Why should you hide what makes you different?

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3rd POV:

Busy crowds bustling through the streets, caped crusaders on patrol and students hurrying to school. A normal day in the city of Musutafu, a hub for upcoming heroes and villains, today is UA's Entrance exam where those who wish to become future heroes and the best of the best join.

Walking towards the gates of UA is a somewhat large figure possibly around 6'5 ft donning a black hood to cover his face accompanied with casual clothing the figure with his hands in his pockets keeps his eyes on the doors of UA.

As he is walking somebody bumps into his towering figure and falls to the ground with a small yelp. Slowly he turns around to see a girl with a pink complexion with hair to match, two small horns are seen protruding from the mess of hair. Her eyes are the most distinct feature, glowing yellow orbs of light surrounded by pitch black space.

Mina's POV:

I was too excited to get to UA that I didn't look where I was going and bumped into a student in front of me. It felt like I hit a wall and I fell to the ground. The student? I think he was a student had turned around to face me. It was like I was looking at a giant.

Once I had gotten over his height, I took a look at his face I noticed he had crimson red skin and short clean yet unkempt black hair then I looked into his eyes they were very similar to my own eyes with the only difference being they were a dull and emotionless (f/c) orbs almost blending with the black surrounding them. But something else had drawn me away from his eyes two red disks coming from his forehead, for what felt like forever I was staring at them wondering what they were and as if I had run into another wall I had realised they were once his horns but why would they look like that? Did he do it himself or was he bullied ?

A voice had broken the silence. " Are you alright? You've been staring at me for a while now?", he had asked in a calm tone. I could feel the heat rushing to my face from embarrassment. How long have I been staring at him?!

He offered his hand to me to help me off the ground. "T-thank you, I- I didn't mean to stare. There aren't that many people that look similar to me", I had said quietly to him. He in turn gave a kind smile and replied.
"To be honest I was surprised as well. Ah I forgot to introduce myself the names Y/n, good luck in your exams uh..", he paused.
"M- Mina", I stuttered again. "Good luck in your exams too."
He nodded and continued to make his was to the doors.

"Mina? Are you alright? He didn't hurt you did he?" One of my female classmates had asked.

"What? No. He helped me up after I bumped into him.", I returned in confusion.

" He looked very scary and intimidating, I wouldn't be surprised if he was related to a villain. We should get inside or we'll be late", the same classmate replied.

I nodded and headed to the doors as well. I don't think Y/n was scary at all, maybe because of his height but if I'm being honest with myself he was maybe even handsome. 'Ahh! What am I even saying I've only just met him. But still I wonder what happened to his horns?' , I internally pondered while trying to keep my blush hidden from my classmates.

Y/n's POV:

Once I had finished my written exam I had made my way to the auditorium where we will have to practical exam explained to us. With my hood still up I took a seat and began to read over the leaflet that we were given. From the information given there are a total of 4 robots and 3 that you must destroy to earn points. Seems simple enough. My thoughts were distracted when some one had addressed the audience.

"Look at all the participants this year! Can you guys give a YEAH!!?", the punk rock hero had shouted. Present mic wasn't a favourite of mine after listening to his radio at home whenever Mum decides to cook and sing in the kitchen. I shiver at the mere thought of it.

He continues despite the awkward silence and begins to explain about the first 3 robots: 1st for one point, 2nd for two points and 3rd for three points with difficulty raising from lowest to highest number.

Just before he could explain the 4th robot he was interrupted by a student in one of the higher rows.

"Excuse me? It seems to be that UA has made a mistake as it clearly states that there are 4 robots on the leaflet where you have only addressed 3 of them. This is unsportsmanlike of a prestigious school like UA to do and on another note you there the boy behind the muttering green haired boy you should show respect to the school and take your hood off.", he finished pointing at me directly.

With an annoyed sigh I stood up and faced Present mic. I took my hood of revealing my red skin, (f/c) eyes and my flattened down horns to a point only the stumps had remained. From this action I received a few gasps of surprise and some of fear. 'Sigh, this always happens' , I thought.

"I'm sorry for my rudeness Present mic sir, I meant no disrespect. There are usually people that judge me because of my mutation so I forget to take my hood off when inside.", I explained to the teacher / hero. After finishing I sat back down hoping for no more interruptions.

"That's all right Listener!! This school prides itself on being a judge free zone so any one is welcome!! As I was about to point out the 4th robot has no points and is there as a distraction it would be best for you to ignore it!!", Present mic had exclaimed to the audience. With some students having guilty looks for already judging me.

"My apologies for the inconvenience sir!", the student at the back had quickly apologised.

Finally after the explanation of the do's and don'ts of the exam I collected my designated number for my practical exam. Luckily it seemed that the student that pointed me out earlier was in a different area. Getting on the bus that will take us the the area I began to think of my strategy. My quirk was good for offence but I need to be careful so depending on the area I should be able to find something to protect me as well.

I was the last to get off the bus and stood at the back of the group of examinee's that stood in front of a huge gate. I quickly remembered that I still had my hood on. 'It would be better to take it off so it doesn't get damaged. Dad made sure it was temperature resistant but I can't be too careful.' , I contemplated.

Taking off the jumper revealed my tightly fitted white sleeveless vest my red skin shining under the sunlight. When my jumper was off I was finally able to unwrap my tail from my stomach with the arrow head like tip of the tail just barely touching the floor. There were some stares but it was best to focus on the exam first and foremost. With the ring of the bell the gates had opened to reveal a cityscape.

This is great I'm in my element.

A/n: phew. That took longer to write. I wanted to test different POV's apart from 3rd and the readers so that was fun. I tried to make the quirk not too obvious for this story. If you know give a comment. The next story should be a Steven universe one you'll just have to read to find out.

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