laughs, who knew that a small encounter like this would start to a great friendship. 

Time skip:  

It has been about 6 months since that encounter and over that time we really grew to become great friends, I even visited her house once and lets just say my room is like a fly in comparison, we formed a special bond with each other and a month ago I decided to tell her the truth. Honestly it went better than I expected not only that she didn't change at all as a result of me being quirkless but she began to support me about my aims on becoming a hero. Boy how naïve I was back then... 

Recently though something has changed Momo has stopped hanging out with me during lunch times and has only said quick "hellos" and "goodbyes". I decided to confront her about it on the way to the next class to ask what was wrong but I definitely didn't expect what was going to happen next. 

Present Time - Y/n POV:  

I continue running, not really knowing where to go until exhaustion catches up with me. I collapse onto the earthy ground, taking a look at my surroundings i realise I'm in a densely packed forest, the noise of the city muffled by the sounds of birds chirping and flapping their wings overhead. 

Realising my situation I pause, I don't want to go back to the city and now that the school know I'm quirkless I doubt they will have anyone looking for me. My priority right now should be my survival nothing else should matter. 

" You're right about that...", a gruff male voice spoke to me within my mind, my head spins around trying to locate it but nothing is there. 

" You won't be able to see me kid, I'm in your head, If you want I can teach you to survive nature's cruelty. All you have to do is accept. What do you say kid? Do you accept this proposal?" , the voice says waiting for my answer. Should I accept? What have I got to lose anyway? I take in a deep breath... 


So how was this first one shot? Sorry for the cliffhanger but for now this will be the end of the first story. Not sure when I will upload next but I hope you enjoyed my first got at a one shot. 

If you haven't realised yet this is a BNHA x male reader story. 

Hope you enjoyed!!

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