One shall stand... One shall fall... One can kill them all.

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Y/n's POV:

"I'm sorry but could you say that again?", God asked me.

"Could you reincarnate me into TFP with the ability to turn into Bellcross from Heroic age, the ability of the silver tribe and to be able to change the size of Bellcross.", I repeated to God. He seemed to still be confused by my request.

"I'm not confused,", he replied to my thoughts, "what I don't understand is why you want to go to that world if you barely know any of the plot.", God voiced his concern.

"Well I thought if me being there will effect the timeline what's the point of remembering the original plot in the first place plus I plan to add some of the transformers that had unfortunate fates to my own team. I know when they'll be in danger so I can save them from that. Also I really want to destroy MECH. Those guys suck.", I explained my thoughts to the almighty being.

"I know that you're trying to butter me up with your comments", damn it, "but I cannot question your logic. Usually people ask to be put in world that they know inside out and they always freak out when the timeline is changed. If you don't know the timeline there's no need to worry.",God spoke in consideration.

"Very well, I shall grant your wish although it's a slightly unusual one it is a wish nonetheless. I hope to see this new outcome you will explore.", God finished as there was a blinding flash of white light before I woke up in a bedroom.

Inside the room was a bed, a desk in front of the window and a simple white wooden set of draws. The walls were coloured in a muted (f/c) paint with the ceiling designed to look like a galaxy with the lightbulb at the centre. On the desk was a small slip of paper which read:

Dear Y/n,

This is God, I have gifted you this house and set you up with the school here in Jasper Nevada. Your house is located on the edge of town so there is a bit of a distance but I presumed if you were to be followed you wouldn't want someone to connect the dots.

In terms of activating your ability and to change your size think "Bellcross altered", this will half his height to 25 ft and "Bellcross Maximum", for the full height of 50 ft.

For the silver tribe power just think of the shield or arrows and meditate for your astral form. It's quite simple.

There is a credit card down stairs so you won't have to worry about money and getting a job. I've set up a bit of background history for you so it doesn't look like you appeared out of nowhere.

I hope I don't see you too soon,

Regards God.

Once I finished reading the note the paper burned up in white flames not even leaving traces of ash behind. So with nothing else to do but the urge to try out my powers I quickly left the house, picking up my keys, locking the door and began to run around the town to know where everything is. Much like all Nodos we are more enhanced compared to regular humans so I'm practically a super soldier, it was barely 10 minutes before I returned back home with barely any traces of sweat on me. I had a fairly average build and I still held the experience I had from my last world in this body, I guess learning all that martial arts will come in handy against the enemies of this world.

After my short jog, I was able to map out key places and also find out around the time of when I am. Sort of dropped the ball on when I wanted to be placed but I'm quite early into season 1 of TFP so that means I have plenty of time to prepare before I begin to change everything for the better. The first thing is to test out Bellcross' full capabilities, since his altered form is 25 feet tall its best for me to train in the canyons that way I can be far from both the bots and cons.

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